Mar 29, 2010

Being part of Chuck & Terry's Missionary Conference was a blessing...
Chuck, Lynn & Chad...
.Sister and Brothers who love the Lord...
What a blessing to their parents...
Pops delights in watching his son in action...
Proud Mom....Praise The Lord for my Family of Love...
Jesus said, "Those who love Me...we will come to them
and make our home with them..." John 14:23

Mar 26, 2010

Cruising....Grandeur of the Seas

Traveling with friends, Pat & Walker was a fun and
restful event.  Finally caught up with much-needed rest after
the whirlwind  week spent in the Everglades...
Wonderful traveling companions is the key to success and
enjoyment of time spent traveling and cruising.
Thanks, Pat and Walker! 
Is this Carlos or Charlie with me?
Beautiful Flag Salute to the Nations from Captain, Staff and Crew
                                       Pat and Faith...enjoying the moment!
Gator Man was seen everywhere all over the ship....and found many other Gator fans aboard.

We had a wonderful time on this trip even though it was a 'Spring Break' kind of cruise for many college students.   They were  part of our entertainment on board and also on the beaches of Mexico...ask Pat!
One sent Pat running out of the water when he started removing bathing suit.....leaving a 'thong'only much to her surprise!                                             (click on picture to enlarge)
Chad took these two pictures of our ship as it was leaving from the Tampa port.
He came to 'wave good-bye' to us from Channelside...
and to deliver us to port and store our vehicle in his Channelside parking garage...
Thanks, Chad, for all the help you give us and our many
'cruising friends'....

Mar 17, 2010

Rainbow of Promise....First Rainbow

Reading my today's devotion gives me peace because I have used the rainbow as my promise theme between God and I for years and years....And then along came all the 'mistaken' ideas of what the rainbow means and I felt pain  that the truth and beauty of the rainbow became so distorted.....
Today's words I share with you as the original meaning of....
The Rainbow
Genesis 9:13
"I have set my rainbow in the cloud,
and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth."

The story of Noah and the ark is one of promise.
God's people turned their backs on God, but He reached out to Noah and his family to preserve a remnant of His creation.  Noah honored God's call, and in doing so, saved his family and himself from utter destruction from a flood.  As a symbol of His promise never to cover the earth again with a flood, God set a rainbow in the sky.
Next time you see a rainbow remember that God always keeps His promises.
But you don't have to see a rainbow to know and rest on that assurance.
God is a God of positive promises.
He has promised NEVER to leave you or forsake you and that you can have an abundant life.
Claim His promises today and believe in them!
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
(From: Power for Life Bible)

Heaven's Rainbow
"Then as I looked, great bursts of light flashed forth from Him (Jesus) as from a glittering diamond, or from a shining ruby, and
 a rainbow glowing like an emerald circled His Throne."
John's Spiritual Revelation about Heaven in Revelation 4:3
From Genesis to Revelation...The Rainbow was God's Idea...and it still is....
God's Rainbow is breath-taking
Remember that the next time you see one in the sky...
It is God speaking to YOU and ME
with His Rainbow of Love!!!

Mar 14, 2010

Private Island In The Everglades~Blessing!

Our previous week in the Everglades was one of much activity and fun.
Pat and Walker, Sally and Sam, Annie P. and Dockie and Charlie and I like to go there in March since the weather is nice and before the mosquitos, no-see-ems, etc. take over. 
Pat's  family, Marty and Debbie, own property on a private island in Everglades City and
they so generously share with Pat and her tag-along friends.
This is the second year we have been so blessed.
Thank you all who contributed greatly to a wonderful week 
in the 'REAL' Florida....

Mar 12, 2010

Be Aware: All pictures below are taken at the immediate sites on our 'Dockie' kind of adventures...

Gators in the Glades...
small gators on each end of the log...watching us as we are traveling along Loop Road deep in the Everglades...CLICK ON ALL PICTURE TO ENLARGE FOR BETTER VIEWING...

Pelicans watch us carefully as we go to the mainland for boat. 
Dockie checks out his little boat before docking for dinner...
Very  authentic Florida 'Gator Wallow' Hole deep in the Everglades
This was not taken with a long lens camera...we were 'on site'....

Mar 10, 2010

Tiger Key, Lulu Key, Picnic Key, Sandfly Island...Today's Adventure

Nature's Art
Annie P. , Sally  and Mary Faith
Picnic Island.....Praise The Lord
Islands, Creeks, Springs some parts of nature that man never sees....
These are some areas that paid guides will never take their
clients to because the liability is too great....
Mary Faith and Charlie enjoying the 'Good Life'

Strangler Fig Tree....
Back to civilization...Rod & Gun Club  at Everglades City
Thank You Debbie & Marty for use of  your wonderful 'private island' home....
God Bless You!

Mar 9, 2010

Everglades City and Ten Thousand Islands

Our home at Club Everglades...on a private cars...must arrive and depart by boat only...
But we have Wi-Fi!   
Getting ready for fun....
Heading out for a day of adventure
Two small boats....Ten Thousand Islands
 Enjoying the 'Good Life'! 
Florida in the Everglades
One of thousands...
Our 'returning home' greeter...
Home....Club Everglades
SeaFood is the Everglades... 

Mar 6, 2010

10,000 Islands…Again….

Yes, this is the week of our Everglades Fun…Will be posting pictures from location…islands

Mar 4, 2010

Our Lil Chuck, aka: Turkey, Fair

The 'Two Turkeys'

Growing up....April 22 he will be 5!

Mom and Son...DNA and Blue eyes are a 'match'....

Thanks MJ for the are good at 'capturing the moment'..
God Bless your little family....

Mar 3, 2010


1.An agency, such as a person or work of art, that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts an  action  or   invention.
2.Something, such as a sudden creative act or idea, that is illuminated.
3.Divine guidance or influence exerted directly on the mind and soul of humankind.
Tell me dear one, what inspires you?
What thought, song, beauty, words,or person lifts your heart and soul out of the 'norm' and into a realm beyond that which you normally call 'your reality'?
Do you know?
If you do.....then you know YOU!
Inspiration makes you a better self.
Inspiration takes you beyond your human intellect into a world of 'serendipity'.
It is 'medicine' for the soul.
Did you know that inspiration has to begin within....before it can fly free from the soul....?
There is an old adage which says.
"You can travel the world over looking for beauty but unless you take it with you ~
you will never find it!"
Anyone who knows me knows that definition # 3 is my personal inspiration...
Any creativity expressed in my life is a direct result of knowing personally~ THE CREATOR!
There is unlimited measures of creativity in each one of us which can propel us to the most exciting and fulfilling journey imaginable. 
For you see my Bible says,
 "So God made man like his Maker.
Like God did God make man;
Man and woman did He make them." (Genesis 1:27 LB)
Creativity, Inspiration, Illumination is built within all of us by 'The Creator' Himself!
Knowing Him personally unlocks the spiritual DNA within in order to fulfill our unique purpose on earth.  
I am inspired by the words of David the King of Israel as he wrote in Psalm a very  emotional Psalm David says,

"My heart is filled with beautiful thoughts and words!
I will write a lovely poem to the King, for I am as full of words as the speediest writer
pouring out his story." 
I know how he feels!  When 'inspiration' overwhelms one with sheer delight!
Our inner soul is released in a beautiful expression and it can be in words, music, art,or nature.
It feels good to be free as we are 'created' to the image of our Creator...
and that is how we are supposed to live.....daily!
That is sheer and pure......INSPIRATION!