This picture above is kinda my 'signature' philosophy!
When I am in a 'funk 'or a state of melancholy (as was the case yesterday) my thought process becomes short-circuited. To my own self, I appear to be seeing the world thru a fog, or from a deep dark 'unreal' point of view....
In this state of unsettledness others around me can pick up on these 'vibes'....
For example, when the computer gets infected with a virus , everything goes 'haywire' and information is distorted, corrupted, and the system crashes, BANG!!!!
That was me yesterday! (I was on the phone dealing with this very issue with my brother, Dockie)
NOW I DID NOT LOOSE MY PEACE WITH MY LORD, that remained constant even though I was sending 'help' popcorn prayers continuously.
I'm talking about my attitude, my outlook, my thinking!!!!
By evening I was ready to go to bed early just to get this 'stinking' day over with and start a new one 'fresh' and exciting!
LIFE WAS 'OUT OF FOCUS' and I had let it get that way!
It was my own 'doing'....no one to blame here.....BUT ME!!!!
Guess what????
I woke up early, 4:00 a.m. and couldn't wait to get out of bed, read my devotions while enjoying a cup of cappuccino and meditating on the wonderful blessings of life with my God, my family and friends!
I wrote a 'heart~love~note' and put it in my sweet husbands coffee cup for his awakening and then got serious with my 'foolish' self!
Writing this I realize anew that we human beings absolutely MUST be 'recharged' DAILY!
Now I understand fully why even Jesus, Himself, had to 'go away to a quiet place to pray',
away from his 'inner circle' of disciples and the needy crowds of people .
His humanness required it in order to 'restore or sync His soul' back with 'His Father God'!
It is not often that I have a day like yesterday.....I can't remember the last time I've had such....it was a good reminder to me of the value of a glowing, fresh outlook on life that is uncontaminated by the worlds cares, worries, and plain 'ole crap' .
......"Even though I walk through the darkest valley I fear no evil; for YOU, God, are with me."
~Psalm 23:4
So today I am thanking God that this is a fresh start of another day.
I'm reminded of the scripture that I need daily, for this 'Good Life'.
....."the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness."
~Galatians 5:22
This is my Rx prescription for enjoying the Good Life!