Oct 21, 2002

Expect The Best

Over the week-end I had several cases of.....Serendipity!
I had pre-conceived a certain ‘happening’ and was pleasantly surprised to find that the days events......went unexpectedly in a different direction completely. Better than my pre-conception!

Needless to say, my being an eternal optimist, an idealist, a dreamer etc. events had to be ‘pretty good’ to exceed my expectations.
And they were.
Without going into detail, let me say that I was pleasantly surprised to see many family members trying to outdo each other.....in helping others.....as a challenge....to each other.
One success after another accomplished a great mission by the family and it was all FUN. In fact, as I look back....it was hilarious!
A group of our family members (Chuck & Lynn being 'in charge')....teenager, Vinnie....college student Matt and his 3 roommates, Barry, John and 'Crawdad', single Mom, Britt with Joshua, Tony, parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents......all accomplished together a wonderful day of work and family togetherness.

It taught me a lesson.....again.....
.....Always Expect The Best......Always!

LOVE is like the five loaves and two fishes.
It doesn’t start to multiply UNTIL you give it away....

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