Jan 30, 2006

Having a family 'garage sale' can be interesting....our Southern Belle Victorian princess, Melissa Jo, displays lace gloves, doily on head and fan from Spain plus German Ski Scarf....
Chad pulls 'Mom & Son' in big wagon for sale...

Aunt Lynn and her 'sweet turkey'....

Lil Chuck wants heart basket...and gets it....

Celebrating with a Mexican food dinner..Lynn, MissiJo, 'lil Chuck, & Ashley

Jan 26, 2006

Get Motivated!
Just returned from a Motivation Seminar....and
am sorry I went!
Now I feel obligated to produce something....tangible from all the
investment of the speakers....
Gen. Colin Powell, Rudolph Giuliana, Bobby Bowden, Zig Ziglar,
and a host of other 'business' inspirers...
I already had more information in my head than I use anyway...
so why in the world would I place myself in an environment
to 'accumulate more information' that I won't use.......
Beats me
I enjoyed being with the people I went with, had some
good laughs
mixed with 'out of the ordinary' people who are
interested in 'personal growth' and ....what did I learn most?
How to deal with stress!
Traffic going and into parking, one hour in line to get a salad,
and an hour and a half driving back to Tampa afterwards...
all that was for 'free'......learned 'coping' skills anew.
Guess you can tell that I have no desire to go to
Gasparilla this week-end....
I am motivated to....stay at home.

Jan 23, 2006

*Click to enlarge pictures***
'Once Upon A Time'.....the following pictures tell the story of dreaming and.....Dreams Realized....the blessings of...The GOOD Life!

Greeting the morn....

Charlie with both his loves....the Go Gators plus the Milagro...proving that Dreams DO Come True!

This boat is truly...One-Of-A-Kind....Martha & Bruce take a spin in the 'Sassy'....how beautiful her lines are when she is 'a runnin'......(***click to enlarge)

Pier 33 owners, Sam & Sally, offer their hospitality to nautical friends again....outdoor fire for steamed oysters and other foods keeps Sam busy as usual....

The "Just Do It" guy...Dockie enjoys the Good Life...and steamed oysters then he and Annie P. go home by Boston Whaler water taxi to their 'Okeechobee Property'....

Leaving our Okeechobee Home. The Milagro

Jan 19, 2006

Girls day out! Melissa, Pammy, Cindy and Annie P. enjoy....Animal Kingdom...and Florida Sunshine...

Jan 17, 2006

Below is a poem that I wrote a few years ago and it seems appropriate now...
I posted it in Feb. of 2003 along with some others
I had written at the same time...
To Be or Not To Be?
Have you ever let your soul....roll?
Have you ever set your spirit....free?
Have you gotten in tune with life
Like a monkey in a tree.....?
If you have not my friend,
Why, you need a kick in your end.....
Because life is a frolic when once we see,
That in taking ourselves soooo seriously,
We often miss the joy each day
Of living, fully, in a creative, fun-filled way....
But 'tis not too late to have some fun,
Just take your troubles to The Son....
For what He said is full of life,
Which cuts across all pain and strife
This releases both you and me...
To be totally and joyously,100% FREE!!!
John 8:36...... If the Son makes you free, then you will be FREE indeed.......

Jan 16, 2006

Matt & Ash surprised me.... ***Click on pictures

then we Celebrated......Love!

Chuckie & 'Cash'

Dog Gone
Sharing a wonderful week-end with our friends,
Kurt, Melissa & Pammy Collins was....Fun.
Pam...who loves all animals....was surprised with a gift of tickets from her parents for the Tampa Convention Center hosting of the
AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.
They attended all day on Saturday and I took Kurt's ticket for Sunday so
that he could...of all things boring....watch a ball game with Charlie.
These dogs, all 3,471 of them, were presented at what was written about as...
'one of the most prestigious dog shows in the world'....
One 'guest' required pate, ordered from a specific restaurant with a note
from hotel concierge: "Hold the pistachios."
Another requests a masseuse.
Even the grass they walk on was replaced every day....
Pammy's favorite was Knotty, a bloodhound and last year's
AKC Best in Show Champion.
See last picture for Pammy's choice of....Champion this year....
Now the dogs are gone....but the fun memories remain to enjoy
again and again....

My dear friend, Melissa, shows me her surprise Christmas gift from her 'sweet' husband, Kurt....Way to go, Kurt...

Pammy's dream was fulfilled....
being able to have a 'hands on' relationship with all kinds of....dogs....

Of course, water transportation 'sightseeing' was a part of the week-end with our nautical friends....Kurt, Melissa, Charlie & Pammy enjoy....The Good Life!

Bald dogs, hairy dogs, all kind of dogs among the 3,471 shown
at the Tampa Convention Center AKC National Championship

Pammy visiting with "Mastiff" breed....costumes portray breed background...

Packing up to go home....Show dogs serve a useful purpose

The Winner according to Pammy!
Roxy Collins....Judge Charlotte gave the final vote.........

Jan 13, 2006

Happy New Year Joshua....

The Best Things In Life

Aren’t THINGS.....

Reflecting on the “Good Life”

Here are a list of ‘wonders’ that lift the heart and spirits...Personalize them for yourself and send on to someone who needs a lift today.....

1. The feel of grass after a fresh rain.

2. Coming home.

3. Singing in the shower.

4. Catching raindrops with your tongue.

5. Holding a baby.

6. Running into an old friend.

7. Getting an inspiring e-mail just as needed.

8. The smell of fresh baked bread.

9. A sleeping baby.

10. Birds singing in the early morn.

11. Holding hands.

12. Lunch with a friend.

13. Seeing a rainbow.

14. Hearing a child say their prayers.

15. Climbing into a bed with fresh, clean sheets.

16. Daydreaming.

17. Belly laughing.

18. Smelling flowers in bloom.

19. Getting a call from a long distance family member.

20. Hearing the word...Mom....Dad....Grandma....Grandfadder...

21. The American Flag blowing in a breeze.

Jan 9, 2006

Get-togethers with family and friends are always fun,
but getting everyone together isn't always easy.
As our family grows larger and larger....and more spread out....
and more years come and go....
a 'Granny reality check' is needed....
Granny Baxter was a 'family-togetherness-reunion-fanatic'....
We are letting her down!
This was the conversation between Nancy and Chad at Jane's memorial.
They have taken it on to do something tangible about this 'neglect'....
Expect to hear from them soon....

Jan 7, 2006

Jane Del Grande, we ,your friends,

pay tribute and love to you today at your memoriaL....
God's Heart now holds you securely, safely and whole
in the presence of His Love.
Our love goes with you....
...Until we meet again

Food....A 'fitting' tribute to Jane.....in love and respect....
we will miss you, dear one....

Cpt. Bill & Susan....Jane's nautical friends...

Lynn, Chad, Brian and Nancy....enjoying sunshine at Jane's ....

Jan 6, 2006

Carla & Monte....double delight! Happy 'Florida' New Year!

Jan 2, 2006

Celebrating....2 0 0 6
Click on picture to enlarge


Jan 1, 2006

A Florida New Year's Day.....2006

Melissa Jo and 'Lil Chuck'

Joshua says...."Happy New Year !"

Hyatt Grand Cypress sends up champagne and strawberries to returning Iraqi Marine Chuckie & Melissa...celebrating with baby too....

Ms. New Year 2006...Melissa Jo

Part of our crazy family at Grand Cypress on Dec. 31, 2005...11:47 p.m.

MJ...our New Year's girl...