Oct 31, 2012

"To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all - but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing."

Abraham Lincoln
1809-1865, Sixteenth President of the United States

Oct 27, 2012

We are living in a time of action!
America needs prayer now more than ever. God's promise is simple:
If the Church will humbly seek His face, He will revive our nation.
 (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Pray for Our Nation
is an inspirational prayer guide by Harrison House Publishers. http://www.harrisonhouse.com/productdetails.cfm?PC=248
Election of Godly Leaders Prayer
“Father, I DESIRE to vote intelligently in all elections.
I pray that You will bring to light the things I need to know so I may vote in line with Your plan, will and purpose.
May things not only come to light for the Christian community, but may things be made clear to the unbelieving community as well.
I pray that what is right would be so clear that even unbelievers would vote using wisdom and demanding honesty and uprightness from their politicians.
Dear Father, in the name of Jesus, may the citizens of our nation become so weary of sin and degradation in our nation’s leaders that they will begin to seek out godly leaders to represent them on every level of government.
Give such leaders favor with the public and the media.
Father, make our nation a fragrance in the earth, a force to be reckoned with, a hand extended to those in need.”  

***This prayer is so relevant to now....
          Funny thing though, this little book of prayers was copyrighted in 1999.
Godly principles can reign in America once again,
           so please join me and countless others and begin to Pray for Our Nation.
It will enrich your prayer life as you intercede for our heritage and our future with prayers like:
For the economy
For the Supreme Court
For the educational system
For national protection
For the military
And many more......

Oct 21, 2012

Pops enjoys children at Joshua's Vikings Game

Pops fell in love with 'Shorty' and Shorty loved Pops. 
Before we left the game Shorty was calling him 'Pops' and  sharing his secrets with Pops...

Pops and children, Shorty and Dylan doing Gator chomp and Shorty's brother.
Shorty's Mom has 5 boys and is a wonderful Mom.. active in sports with her 'boys'.
What a blessing children are to the zest of life..

Oct 17, 2012

Treat everyone with politeness
     even those who are rude to you,
       not because they are not nice but because you are nice…

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Oct 12, 2012

We Need Each Other ~ Always :)

Personal Reflections - It’s About The People: by Sandra Abell (see bottom)

These days I find that I don’t bother to read the colorful ads in the Sunday newspaper. I also don’t have the desire to wander through the mall or the fancy furniture stores to see what lovely things they have that I may want.

When I was a young bride, I wanted all the fun, glitzy stuff, like fancy china, sterling silverware, a big house and a cool car. I forget why I wanted them. I think it may have had something to do with insecurity and the wish to “keep up with” our friends or society’s expectations.

Over the years I’ve lost that desire, and now I have no need to acquire things just for the sake of having them. Now my focus is to have a fun, safe, comfortable place for people to gather and enjoy each other. The focus is on the relationships, not the stuff.

The bottom line is that it’s always about the people. Family, friends, colleagues and the world community are what life is about. I can have all the wealth in the world, but if I don’t share love, respect and time with others, I have nothing.

So this month I’m reflecting on what’s really important to me. It’s always the people, and my goal every day is to show love, caring and compassion, and put more thought, time and energy into reinforcing those connections.

How about you?

Sandra Abell

Sandy is the author of Self-Esteem: An Inside Job. She is an educator, speaker and a Licensed Professional Counselor. She specializes in working with executives, business owners, professionals, entrepreneurs and people in transition.

Oct 9, 2012

Thought for the Day :)

"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.
                      It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections."

Oct 7, 2012

Let's Laugh Now!

This past week with family and friends in Sebastian was an experience that made this devotion from my Daily Word a Living Truth.

Laugh With Joy :)
When I hear someone else laughing, I often laugh too.
Their chuckle or giggle makes me smile, and I feel joyful and lighthearted.
No matter what is happening in my life, I can connect with my joy-filled inner child by remembering silly things, fun experiences and times when I laughed until I cried.
When I feel down or sad, I ask Jesus to remind me of uplifting memories.
I recall the blessings of my life, the times when I've experienced great joy and happiness.
I let these memories wash over me, and I feel my joy begin to grow much to my delight.
Joy expresses first as a smile, grows onto laughter, and expands into radiance, all which shines from within.

Genesis 21:6..... Sarah said,
                                      "God has brought laughter for me;
                            Everyone who hears will laugh with me."
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Oct 6, 2012

The POWER of Words....this video says it best! Thanks, Christy :)


NOT the 'Red Hat' club....

Roses Are Red Gang...
Women of Excellence who LOVE their Husbands, Family, Friends, God & Country....
'Till Next Year, Girls!

Oct 3, 2012

Nautical Fun and Shopping 'Girls'...

Annie P., Betty, Sally & Pat....professional shoppers today...

Sea and Food go together....

                         Nautical Beauty