Apr 27, 2011

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs;
the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.
(quoted from Kat Dugger...)
Family of Love
Bryce, Pat and Walker aka:
BW, PW, & WW  

Apr 25, 2011

Wonderful Family Easter Cruise on the Royal Caribbean Radiance of the Seas

 Pops & Joshua like the glass elevators with a viw

Favorite breakfast place

Bryce & Joshua 'hi~five' after a successful swim with the Dolphins...
See pictures in next post below

Easter Sunday was a special and 'blessed' event for all of us..
Joshua loved being with his Neena Lynn

Bryce and Grandma Pat...wonderful friends!

Lynn and Gator boy, JJ, at a Cozumel street restaurant

The Gang...Lynn, Faith, Walker, Pat., Charlie and Bryce & JJ
......street Plaza in Cozumel

Our ship had quite a strenuous rock climbing wall...
Bryce and Joshua got 'stars' on their Sail cards for ringing bell on top...

Guess what?  Bryce's Grandma Pat also did the Rock Climbing and rang the bell....she also got a star punched on her Sail card.
Way to Go, Pat!   You did GREAT!!!

Joshua & Bryce enjoy the hot tub with Neena Lynn on the ship

This is a very special photograph...
Our ship had a female Captain...Lis Lauritzen from Copenhagen, Denmark.
She is an awesome person and was so  wonderful to interact with Bryce & Joshua in a chance encounter.  The boys were thrilled!

Dress up night for Lynn, Faith & Pat

Boys with an 'attitude'....and it shows!

Our Main Waiter & Assistant, Suzanna & Jonathan, indulged these two young men.
They served them like royalty,  even cutting up JJ's meat just like he wanted...
Things changed when they got home today!

Special Family Photo

Easter Service was a blessing and this 82 yr. old priest, Monsignor Edmund Griesedieck,
  placed a blessing on Bryce and Joshua..
..should have asked him to place a larger one on their parents!!!!

              Easter theme cut in watermelon....praying hands with dove of the Holy Spirit....
                  Needless to say, it was a  wonderful and FUN Family cruise and Easter...

Cousins, Bryce & Joshua, swim and play with the dolphins in Cozumel, Mexico

 On our recent cruise, we took Joshua & Bryce to the Dolphin Encounter in Cozumel, Mexico.
There was sooooo much interaction with the dolphins...playing, kissing, actually riding on them by holding on to the flippers and a special thrill.....a 'boogie board' ride with their Dolphin friend, Louis, being the powerpack for them...
Bryce get a special kiss....

Joshua  plays with the dolphins...

JJ gets a kiss too....

Playing and riding was a thrill for the boys

This dolphin made JJ go real fast....

Returning from Cruise....

Wonderful RC Radiance of the Seas Easter cruise with Lynn, Joshua, Pat, Grandson Bryce, Walker, Charlie & I.  Will post more pics later....What a Blessing!

Apr 24, 2011

UP from the grave He AROSE!!!

Apr 22, 2011

Happy "6th" Birthday to our special Chuckie...aka: Turkey!

We Love you very much Sweetheart...
Have a wonderful day !

Apr 20, 2011

How Is Your Hearing?

An Indian walking along with his friend in New York City suddenly said, “I hear a cricket.”
“You’re crazy,” his friend replied.
“No, I hear a cricket....I’m sure of it.”
“It’s 12:00 noon. There are hundreds of people hurrying around, cars honking, taxis squealing!”
“I’m sure I hear a cricket.”
He listened, walked to the corner, crossed the street, and began digging beneath the shrubs in a large planter until he found the cricket....
The Indian said to his amazed friend, “My ears are no different from yours.
It simply depends on what you are listening to.
Here, let me show you what I mean.”
He reached into his pocket, pulled out a handful of change, and dropped it on the concrete.
Every head nearby turned.....
“See what I mean?” the Indian said as he began picking up his coins.
“It depends on what you are used to hearing or listening for.”

......Jesus said it best....”My sheep listen to My voice:
....I know them.....and they know Me...and
.....they follow Me.” John 10:27

                   *from: Keep on Dancin' by Tim Hansel ...Chariot Family Publishing 
Be sure and see video below as a funny visual on 'hearing'.

Apr 19, 2011

Fun Video....

Happy & Blessed Easter..... 

Apr 13, 2011

This Mom, Ashley, certainly has her hands full....of Love!
Jude & Eli....4 oz. apart in weight
A doting and loving Nena with her two treasures....
These two below are certainly the
Mommy Ash & Nena, Lynn, who is devoted night and day to these two precious boys,
have my greatest respect for their total devotion in Love.
Nena Lynn has been there since birth, putting her own life on 'hold' until
Mom and Dad established normal routines thru the night.
These babies are 4 months old now and DO sleep through the night!
Praise The Lord!!!
Nena Lynn is happiest with her grandsons, all four of them which
includes Joshua (JJ) and Dylan (TuTu)..... 
Nena's other 'loves' JJ and TuTu