Jul 30, 2009

Special Time at Grand Cypress

Juanita, Wendi & Lynn....catch up on cousin events...
Dinner at Hemingways was 'remember when' time...
A 'regular' at Grand Cypress

Our friend, Van, always has smiles and hugs for our family...

Jul 28, 2009

Please Watch these two short clips....You WILL Be Blessed!
A missionary's life is....different.
I have posted this before but if you have not watched these two video's...PLEASE DO because it will show you, CLOSE UP, what a young family with 4 children go through as they 'serve the Lord' in Africa.
Designed 'with a sense of humor' view, you probably have to watch it twice to gather the meaning of the song...
Our son, Chuck, who knows this little James Taylor missionary family... gave it to me...and they are priceless.
1st video....click below....then click on 'full screen' for best view...
2nd video...as they 'prepare' for the mission field...
God Bless ALL our Missionary Families....

Jul 26, 2009

Liz Memorial....Family Reunion

Tom, Gracie, Wendi, Lynn, Jacob, Jr. and Jerry in front..
Always a bit of 'clowning' when this bunch get together..
Aunt Liz always 'understood' and knew these 'characters'...
and loved them dearly!

Gracious Susan & Bob...paid tribute with great dignity to their 'Mom'
Jacob, (the brat) Wendi, Lynn and brother Chad
Food is important to we 'southerners'....

Cousins with secrets...Gracie, Juanita, Wendi & Lynn

                                               Jorge, Lucy & Junior greetings and  'family times' rememberance

Faith & Vikki playing 'remember when'.....

Jerry and 'always smiling' sweet Lucy...

Mimi Cravey and Logan Copeland.
Old and Young alike WE ARE FAMILY!

Jul 20, 2009

Tribute to Liz

Elizabeth Fernandez's Memorial will be Sat. 25th at 2:00 p.m. Cornerstone Church, 4600 Gabriella Lane, Ovedio, Florida 32765...

Jul 16, 2009


Actually no one can tell you this and have you believe it....you must experience it for yourself in order to know the truth of it as a fact of life.
Don't take my word for it...try it for yourself...
I guarantee you that you will find

Jul 14, 2009

Jul 13, 2009

Chuck's latest report from Mt. Elgon, Kenya...Africa

Remember he is the young man , the fabricator, that worked on the tail gate of Chuck's land cruiser...

What a blessing....

July 12, 2009
Close Call on Mt. Elgon, 1st Service @ Landmark Baptist Mt. Elgon, 9 Baptized 3 Stones

Saturday was our third evangelistic campaign to Mt. Elgon. With Terry under the weather I left Eldoret around 6:30am by myself to pickup our team of 12. These are folks from 4 different Churches in Western Kenya who have a burden for the people of Mt. Elgon. From our previous trips to Mt. Elgon I was fully aware of the dangers associated with traveling up steep mountainous terrain in an old truck loaded with people. But Saturday would be a trip that will be one for the record books for sure as we had a very close call on the way up the mountain. It was the result of two vehicles out of control on a narrow rocky road that could have ended with disastrous results. Just as we started our ascent up the steepest part of the Mountain on a curve I spotted a Kenyan Army Truck coming down the narrow rough road at a very fast pace. Now keep in mind that there was nowhere to pull over and let the truck loaded with soldiers pass. When I first spotted the truck I stopped. We are on about a 33 degree slope and when I stopped the truck died. Not only did the truck die but we started rolling backwards very quickly. Before I could do anything the Army truck was 10 yards in front of us and closing. The (wet drum brakes were not holding), I grabbed a handful of the emergency brake and it did not make a difference. So if you can picture this, the green land cruiser fully loaded rolling backwards down a very steep narrow rough path/road with a Kenyan Army truck pushing us. It was a formula for disaster. He could not stop and I could not stop. The only thing I could think of was all of us going over the edge of the mountain. We must have rolled backwards around 100 yds when I notice a gully that had washout so I steered the truck towards it. All I could do was dump the clutch and let the compression from the engine slow us down to hit the ditch. The Army truck narrowly missed us and we came to rest in the gully. It was a reminder of how dangerous it is climbing the mountain and also a reminder of the grace of God through his protection. You know that feeling that you get when you have just experienced something that could have been tragic. Well it was one of those moments and I guarantee that there were a dozen frighten Kenyans who were praying the whole time as well as one shaken American. Good thing Terry was not in the truck! After rolling backwards another 100 yard or so to a place where I could get a run up the Mountain we made it to the top without any further problems. By the way it does pay to pray for traveling mercy before every trip. We divided up into five teams and started out into the countryside. We were blessed with so many great visits. The people of Mt. Elgon are so ready for a relationship with Christ and to be taught the word of God. My team traveled for miles up and down peaks and valleys to a place that borders the forest which divides Kenya and Uganda. We met and witnessed to people that have never heard of Jesus. I am still amazed when we meet people that have never heard of Jesus or the gospel. After hours of hiking, sharing God’s Word and praying with people we saw 35 invite Christ to be there personal Savior. The work there has just exploded as people are looking for hope after the clashes. It is so sad to hear the heartbreaking stories of those that were slaughtered. As we were loading to leave a young preacher boy named Geoffrey said he could not go. He shared with the group that God had put on his heart to stay behind to preach Sunday morning to the folks so hungry for God. He is the same young man whose wife had a baby girl last week and named Teresa. Pastor Peter is already holding a weekly Bible study every Tuesday and now there will be 3 young preachers rotating to make the 6 hr trip every Sunday to share God’s Word as there is so many people eager for teaching and worship. What an awesome testimony for Geoffrey to leave his wife and newborn baby for what will end up being 3 days away because he could not leave the people without a shepard. Praise God for men who answer that call. Today we visited Mawe Tatu (3 Stones) for another Baptismal service. However this time we brought the two housekeepers Terry lead to Christ in Eldoret named Sarah and Erika as well as the fabricator named Kennedy who was saved a couple of weeks ago. They all wanted to follow the Lord in scriptural baptism so we took them to Mawe Tatu to be baptized. We are in process of helping them find a good scriptural Church home here in Eldoret where they can grow and serve. Please pray for these new converts. Beside the joy of seeing 9 baptized today we were thrilled to see Pastor Shadrachs home overflowing with new members and visitors. There were about 20 inside the house and another dozen that had to sit outside under a tarp, all adults. For a new church literally planted in the middle of a corn field God is blessing and adding to their number each week. Oh what God can do if we will just be faithful! The enthusiasm, joy and excitement to know God here is so contagious. You can’t help but be overwhelmed with what God is doing in the life’s of people. What a great God we serve and what a privilege! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life and especially for your prayers. I believe that God has answered them this weekend.

Chuck & Terry Fernandez
Kenya, East Africa

Jul 8, 2009

Need Bibles for Africa...

I have had many of you ask me how to contribute to Chuck & Terry's Missionary Life.
Today as I talked to Chuck on Skype, he was telling me about new converts like Sarah, Kennedy
who worked on his Land Cruiser tail gate etc. but needs to be provided with a Bible to help them in their spiritual growth.
If you would like to donate to their work here is the info below...
If you want to just help buy Bibles...they are $5.00 each and they purchase then locally
and they are buying these out of their personal funds which are limited.
Here is the link to donate...
the Ft. Cooper Baptist Church holds their funds in escrow and they access them through the banking system in Kenya. Chuck & Terry receive and know every penny that comes in....from whom...and every penny that goes out ...
Donations at the above link are credit card and Pay Pal and very secure...
If you wish to donate by check the address is:
Sending Church:
Ft. Cooper Baptist Church
4222 S. Florida Ave.,
Inverness, FL 34450
Mark your donations for the Chuck & Terry Fernandez Missionary Account...
Some of you, if you wish, can give me a check, or whatever, and I will see to it that it gets into their account and they know who it is from...
I asked Chuck how to help by buying Bibles and this is his reply:
"From: Chuck & Terry Fernandez:
Yes, just mark any special offerings: Bibles for Chuck & Terry Fernandez"
Please know that your money will go into the Kenya, Africa area to be used according to God's work through Chuck & Terry Fernandez.
You will receive news from Chuck & Terry through e-mail and monthly newsletter and be a part of it here at home.... as if you were there with them!
God bless you....as you bless them...

Jul 7, 2009

Florida 4th of July....Lil Turkey's special day...

Check out Melissa Jo, Turkey and her father, Tommy's,
fishing in Boca on the 4th...at

Daily Word — Tuesday, July 7, 2009
We are one in the love of God.
Love creates a circle of strength linking us with our family, friends, and mentors.
At the center of every circle of love is the presence of God, for God is love.
As we unite with one another in times of celebration and in times of crisis, we are strengthened by the love of God's Spirit.
Love soothes the mind and heals the heart.
Pure love knows no bounds or limitations.
It can be shared and felt by people in the same room or separated by miles.
(like Kenya, Africa)
The more love is shared, the more it grows.
We invite others into our circle of love to be blessed and be a blessing, to give and to receive, to heal and be healed.
"O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever."--1 Chronicles 16:34

Jul 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Celebration Faith, Joshua & USA

Our annual family celebration was a wonderful time, as usual...
The Edible Fruit Basket from all of Chuck & Terry's Family
was delicious and plentiful....

Joshua and I had a 'Gator Theme' party and everyone had to
put on temporary Gator tattoo's...

JJ's Poppa Tony had Joshua convinced that he had a 'money tree' in his
back yard. Joshua got his very own money tree and had agreed before party to
share all gifts with MaMa.
That sweet child after seeing his tree said that he would still share with MaMa.
When MaMa opened her gifts and found a 'big' bill, she really didn't want to 'be sweet'!
The child shall teach them....
Joshua does rock climbing at the Grand Cypress...
Night fireworks on the beach at Grand Cypress...
Janelle, Alex, Dylan, Joshua & Adriana...
Missed you Turkey and Kason...Thanks for the
phone wishes ...

Many wonderful and thoughtful gifts from relatives and friends.
God Bless you all for your cards and gifts...
Saying good-bye to Vann, our favorite, Mr. Grand Cypress,
is always the grand finale....celebrating the Good Life is
about PEOPLE who have 'the heart of faith' and are blessed
beyond reason....and share that blessing everywhere we go...

Jul 4, 2009

Guess What?
I have always been patriotic....would you expect less from a military family plus being born on the 4th of July which gave me a double dose!
Now I see, and experience personally, my America at a cross+roads. Many years ago I was taking a creative writing course at the European Military Division of University of Maryland.
I chose as one of my assignments....America At The CrossRoads
I wrote, I prayed, I wrote some more, I prayed some more....and then a strange thing happened.
My minds eye opened up to what, if anything, could undermine the strength of this great country America as I knew it then.
It was not 'things' ,arnaments, power, finanial successes etc.
It was....the hearts of the people who were developing, shaping the children, leaders as role models and Mothers. The character of the people of America could be the 'undermining' of the country itself!
In the past, great people of character, integrity, ethics, morals and plain ole 'good manners' were the making and shaping of this great land of ours as it was then in 1980 when I was writing my assignment.
It stands to reason that when those character traits no longer ruled in the hearts....America would change.
I could not concieve of that ever happening in my dear precious America.
After all, we were a Christian nation whose sense of decency was founded on many amazing documents but mostly....on the Ten Commandments.
Now as I write on July 4, 2009.....I am shocked to see....what I see.
Blatent corruption in role models and leadership of all levels...to include the family home.
I am sad....as if a precious family member has died and left a empty spot in my heart. I thought I would never see this day.
Yes, I am grieving BUT life goes on with or without me....this is my reality.
America is at the cross+roads and we can not bury our heads in the sand any longer.
I can not 'afford' this misery in my heart.
So I go to my spiritual Fax and read these words from
The Message Bible (and it is my personal message as well)
Zechariah 8:14-17....Keep Your Lives Simple and Honest
A message from God-of-the-Angel-Armies.
"Don't be afraid.
And now here's what I want you to do:
tell the truth, the whole truth, when you speak.
Do the right thing by one another, both personally and in your courts.
Don't cook up plans to take unfair advantage of others.
Don't do or say what isn't so.
I hate all that stuff.
Keep your lives simple and honest." Decree of God
....The Living Bible give me the true solution....Zechariah 46....
This is God's message...."Not by might, nor by power, but
BY MY SPIRIT, says the Lord Almighty---
you will succeed because of My Spirit, though you are few and weak."
2 Chronicles 7:14 (New King James Version)
14 "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
Please join with other 'faith believing Americans' and myself as we pray the above words back to God so that He, by HIS Spirit, will heal our land.
May God truly BLESS America as we Celebrate, by faith, this 'answer to prayer'.

Jul 2, 2009

A Family Tribute to...Mrs. Doris Veal

Mrs. Veal. above, was one of my Mother's best friend.
Mrs. Veal, being 92 years young, just left this life for her real 'Home'.
Being a real Southern lady , she and my Mom always referred to each other as 'Mrs. Veal' and 'Mrs. Baxter'.
They were hilarious!
Both being widows, they worked together quilting, putting up fresh vegetables and fruit, shopped together, attended community events together, traveled and saved each other seats in church. Both had the same values, ethics, faith and positive sense of humor.
BUT without a shadow of doubt, they were entirely and most magnificently....
Very Classy Ladies.
Today they are alive in our hearts and our lives were influenced immensely by these
Southern Women of Excellence.
"Welcome Home, Mrs. Veal", my Mama would have said in greeting...
"What took you so long?"

Jul 1, 2009

You can not give LOVE away...it always comes back to you!

Those who realize how much they are loved.....are able to love MUCH!

Thanks, Abby, for the reminder!