Nov 28, 2007

Keep On Dancin'

Keep On Dancin’

One of my today’s inspirational readings is a perfect summary
of my “It’s A "Good Life" philosophy...
It is written by Tim Hansel who is a speaker and author...Tim wrote this:
“One of the rarest species on the face of the earth may soon become extinct .....those few human beings who truly know how to enjoy life....
They glorify God not only with their words but even more with their lives.
They enjoy God FOR WHO HE IS, not just for what He can do for them.
To them, each day holds its own reward.
They know that each twenty-four hours is a once-in-a-lifetime privilege and that happiness is a by-product of quality living.
Their lives are lived according to their priorities, in spite of the consequences. They have cracked through the thin crust we call civilization to find the supernatural substance upon which all life rests...."

Matthew 6:34...”So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time

Nov 27, 2007

Take NOTHING....for granted!

Walking confidently in life's blessing is a gift of the heart!
Sharing those blessings with others along our path.....
magnifies the joy of being alive!
Seeing happiness on the face of those we love .....
makes us 'double' H A p P y.....
Knowing without a shadow of doubt.....the SoUrCe.....
of our completeness in LoVe....
is to experience the PrEsEnCe of tHe .... SpIrIt of Christmas!
The Heart of Christms has a name....He IS a Person....
There is a Reason for the Season......Jesus Christ!
Take NOTHING for granted!
Know HIM personally.....Accept His Gift....
and Live...Happily Ever...and FOREVER.....After!
Celebrate 'Jesus Love' Christmas this year....

Nov 24, 2007

The beginning of the season of......More Food?.....

Chad took us out to dinner at the new Fresh Harvest 7 different
Restaurants Buffet at the Hard Rock Cafe'.....
we thought we were going to MacDonald's....what a surprise!

We wish you all a very 'Merry and Blessed' Christmas
holiday season.....May the season of born anew
in our hearts this year....

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Shopping on Friday 'Crazy' Day.....

O.K......this is an 'educational day' for Marina....she was in training
to be a.....professional shopper......
Actually, Marina taught us a few things....buying gifts for Lynn,
Cindy and I and presenting them to us when the day was finished
was a 'blessing of the heart'....Thank you dear, Marina!
Hope you enjoyed 'your' movie:)

Got it.....a $39.95 laptop cordless laser mouse for just.....$19.95...
Lynn's 'Eden's Passion' water was purchased along the way
at the 'Sign of the Fish' Christian bookstore cafe' on Dale Mabry....
what a delight....we sure needed it!
Marina, I like your 'monkey' shirt....
Trunk almost full..and more stops to go....
(bought 2 metal elephant design planters after this)
Charlie was 'on call' to bring a SUV 'if needed'.....

We laughed at this 'all girl' construction crew truck as we
were headed to our next store.....this was a day where we
girls ....thanks.......
we should have asked these 'construction girls'
for that 8" chain saw, Cindy!

Family Day....Toooo Much Food but enjoying Florida's 'winter day' Thanks....Giving!

Chad and his Dad get ready to greet the rest of the crew...
Chad was our 'family host' this year....had a little trouble with the
garbage disposal but 'handyman' Dad saved the day....

Hope and Faith....a gift from Matthew's 'Mama Hopie'....
Thank you dear one....what a joy you are to our family...
and of course, this includes 'Danny Boy' too...

Many Family members share together....
Matt's 'new family', Hope & Danny,
also Brian's family to include Carolyn, Dylan, Bobby and
our fun loving, Debbie and ever calm, Vic....
Below is Britt and 'her boys' to include JJ's new haircut...
....think it may be a 'one time cut' according to our
'family poll'......

Eating is 'serious' business with this family.....

Nov 22, 2007


Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day"
Happy Thanks…..Giving!

Nov 19, 2007


Have to apologize to many of you since I have been 'out-of-touch' e-mails are down to just actually writing to you and you to me in personal notes and NO forwards.....think this is the way to go in the future.... part of this apology is that your mail to me has been opened too late to get together in some cases (ie: newlywed's) and we have been
playing 'phone tag'.....

...S O R R Y.....

I am thankful that you are patient with me....and I want to give you a gift....

Nov 17, 2007

Sebastain Vacation Adventure

Hurricane damages still abound....

This 'fast moving' yacht almost swamped our boat...
but Capt. Walker and his crew....saved the day!

Oyster Pointe Resort area

Faith, Walker & Pat ready for an early morn boat adventure
Claudia & Tom relax in hot tub....easy to do!

Not another picture!

Scene on the Sebastain River....

A favorite restaurant...going by boat....(short ride)

Nov 15, 2007

Enjoying the Good Life at Capt. Hirams
Charlie's classmates, Gerry & Joan, paid us a nice visit...

Island Girls...have...F U N!

Happy 'Thanks...Giving'

Have been on vacation in wonderful Sebastain's Oyster Pointe Resort....
very relaxing...
Pat & Walker have been with us this week.....
We have had visits from Sally & Sam and Charlie's high school friends, Joan and Gerry, and Pat's brother, Tom and Claudia...
Ask Walker about his '8 second' ride on a deserted island....quite an adventure!
Will post some pictures later....
Enjoy this wonderful time of being thankful for all the blessings we have in our life and country...
I am thankful for all of you dear ones....

Nov 10, 2007

Happy, Thank A Veteran, Day.....

On Duty...night and day....for US......the USA!

A 'Proud and Grateful' American.....

It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN , not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN , not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN ,
who salutes the Flag,
It is the veteran ,
who serves under the Flag,

We are very proud of our young men and women in the service...
God Bless them all!!!

Nov 8, 2007

The Island of Enchantment.....

Enjoying the Good Life.....Happy Birthday Brian!

Picture taken from Chad's balcony at the 'Island House'

aka: Casa Islena....(link above)
This is Wendy & Dario's small hotel in Rincon' ....looks like a postcard but is an actual photo taken by Chad....he says, 'it's paradise'.....

Nov 7, 2007

The Look of L O V E...

First the answer was...."NO"...then the request came again and again...finally a faint, "I don't think so....maybe later.".....
then.. lo, and behold, one day....out of the blue with no birthday in sight, Christmas and Anniversary still down the road.....
along came this Gift of Love.....pure, real, genuine and very generous LOVE to 'the woman' in his life....
What a wonderful delight it was to view this process and see the result...
For you never was about a watch , Cartier or Timex.....
it was about a man...'The Man'....loving his woman and out of that love going to great lengths in order to bring pleasure to her heart....
Happy "Love Day" ......Yep, your 'investment of love' will pay greater dividends than any of your 'sorry' stocks...
Enjoy the Good Life you two....I KNOW...(and so do others....)
WHO you are....Happy...Thanks....Giving!

Nov 4, 2007

Marine's Family Day...Military Week-End

HQ...Marines on Gandy...Pipo & MJ welcomes
us to Family Day....

Pipo shows Pops 'his' vehicle and explains the
workings of it....props and all!

MJ plays ambulance driver.....

Our family military man....we are so proud of
him and all the others who serve our country and us...
God bless them and their families!

Marine Military Ball...Chuckie & Melissa Jo Celebrate

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