A Sense of .....F U N
Red Skelton
1913-1997, Comedian
Experiences and reflections of good, clean, fun living....in a Southern Florida atmosphere surrounded by zany family member and nautical friends. Priorities being....God, Family, Country, apple pie and the USA which,of course, makes... It A Good Life...daily! ENJOY YOURS!!!++++++++ ***Remember....Click on pictures to enlarge...then 'back' arrow
Posted by Faith at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Lord knows, I am not an 'authority' on anything!!!
All I can say about what I write, think, or feel is based on my experiences of life.
I remember a few years ago a Nobel Prize writer of poetry made these remarks,
"All my writing in the world can not add no more than a crickets chirp to the voice of life
BUT no one can write as authentically about my life's experiences, my hearts feelings, my outlook on life,
as I can. Therefore these same experiences of life find their way into my poetry, my communication and hopefully into the lives of others. That is why I write...."
When I ask the question, 'What Is The Cost of Love?' there is one simple answer that works for me.
No price is too high, no sorrow is too deep, no distance is too vast, to say to anyone I know, "It costs me too much to love you!" or 'You are not worth it!'.
Believe you me, I have tested and tested and tested again .....the cost of love.
I learned long ago this formula from God....God IS Love.
Not something He does but who HE IS!
Having Him in my heart and life....(Yep, I've got Jesus!).....Love Lives!
I can not love like this within my humanness.
For I am certainly, as everyone knows, a flawed human being.
It is out of my relationship with HIM who resides within me that He, LOVE HIMSELF, lives and encompasses those around me. Not me, but He!
What Is The Cost Of Love? What is the cost of the air we breathe?
What is the cost of a life?
There is no price that we can pay.....
All of us are the 'whosoever's' of life spoken about in
John 3:16..."For God SO Loved the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son
Posted by Faith at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Posted by Faith at 7:22 PM 0 comments
God speaking:
"Remember that to Me a miracle is only a natural happening.
But is is a natural happening operative through spiritual forces and therefore the person who works and understands through their human senses only regards it as something contrary to nature.
My children, the children of My Kindom are a 'different' people, set apart, different hopes and aspirations and motives and different sense of reward.
As you see a marvelous happening, happening so easily, so simply, so free from all your own doings, and you wonder and stand in awe , know that I am there.
My children, listen, this has not happened easily and simply.
It has been achieved by hours, days, months of weariness and steadfastness of battle against those things of life that have to be conquered in order to do My Will and live My teachings.
The frets, worries, anxieties, trials etc. patiently borne mean Spiritual Power acquired and operating marvelously!"
....Be still and KNOW that....I AM God! Psalm 46:10
from devotional ....God Calling by A.J. Russell
Posted by Faith at 5:39 PM 0 comments
"Have a little laugh at life and look around you for happiness instead of sadness. Laughter has always brought me out of unhappy situations. Even in your darkest moment, you usually can find something to laugh about if you try hard enough."
Red Skelton
1913-1997, Comedian
Posted by Faith at 7:45 AM 0 comments
There is no age in Eternal Life.
Have no pity for yourself with 'age'...have nothing but JOY and GRATITUDE!
"When we receive Jesus as Savior and Lord (John 3:16) 'that whosoever believeth IN HIM shall not perish but have eternal life or....life everlasting...
So forget age, this is just a formula we humans use to measure 'our time'.
God's time is.....timeless.... and that 'eternal formula' now resides in us.
How can we not live in JOY and GRATITUDE?
This version below of the Bible says it really plain and simple...
John 3:16 (Contemporary English Version)
16....God loved the people of this world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life and never really die.
Posted by Faith at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Do you have an expectant attitude of faith?
Not waiting for the next 'bad' thing to befall you BUT awaiting and EXPECTING with a child's joyful trust...the next good to come your way?
Live in expectation of....
That's Faith
Posted by Faith at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Everyone has a need for approval.
Matthew 3:7 says, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I Am well pleased!"
Jesus had the 'approval' of 'His Father'...
A child says, "Daddy, how do you like my picture? Mommy, watch this!"
Give your 'stamp of approval' to the people in your life ~~~D A I L Y!
(Judges 18:6)
The priest answered them, "Go in peace. Your journey has the LORD's approval."
Posted by Faith at 12:44 PM 0 comments
Posted by Faith at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Posted by Faith at 8:01 AM 0 comments