Sep 24, 2002

Time to Savor......The Moment.....

I have just had a wonderful conversation with my darling daughter-in-law, Terry,
and she related a very cute incident to me.
It seems that Chuck, our son, and his friend, Eddie, had gone fishing on Friday.
A rain storm came up suddenly, as is usual in our Florida Tropic surprises, and Chuck and Eddie started seeking cover.
They were 6 miles out in the Gulf at the time.
They noticed something strange floating toward them in the way they were heading...
It was a cluster of balloons ....6 miles out, just bobbing in the water. They decided to get them and take them to Terry, Chuck's wife.
When Chuck walks in to greet a 'hectic day Terry' with seven smiley face balloons in hand, it was just what was needed to lift her spirits and heart....
As if "Divine Providence" decreed that '''somebody needed a lift'''...
and that somebody was indeed a very busy, active, overworked.....
loving, Mother of three....

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