Exploring Ten Thousand Islands
and many other Islands along the way in our small boats...
Experiences and reflections of good, clean, fun living....in a Southern Florida atmosphere surrounded by zany family member and nautical friends. Priorities being....God, Family, Country, apple pie and the USA which,of course, makes... It A Good Life...daily! ENJOY YOURS!!!++++++++ ***Remember....Click on pictures to enlarge...then 'back' arrow
Posted by
9:05 PM
Proud Nena's....Nena Lynn has Eli (more hair)
MaMa has Jude (balder than last week)
Mr. Jude is the rambunctious one....beautiful children...
Nena with Eli....he is so 'pretty' ...excuse me Daddy Matt!
Posted by
4:18 PM
A few years ago a Nobel Prize writer of poetry made these remarks,
"All my writing in the world cannot add more than a cricket’s chirp to the voice of life,
BUT no one can write as authentically about my life's experiences, my hearts feelings, my outlook on life, as I can. Therefore these same experiences of life find their way into my poetry, my communication and hopefully into the lives of others. That is why I write...."
Posted by
8:58 AM
I love words:)
Some fascinate me immensely.
Some feel good just saying them: serendipity, zeal, enchantment, majestic, tenacity, serenity, El Splendito, Pura Vida(Spanish word meaning : pure life)
and then of course, the word....UNIQUE
...my dictionary tells me the information below:
1. only one: being the only one of a kind
2. special: different from others in a way that makes somebody or something special and worthy of note
3. limited to somebody or something: limited to a particular person or thing
The use of unique in its sense "worthy of note" is common in marketing and advertising (Don't miss this unique offer), as well as in conversation.
Many dictionaries and usage guides argue that unique is an absolute concept and, as such, cannot be used with qualifying words such as 'very' and 'rather', but in many cases this restriction seems to be a 'over concern of formal rules' a pedantic objection to what is a linguistic rather than a philosophical convention.
Needless to say, the word UNIQUE is.....unique!
Perhaps we are not to say something or someone is 'rather unique' or 'very unique' but just allow the word
itself to speak in plain and simple understanding of meaning.
It is safe to say that it has fallen the way of many wonderful words which have become 'meaningless' and has been corrupted by overusage, wrong usage, distorted usage and forgotten meaning.
I want to recapture this word....UNIQUE!
For you see, it so aptly decribes......US!
Each one of us is UNIQUELY US...there is NOT another, we are 'one of a kind'.
We are 'different from others in a way that makes us special'.....UNIQUE!
How dare we try to be something or someone WE ARE NOT!!!!
The 'truerer' we are to our own being.....the more 'at home' we are in our own skin....
the more we are at peace. The more 'REAL' we become.
Remember Shakespeare's famous quote...
"This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou can not then be false to any man."
This was Polonius's last piece of advice to his son Laertes, who is in a hurry to get on the next boat to Paris, where he'll be safe from his father's long-winded speeches.
Polonius had in mind something much deeper and more meaningful than the New Age self-knowledge that the phrase now suggests.
The origination of the word, UNIQUE, is aply described for me in....
Genesis 1: 27 So God created mankind in His own image,
in the image of God He created them;
male and female He created them.
.....Let me give you a visual. I have a pendant that I refer to as my 'one of kind' piece of jewelry.
It is unique because it represents in a symbol my 'theme' of life...my Southern spiritual life.
It was designed and sold thru Southern Style Fashions in Okeechobee, Florida.
Posted by
9:28 AM
Greetings to some of my favorite people......YOU!
Over the years I get comments from time to time on different things that I have posted here and as any writer knows, it makes our heart 'smile' to know that our words are validated by another heart correctly.
You do that for me. I appreciate your response more than I can say.
There are times in which I feel that I am throwing 'popcorn words' into cyber space and I think seriously about closing this blog because perhaps its time has come to move on to another form of expression....
......and then......out of the blue one of you reach out and respond to something that was written years ago and I stand in awe!
Realizing that this is not 'about me' at all but ALL THE INTERESTING PEOPLE IN MY LIFE AND THOSE I COME IN CONTACT WITH DAILY and write about, post pictures of and meet in our travels,
I am now renewed by that knowledge which I forget from time to time.
So this particular post is to YOU!!!!
Thank you for being a part of my life, naturally.
Thank you for allowing me to 'take your picture' even when you had rather I did not.
Thank you for sharing so much of your heart with me...sometimes in confidence and sometime in loud and joyful happy fun and sometimes in private prayer.
You....and you know who you are....are my 'gas station'.....my fuel to my own humanness which allows us to be connected simultaneously, (definition....at same time: done, happening, or existing at the same time)
LOVE puts us in 'sync' .
Today I am having to download anew. First with God then with my thoughts of all of you.
If you are reading this, at one time or another you have touched my life.
Perhaps you do not realize it but being who you are helps make me a better person thru my contact with you recently or even in past memories of times together!
This kind of....Giving and receiving completes me.
Thank you for that dear ones.
Yep, I know, I know, we certainly are 'flawed human beings' but LOVE covers it all...
Like the Barney song says,
"I love you, you love me....together WE are a Happy Family.
With a great big hug and a kiss from me 2 you.... "
YOU....Yes, YOU.....are my family....the Family of Love....the family of Faith.
P.S Just received an e-mail that expresses the above words in a picture....thanks Linda...
Posted by
7:58 AM
Posted by
4:50 PM
Posted by
6:20 AM
Posted by
7:43 AM
Posted by
8:47 AM
Posted by
8:33 AM
Unless we live fully in the present,
the future will always be a disappointment!
Each day is a new, unrepeatable, once~in~a~lifetime gift!
To waste it by always waiting for tomorrow, by thinking
that enough is never enough....
is pure foolishness!!!
Chuck & Terry with Friends.....
Posted by
5:09 AM