To Sea or Not To See…..
Last week Charlie, Ann, Dockie and I drove over to Stuart to several marinas….especially to check on Mariner’s Cay. Our brother, Aaron, is taking a two week vacation in his new boat, The Dude, and plans are to meet the second day at Mariner’s Cay in Stuart. Since Aaron must travel from Daytona Beach the timing is important for the rendezvous.
The Dude contains the best state-of-the-art radar and GPS equipment that money can buy….Just ask Aaron….he sold his big boat, The Pretty-Ugly, and invested all that money on navigational equipment for The Dude.
This is the first ’trial run’….
Destination is planned for the Keyes area…Islamorada and Marathon.
Hoping to be at the Miami Municipal Marina on the 4th of July means that the boats plan to travel outside the Intracoastal in order to make time since there are so many ’no-wake’ zones along the Florida south coast ICW….
…..These are the plans…..The ‘real thing’ may be completely different….
Since our family will be at the Grand Cypress for our annual celebration, we plan to call the ‘Boating Brothers’ on the 4th and see how things are going…
We may….or may not….trailer our “Gator” and meet up with them somewhere along the trip. There will be other family boaters who sensibly will be renting a house in Marathon…..Chris, Nancy and Kurt with their refurbished Sea Ray and Nancy and Todd Family with their boat as well…
Only time will tell…..we very well may be ‘celebrated out’ by the 5th or 6th of July….
By the way, on our trip to Stuart last week we stopped at the Indiantown Marina. Our friends who help ‘run the place’, Ann and Tony, and who have lived in a sailboat in the marina for about 7 years….have a ‘new dream’ coming to reality ….Ann and Tony are wonderful Christians who have worked with the youth in their area and now are planning to use their sailboat as a ministry of their faith….Going back and forth to the Bahamas will be a discipline/retreat for those who are ‘new in the faith’ and trying to get their lives in order….What a wonderful, natural way for them to give back in blessings what they live in such rich abundance naturally.
I was thrilled as I talked to them….reminding them of the Youth With A Mission ship….the Mercy ship….which does that around the world. I have been to The Mercy as it docked in St. Petersburg and their mission is totally awesome….May God Truly Bless Ann and Tony in this “Mission of Faith”…in….The Good Life!
Jun 29, 2004
Jun 28, 2004
Having just returned from a week at our boat in Okeechobee, we are rested, tranquil, serene and… Peace….
Upon opening my e-mail….I found one that is a timely reminder of how to preserve this peace….during traffic, holiday celebrations….and normal living…..Please note:
The most destructive habit.................................Worry
The greatest Joy...........................................Giving
The greatest loss..........................................Loss of self-respect
The best medication………………………………......................Laughter
The most satisfying work...................................Helping others
The ugliest personality trait..............................Selfishness
The most endangered species................................Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource..............................Our youth
The greatest "shot in the arm".............................Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome...........................Fear
The most effective sleeping pill...........................Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease.........................Excuses
The most powerful force in life............................Love
The most dangerous pariah..................................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer.......................The brain
The worst thing to be without.... .........................Hope
The deadliest weapon.......................................The tongue
The two most power-filled words............................"I Can"
The greatest asset.........................................Faith
The most worthless emotion.................................Self-pity
The most beautiful attire..................................SMILE!
The most prized possession.................................Integrity
The most powerful channel of communication.................Prayer
The most contagious spirit.................................Enthusiasm
Everyone needs this list to live by...pass it along!!!
Posted by
8:21 AM
Jun 18, 2004
A New Thing…
Fulfilling a dream….just for the fun of it….can be…FUN!
Look at Poppa George Bush at 80 doing another….Skydive…..
Having done a tandem skydive myself I know the sheer thrill of it…
It takes courage to fulfill such a dream especially at 80 years of age...
I’m wondering what kind of bravery will be in my heart at 80...…Only God knows!
Knowing that Ronald Reagan turned 70 on Feb. 6, 1981...and served as President of the United States for 8 years…shows me that being the age of 70 does not have to mean that a person is ’put out to pasture’ so to speak….Great courage, strength and convictions were necessary in order to take over one of the hardest jobs in the land…at 70 years of age….Then finishing that job, successfully, at 78 years of age….sounds crazy doesn’t it?
Don’t think I would like to take on such a challenge…
Would you????
All this tells me…..we can become part of something meaningful…..and FUN….. AT ANY AGE!
Now I ask myself…..”What is my dream to fulfill?”
Guess I will just have to….’consider that’….as my Southern Daddy used to say….Which reminds me…..for all of you wonderful Father’s out there….and for those of you who have been a great ‘Father image’ for others…….Happy, Happy, Happy, Blessed…..Father’s Day on Sunday, June 20, 2004.…May God Bless You…..abundantly….with The Good Life!!!
Posted by
8:48 AM
Jun 17, 2004
Full Speed Ahead
Today is our son, Chad’s, birthday….Happy Birthday…Brat!
Our family is meeting at J. Alexander’s for our evening meal and celebration…. On Sunday we go to Chuck’s house and church for the Father’s Day celebration as a family…
Next week we plan to spend the entire week at our boat in Okeechobee. Maybe we can have some relaxing, tranquil times….and perhaps some nautical adventures as well. Dockie will be taking his “Eagle’s Nest” out of the water at Indiantown in order to remove the one prop that Kurt and Bill could not manage with scuba gear….We, also. will be taking our small boats in order to do some ’run and burn’ trips….
At any rate….life moves forward at full speed….
Ready or not…..the future is NOW….
Enjoy each days blessings to the fullest….it is the only way to go….
Full Speed Ahead!!!
Birthday pictures…Link #1 Birthday and Celebrations Album
Posted by
9:55 PM
Jun 16, 2004
The Oddest Thing…..Happened!
Our lives have been quite busy in the last week or so and as a result I have been away from my computer…
I have missed talking, laughing, and conversing with many of you….and I
find myself being caught up in the ‘it’s happening now’ requirements…
No excuse…we all have the same 24 hours each day don’t we?
Sunday afternoon Charlie and I decided to put the top down on the convertible….and cruise over to Ft. DeSoto Beach area….
Temperature was about 92 degrees…..we did not linger on the beach very long….the water was like spa temperature….
Arriving back home and jumping in our own pool quickly lowered the heat wave we had experienced. It, also, washed away the sticky, salty film put there from the ocean’s liquid sunshine.
The oddest thing happened……I discovered that I did not really wish to live by the ocean… I have for years…..
Being content with my present tropical back yard and pool is a ‘new revelation’ to me….Actually it is nothing short of….A Miracle as my family will profess…..
Therefore…I declare that It Is A Good Life……even when we give up a dream….of our own free will…..that we have outlived…..and no longer find relevant to our ‘now’ life….
Yes… IS….the oddest thing!
Posted by
11:16 AM
Jun 15, 2004
Check out this page....and site...
It is ...awesome....
Posted by
8:25 AM
Jun 11, 2004
What’s So Funny?
Have you ever tried to …keep from laughing?
It is very, very hard….especially if someone is trying to make you laugh!
I’ve played this ‘game’ often especially with children…..but adults are harder. Setting the face in a somber position, deliberately, maintaining a strict discipline of mind while silly antics are being performed in ones face….is really quite a task…
It can be done but the cost is great…..inside the seams of reflex are bursting to be released from the stress imposed upon a spontaneous body function.
Continually thinking…’what’s so funny, what’s so funny’? sometimes helps but in the end…..the desire to laugh rules over all…..
Then……it feels so good….even if you ‘lose the game’….it is worth it just to let go and burst out with…….laughter…..
Which means to me…..Laughter makes us….FEEL GOOD!
Being around and with someone that ‘makes us laugh’ naturally is really a good place to be….Good clean FUN is certainly a much needed exercise for ‘mature adults’ today. It is good for the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical being….It revives life. It refreshes ones soul. It tickles the senses with delight….
Cheapest medicine on the market today… fact, it can even keep one from actually ‘needing medicine’ .
The Proverbs say this (17:22 LB)….A cheerful heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick….
And believe it or not…..Laughter will help you….live longer….
Yep, it says it right here in Proverbs..14:10...A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life; jealousy rots it away…..
Therefore I will make a deliberate attempt to……Laugh more, Love more and Enjoy the Blessings of…..The Good Life!
Let’s Laugh NOW :) :) :)
Posted by
8:34 AM
Jun 9, 2004
Very seldom do I post anything from an e-mail....
This one below gives information that is not generally known....
Anyone that has ever served in this post.....should receive America's gratitude...
FOR LIFE....I want to salute...with RESPECT....any of you who have honorably served as a guard at the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier.....
It is far and beyond the call of duty.....America Honors Y O U!!!
May God continually Bless Your Life....With....The Good Life!
Subject: Tomb of Unknown Soldier
I have never read this before, it is very interesting. Who would have imagined that the guards for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier committed to all these rules. Wonderful young men!!!!!
Did you know....... This must take a special kind of person.
1. How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why?
21 steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, which is the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.
2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walk and why?
21 seconds for the same reason as answer number 1.
3. Why are his gloves wet?
His gloves are moistened to prevent his losing his grip on the rifle.
4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time, and if not, why not?
He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb. After his march across the path, he executes an about face, and moves the rifle to the outside shoulder.
5. How often are the guards changed?
Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.
6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?
For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, he must be between 5' 10" and 6' 2" tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30."
Other requirements of the Guard:
They must commit 2 years of life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives. They cannot swear in public for the rest of their lives and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tomb in any way. After
two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on their lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only 400 presently worn.
The guard must obey these rules for the rest of their lives or give up the wreath pin.
The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the heat and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt. There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform.
Guards dress for duty in front of a full-length mirror.
The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone, nor watch TV.
All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred. Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe E. Lewis {the boxer} and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, {the most decorated soldier of WWII} of Hollywood fame.
Every guard spends five hours a day getting his uniforms ready for guard duty.
I don't know if you saw this in the news but it really impressed me. Funny, our US Senate/House took 2 days off as they couldn't work because of the expected storm.
On the ABC evening news, it was reported tonight that, because of the dangers from Hurricane Isabelle approaching Washington DC, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment.
They respectfully declined the offer, "No way, Sir!"
Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson.
The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.
We can be very proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve.
God Bless them.
Posted by
8:38 AM
Jun 8, 2004
Having the Tampa Bay Lightning Team Win the Stanley Cup Championship last night certainly brings Tampa back into the winning circle….
Like the Bucs from previous years of loosing and loosing and loosing and then………winning the Super Bowl in 2003.….
Well, it just changes things, doesn‘t it?
Also, on today’s news as we celebrate the life of former President Ronald Reagan…..after a week-end of viewing the Normandy landings of 60 years ago by our brave military in World War II
…….one word comes to mind……
R E S P E C T….
Respect means to feel or show honor or esteem for; hold in high regard.
It is with great pleasure that I see ’respect’ coming to life again in the good ole U.S.A.
Our Chuckie/Pipo told of wearing his Marine Uniform in Indianapolis and being stopped over and over and have people thank him for his service to our country…..He has not been to Iraq yet the uniform brought respect from the heart of many people.
A person without respect inside….will not or can not show….respect.
It is a mark of ‘great humility’ to show respect……for that which is honorable, noble, sacred, and worthy of the recognition of authentic greatness.
This is why…..I respect and salute…..The American Flag.
Our flag represents the price paid, by fellow Americans, for the freedom and blessings we enjoy in this Land of Plenty.
America is certainly due our respect as…..The Land of the Free and still the Home of the Brave!
God Bless America!
Posted by
8:38 AM
Jun 4, 2004
It’s the God’s Truth……
Watching children play together can be very enlightening.
Often disagreements arise, hitting each other happens, and shortly thereafter it is forgotten. Unless an adult intervenes and drags their child away from the offender…. Children resolve differences more quickly than adults.
I’ve watched Britt as she admonished Joshua when he needed it by saying….”Say, I’m sorry, Joshua.”
He really does not want to say it….and sometimes balks at length….but she won’t take ’no’ for an answer. Didn’t our parents teach us the same thing?
How easily we forget the fundamental manners and kindness of our childhood.
Thank you, please, I’m sorry, may I help you, Please forgive me, I forgive you,etc.
Sure don’t see much of this in the youth of today….
I’m reminded of an old saying….”He who seeks a friend without a FAULT remains without one”…..
‘Tis true…’Tis true….yep, ’Tis true.
Posted by
8:45 AM
Jun 3, 2004
Writers and Words….
Everyone has a story to tell….Believe me I know this truth….
Below is a small children’s story by Jenny Lee, which I have condensed in order to say to you……Y O U, too, should write YOUR VERY OWN STORY OF LIFE…It will help define you to YOU……It is called……
Benjamin’s Book……
Once upon a time there was a bookworm. His name was Benjamin, but everyone just called him Benny for short. He lived in a large public library, where he traveled from one book to another. He liked to read all day long.
One day after Benny had just finished reading a book, he said to himself, “That was a silly story. I could write a better one myself.”
And he decided to do just that.
Benny crawled down off the bookshelf and over to the desk.
When he got to the top of the desk, he sat down on the typewriter to write a great book. “Now, let me see,” said Benny.
“Lots of stories start out with…Once Upon A Time.”
So Benny started with that, but he couldn’t think of anything else to write.
Benny crawled across the desk and back again, trying to think of something else to write. He thought and thought, but he couldn’t think of what to write next. “Writing a story is harder than I thought,” he said, “but I know what’s the matter. I NEED TO GO OUT INTO THE BIG, WIDE WORLD AND GET SOME IDEAS.”
So Benny crawled out of the library and down the street until he came to a forest. He sat down under a tree and waited for something to happen.
And something did happen.
After a while a tiger came by and sat down to talk with Benny.
After talking about Benny’s problem the tiger said, “You need to write about someone interesting. You should write about me. It’s always interesting to read about a tiger.”
Benny said good-by to the tiger and then he thought and thought, but nothing came to him….he couldn’t think of anything to write about the tiger….
Soon a lion came by…..declaring to Benny that a lion was more interesting to write about than a tiger….But poor Benny couldn’t think of anything to write about a lion.
While he was trying to think of something, a rabbit came by…
After hearing of Benny’s dilemma, the rabbit declares….”A lion!” said the rabbit. “No wonder you can’t think of anything to put in your story. A lion doesn’t do anything but roar. You should write about me. I’m sweet and gentle.” “Maybe you’re right, “ said Benny. So he wrote down….
Once upon a time there was a rabbit.
But poor Benny couldn’t think of anything to write about a rabbit. He thought and he thought until his head hurt. He thought until it grew dark.
When it was dark, an owl came out of a hole in the tree that Benny was sitting under. “What’s wrong with you?” asked the owl. “You look sick.”
“I’m tired of thinking,” said Benny. “I’m trying to write a story. All I can think of is…Once upon a time there was a rabbit.”
“Once upon a time there was a rabbit!” said the owl.
“I know, I know,” said Benny quite crossly. “You think I should write…
Once upon a time there was an owl”….
“No, no,” said the wise owl…”That’s not what I was going to say at all. I was going to say that you should write about something YOU KNOW.
Is there anything that you know more about than ANYONE ELSE?
If there is, write about that.”
“I never thought of that,” said Benny. “That’s a good idea.”
Then he said thank you to the owl and crawled back home as fast as he could.
As soon as Benny got back home to the library, he sat down on the typewriter and began to write. ….Once upon a time there was a bookworm. His name was Benjamin, but everyone just called him Benny for short. He lived in a large public library, where he traveled from one book to another……
After Benny had finished writing the story, he read it over and said, “Boy, that’s a great story!” Then feeling very tired, he crawled into a book and went to sleep.
As the old saying goes….the moral of this story is…..Write in your own words….about things you see, about people you know, and about how you feel about life. Write about something that is important to you. Remember that one of the best ways to be a writer is to begin by writing about something that you know….
As I have said time and time again….(Matt are you listening?)
Others may be more skilled in writing techniques and correctness….but no one can tell my personal story or thoughts of life…..better than I can.
This is true for you as well…..You do have a story to tell.
I dare you to start recording your own story/journal of life.
What interesting reading it would be…..Our Matthew, Mattie C. who is 22.…is a perfect example. I have been on to him since he started college… write. He has a perspective of life that is very interesting….he is a deep thinker….he is a reader….he is full of adventure of the soul…..he is very creative….and he grew up in our family…..expressing himself in many creative ways….
Yet, he can not seem to get started for some reason or another….
He can take some lessons from Benny…..
In fact, last night we met with Matt and his fiancĂ©e, Ashley, and Britt and Joshua at La Teresita to celebrate his birthday. The rest of the family had a party on Saturday at Chad’s but we were in Okeechobee…
One of the gifts that I gave Matthew was a blank journal bound in Tuscany leather in order to start recording some of his ‘profound thoughts’.
Making the decision to start is the first hurdle….
Once upon a time there was a young man named Matthew……
Yes, Dockie you finally wrote your book, didn’t you?
I wonder why it is so filled with Florida water adventures…..Could it be that you the author, experienced everything that you wrote about?
Now that makes for good reading…..
Now my challenge goes to…..Blake!
With his Makinson historical family background …..he certainly has a story to tell….after all his Dad did start the first Kissimmee Boat-A-Cade among many other firsts….Come on Blake, step out of ‘retirement’ and get to work on your computer….should be easy for you….Your Mother was a wonderful writer and recorder of family events. She is the one who first challenged me to write my family stories and vignettes…
Let’s hear about…..your families…..Good Life….you should know you are living it daily…..and…..MORE….To….Come!
P.S. Betty how about you, dear one? Where are you in your writing now?
Posted by
10:10 AM
Jun 2, 2004
Let’s face it….if everybody was like us….like me….like you….the world sure would be….B O R I N G!!!
I am so glad that we are…uniquely different.
I love to meet someone that is full of life, fun, adventure and by hearing of their experiences… life takes on more rhythm…
I am given more opportunities to learn about other ways in life of which I would probably never, ever be able to experience.
The diversity of others….enhances my life wonderfully.
Over the week-end when I met Susan, who works at Disney World, that is exactly how she explained her job to me. Susan said that one of the things she enjoyed about her work is that she meets such a diverse group of human beings at Disney World.
Diversity in life is a continuous learning experience.
We certainly can learn something new from everyone we meet.
What are others learning from us?
Actually, there is one thing that I learn from some people….to leave them alone…..their attitude of life is so sour or dismal that it chases people away.
Then there are others that we wish to draw near to and learn their secret of being….Makes life exciting doesn‘t it?
Posted by
4:30 PM
Jun 1, 2004
Celebrate Life!
Returning home from a wonderful Memorial Day week-end kinda puts a kink into things….Would have much preferred to remain in the peaceful domain of our Taylor Creek dock….reading my books and listening to tranquil music.
Life has interfered…..back to the ‘salt mines’……
All the nautical family and friends with which we shared our ‘good time’ returned home well fed for sure. Since the Bluegill fish were biting like crazy….everyone who went fishing had success. Eating fresh fish, fresh peas, homegrown tomatoes and many other wonderful home cooked dishes was a southern gourmet delight…
Celebrating three birthdays, Don, Sam and Charlie’s, was our excuse for a real good time…..Music, food, friends, and ’crazy-acting-fun-people’ who were our in-house/boat entertainment ….kept us laughing heartily…..
Our prim and proper…NOT….bankers, Sally and Bonnie, were truly a riot.
They earned every penny they were paid and MORE!
Of course some of us agree that we were a little short of ‘rum cake’!
Still think Bill got extra-special treatment from Pat and Kenneth!
Dockie had a job for the scuba team, Kurt and Bill.
Changing two props in mucky water was certainly a challenge…Even the heavy duty sledgehammer that Sam came up with didn’t complete the job. Only one prop was able to be changed….the other one refused to budge for the two muscle men involved. ‘To be continued’, says Dockie…
(See pictures Link #1 A Fun Time Album)
Having Bill and Susan join us was a true delight. They added so much to our serious fun….Sweet and gracious Susan, provided a very unique wine but I sure don’t want to be sitting by Sally when she orders it in a restaurant!
Experienced nautical Bill….almost sunk his boat right before our very eyes. Get him to tell you his side of the story!!!
Yet he redeemed himself with Kenneth’s air con repair and providing Annie P. with a $100 bill when needed…..
Sally’s granddaughter, Melissa, and her father, Gary, came by and she signed my CD of her music….That 13 year old young lady can certainly sing….She uses her gift to bless many people from singing the National Anthem at civic events to singing for terminally ill children.
Yep, she is my young ‘hero’.
Along with….Carla Maria…..Our whole clan went to her graduation on Wednesday night before going to Okeechobee…..we are so proud of our
Exotic creature….Carla….She certainly is our ‘baby doll’.
See family pictures on Link #1...AAA Blessings & Family Album.
So as you can see….The Good Life rolls on…..
Enjoy Yours!!!
P.S….I have other pictures to post in the A Fun Time Album as soon as Walker get them to me…Watch out, Sally!!!
Posted by
5:35 PM