Sep 17, 2002

Forbidden Pleasures

I think that some of my family and friends have a 'twisted' sense of humor!
They laugh when the oddest of 'things happen'.
Not very long ago, several of we boaters were sitting around our docks and Tiki Hut when my husband, Charlie, decides he needs something from inside our boat.
He steps on the side of our 32' Carver to enter and we hear a big 'splash, ka-plunk'.!
Perplexed he says, "What was that?"
Our dear friend, Sally starts laughing hysterically. Now I have to did all of us as well.
We knew what happened....Charlie didn't.
His trusted, devoted, loved......Gator front, cell phone had fallen out of his pocket into the water basin.
When he discovered the truth.....he really did not think this was so funny...
Of course, that increased our laughter!
We still laugh at the memory........
Later Sam and Sally were caught in a boating crisis and lost their cell phone to the waters as well.
Reluctantly, they confessed their loss to all of us......Charlie thought it was ....Very Funny!
And still does!!!
The Forbidden Pleasure like laughter at a 'silly loss' .....can result in a positive experience from a negative happening.

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