Yahoo!!! Saturaday was a great day for several members of our group....the brave!!!
We had two of our sons, Chuck and Chad, Chuck's son, Pipo, and Chad's friend, Kenny, and Bro. Eddie, our experienced missionary to Africa.
Since it was a tandum jump, that being they were harnessed to a professional.....the responsibility for this 'life over death' adventure was out of their hands. As a result they could enjoy the thrill completely. Having jumped myself, I knew the joy of leaving a perfectly good airplane and freefalling for 2 miles at 120 mph before the 'chute' opens for the last mile of serenity. There is absolutely nothing like it! The rush, the high, the sheer feeling of glee is undescribable!
We, the beneficieries, made them all give us their Florida lotto tickets upon leaving planet earth. They didn't think this was very funny...especially Bro. Eddie!
Chad and Kenny flew first and when they landed, standing upright they were grinning from ear to ear.
High fiving each other in the ecstasy of the moment was a joy to behold. Kenny told me later that his father had always wanted to do just this but was now unable to because of his health....therefore this was a 'proxy' jump from son to father. Kenny has the video as his 'proof'....
Next came Chuck, Pipo and Eddie. All landed safely and in many stages of physical demeaner. Bro. Eddie had a little green gilled smile but a twinkle of triumph at having broken the fear barrior and throwing caution to the wind pushing it to the limit and flying high......freely.
Chuck....all he could say was, "Awesome, totally awesome..." He did remark that one moment was frozen in his brain....the moment he saw the wing of the plane from the underside....while flying with his body alone through 3 more miles of.......air!
Pipo, our Marine in training......has found another 'great love'....He was ready to go again....and only time will tell on that one....
Needless to say, we shared in this experience as observers and felt the thrill of a flying through space....and living to tell it!
Yes, It is a Good Life....and More to Come!!!