Nov 26, 2002

Gratitude is Essential to. .....HAPPINESS

Do you know of any happy person.... who is truly ungrateful?
I don’t.
Think of the unhappy people you know.
How many of them are grateful?
I would guess that few... if any are.
Happiness and gratitude cannot be separated.
Some years ago I read a statement that seemed illogical to me.
The statement, written by William Law, a seventeenth century English mystic, said this:
“If anyone would tell you the shortest, surest way to happiness and all perfection, he must tell you to make it a rule to yourself to thank and praise God for everything that happens to you.
For it is certain that whatever seeming calamity happens to you, if you thank and praise God for it, you turn it into a blessing.“
Saint Paul said this same thing in 1 Thessalonians 5:18..”Always be joyful. No matter what happens, always be thankful.”
St. Paul had enormous problems.... he was shipwrecked, beaten, imprisoned, and finally beheaded. But in the midst of all of these hardships, he was able to thank God for anything and everything. So when Paul says to give thanks in ALL circumstances, it is the voice of experience of real life...talking.
The early Pilgrims had similar enduring trials and hardships. They knew that through faith in God they could endure to pay the price for religious liberty - even in the face of adversity.
Their trip on the Mayflower shows the hardships they endured for their convictions.
There were 102 passengers who lived together in a space the size of a basket ball court for eight weeks. The lack of privacy goes without saying.
That first winter of 1620, one-half of the Plymouth colony died either from starvation or disease.. At one point, of the 50 that remained alive, only 6 or 7 were well enough to care for the rest. Also, about half of all who survived the first year were under sixteen.
With the help of Indians they planted their first crops. Having landed in December of 1620 there was a short growing season, which meant that they did not have that much production. Yet when the harvest came, the main idea in their minds was to give thanks to God for survival and for what they had.
They had a celebration, a time of thanksgiving for God’s blessing.
The first Thanksgiving was a.....Holy day.
Wouldn’t it be great if we in America would once again think of Thanksgiving as a holy day instead of just another holiday?
The Pilgrims believed that Almighty God who created them was over all and that men, women, and children were dependent upon Him.
Things have certainly changed over the years.
The prevailing attitude today is that we are masters of life.
We feel we are in charge of the world and don’t need this God so much anymore. We can handle anything ourselves.
It is much more difficult in 2002 for a person to be grateful.
Perhaps we have too much.
Or maybe in our abundance we simply ‘take things for granted’ in this now....Land of Plenty.
It is all right to have abundance.
God want us to have much but He also want us to be grateful for it, to share it and use it well, to appreciate it as a gift.
We need to share with each other our deep feelings of gratitude.
It is as helpful and fulfilling for us as it is for the people who receive our words of thanks.
We can make the most of Thanksgiving by writing or calling someone who has been important in our lives and telling those persons how appreciative we are for all they mean to us.
So to all of you.....and you know who you are......I thank God for you and your personal investment of love to me. That’s why I can declare so boldly day after day.......
..........IT IS A G O O D LIFE!!!
In Appreciation and Gratitude, I wish you a wonderful Thanks...Giving Day.....

Okay, I admit it: I’m Thankful....

Thanksgiving in America is a wonderful tradition and usually is a time of reunion.

Food, Family and Fun.

In our family we take a special time to relate something profound that happened during the previous year of which we are especially gratefull. Last year as it turned out we found out that we were thankful for many.... Serendipity Miracles.
As we talked.....some were hilarious....a new mattress out of the blue....try explaining that......but with a bad back....a new mattress was something to be extremely thankful for as it was much needed.
Just ask my sister, Shyrl.
How it came to be was.....miraculous.

In our St. Pete Times newspaper we have a section that is run weekly called....Private Thoughts of The Teens.
One teens writings was especially significant and I would like to paraphrase it for you....
By: Cecilia Tucker:....”This year I want to let the people I love know how thankful I am for them. I often don’t act very grateful because being ungrateful seems to be the right thing to do for someone my age.
I am thankful for the way you have always loved me, even if it embarrasses me when you show it in public. In my heart, I know you love me when you get that look in your eyes, and you reach over and give me a pat on the leg. I even know you want to hug me and kiss me then: but you don’t always do that, because I push you away and pretend I don’t like hugs and kisses from you any more.
I never want you to stop reaching out to me, and I still am grateful when you try. (I really don’t mind the kisses...Remember it’s my job to act as if I don’t like it.)
I am thankful for the times you tell me “no” and set clear boundaries for me. I am grateful when you don’t always give in when I whine and complain about the rules. Or slam the door to my room.
I know you care or you wouldn’t bother setting those restrictions. My first reaction when you tell me no is to decide you really don’t love me or you’d do it my way. But I know that’s not what is going on. I know you make every effort to see things my way; but my way, in your opinion, isn’t always the best for me.
I am grateful you are my parent. This means I don’t want someone’s parent to take your place. It also means I am glad you don’t try to be my ’friend’. I do want to be friends with you someday, but for now I have friends my own age. I still need someone to make me follow the rules, and I am glad you know when to be the rule enforcer.
I am thankful too, for the role model you have been for me. Your behavior follows your values, for the most part (no one’s perfect, you know). I can count on your consistency and your integrity. I would like for my friends to think you are cool, but I really want them to respect you and value your opinions.
Lastly, I want to say thanks for all the ways you give to me.
Giving is the second word in..... Thanksgiving, you know.
I know there are times I act unappreciative, especially when I keep asking for more stuff. I know you could have traveled the world over at least three times if you hadn’t had me, but you chose me.
THANKS for being here for me and GIVING me all of yourself.
You are the best!”

“Okay I admit it: I’m......Thankful”!

Nov 25, 2002

Fax From.......God?
Yeah, Right.

As any of you who know me.....know.....anywhere I go so goes two cell phone....and my Bible!
I am known among the family, our nautical friends, my prayers girls’ etc. as the one that can always be reached on ’her’ cell phone.
My husband, Charlie, has his but often his can be found in the bilge of our boat, under working material of his latest project or simply.....not to be found. We often use my call his phone in order to find it!

My personal Fax Machine to God, my Bible, is, also, vital to me on a daily basis. Especially as we travel on land and sea enjoying...The Good Life.
For you see, the Bible is not a collection of fables or human ideas about God. It is God’s very words given .....through people.
One Scripture tells this in 2 Timothy 3:16&17 which says in The Living Bible version....almost Southern style.....

....”The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is God’s way of making us well prepared at every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone.”

The Bible is the instruction handbook.....provided by the manufacturer, our Creator, for the express purpose of showing us the good, bad and ugly of human life. We have this priceless Book in order that we may choose, wisely, how to live this ‘Good Life’ on planet earth.....
As a result of the ‘right choice’ according to John 3:16.....we ultimately leave our ‘temporary state‘ and go to the “Real” life....for our “Happily Ever After”!.....

.....How did this Fax machine work before there were....Fax machines?
Laser beams of energy from the Creator to the created ones....Spirit to spirit as it is called......2 Peter 1:20*21 says....”For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself.
It was the Holy Spirit within these Godly men who gave them...

......This process is known simply as......inspiration.
The writers wrote from their own personal, historical, and cultural context of real life. But even though they used their own minds, talents, language and style, they wrote WHAT God wanted them to write.
Scripture is completely trustworthy because God was in control of its writings and its words are authoritive for our faith and lives....daily!

Have you ever experienced moments of......sheer inspiration?
Every person has a creative side of life.....This is expressed in many different ways.
Music expressing the heart of the singer or composer.....or ...listener. Art transmitting emotions felt and expressed in a tangible way in color, form and personal style by one so inspired. A writer taking thought forms and making them ’ speak’ to a reader..... by presenting a picture with words.....

Our Creator.....makes us.....the created ones.......Creative.
It is an ongoing process.....
My Bible is that Fax between He and I......prayer is the form of personal communication which entitles me to requisition the resources I need daily in order to live the Good Life that my Creator planned from the beginning of time....
Yep.....My Bible and cell phone goes hand in hand....

There is a little poem from long ago which says.....
...I sought to hear the voice of God and climbed the highest steeple
...But God said....”Go down again. I live among the people!”

Thank God....He is a.....People person!!!

Nov 23, 2002

Dear Readers;
If you are new to my Web Site....Welcome!
May I suggest that you go to the Archive and start on the Sept.8, 2002 beginning blog in order to fully understand some of these later postings.

In order to send comments and your point of view by

I do hope that you agree with me.....IT IS A GOOD LIFE!!!
May yours be BLESSED during this Thanksgiving Season of Family Togetherness as we live in the good ole U.S.A. or as I call it....
LaLaLand.....the Land of Plenty!!!

The “Everyday” Bible

I am a reader of the Bible.
I have many of the new modern versions as well as some very unique and rare antique Bibles. Some I have inherited from people who love me and know that I love the Bible.
About a year or so ago, Guideposts Magazine put out a New Century Version of the Bible and called it.....the “Everyday Bible”.
It is, almost, written in Southern style words because of it’s simplicity to read. The ’Thee‘s and Thou’s’ are written as and me.
Yet the poetic flowing of the Psalms are the most prolific in the King James Version.
Guess what?
God can and does speak to me from the words of inspiration in ALL versions.
Because the TRUTH is the TRUTH.

There is a verse in the book of Job that says this clearly.....
....“Just as my mouth can taste food and my ears choose the sound I want to listen to: so does my mind know TRUTH when it speaks .”

Nov 21, 2002

Subtle Changes

Years ago I remember my Mother telling about the first time she saw an airplane as a child. She said she heard the sound and thought the world was ending. Over her life span, 1911 to 1995, she saw many, many changes.
When Mom was 80 years old we had a special day and invited all her friends to dress in a ’ridiculous’ way at what we called a ’tacky party’.
The women came dressed from Victorian with antique rhinestones as Lexie did, to being totally ridiculous.
One thing we did, was to play a silly game I called “I Remember”. It was very enlightening to me and I was intrigued by the many changes this generation of women had lived through.
Mom really cracked me up when her time came as she said, “I remember when women wore clothes and men told the truth:)”
These women had to change progressively with the upheavals of their day in order to live in their......changing world.
Yet I saw in this group one common thread of success.

They were very independent and strong minded ‘pioneer’ type women who knew nothing about the “Women’s Lib” agenda for they in their minds and lives had always been......equal to anyone on earth.

Perhaps their ‘times’ were slow in the recognization of their value and worth but that did not deter them from accomplishing anything their hearts desired.
Just to listen to their delightful conversations convinced me that life had been and still was a challenge to them.....and that each of them had whatever it took to successfully meet that challenge.
I have the video that I made that day.....talking about progress....that reminds me of the need for changes.....subtle order to know fully what these women already knew......
.....that all men....and women....are created equal....and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights...that being.....
....Life....Liberty...and the Pursuit of Happiness......

Mrs. Veal, Mrs. Sullivan, Lexie, Mrs. Taylor, Thelma, Lucille.......Mom, Mrs. Makinson, Aunt Hattie, Aunt Callie, Aunt Ethel and many others like them in their generation .....ARE MY HEROES of The Good Life!

***The reason history keeps repeating itself is because we were not paying attention the first time....

Nov 20, 2002

A Step Above...A Step Beyond

Not ordinary or mediocre....or average.
Some people just stand out this way as being a step above their peers.....a step beyond.....average.
Our son Chuck’s son.....Carlos III or ‘Pipo’ as we call him happens to be one of those extraordinary individuals.
Pipo is in Marine Boot Camp at Parris Island now.
He intends to go into the Reserve as he finishes his college education. He has already shown himself to be ’above and beyond’ in most of his boot camp ratings....
No one in our family is surprised.
From childhood. Pipo climbed the highest tree, raced the fastest motor bike, excelled in sports and worked the hardest at jobs while still in school. In addition to this, he always helped with the children in Junior Church, worked in church camps in the summer and anything the family was involved in their community and life. He couldn’t wait until he was 18 to qualify for a tandem Skydive jump.....which he did.
Pipo always seemed to .....push it to the limit ....much to his Mother and Father’s dismay.
I received a letter from him yesterday and he said “It is easy here but the one thing I didn’t count on was missing my family this much.”
Getting up at 4:00 a.m., marching, training, ‘having his butt chewed’, excelling, etc. he calls easy.
Doing without the ones he hard.
......I know....I miss him terribly because he would always light up a room in our family.
Yes, Pipo is a step above and beyond......ordinary!

***There is no person living who isn’t capable of doing more than they think they can do....

Nov 19, 2002

Side Splitters

Have you ever laughed so hard that your sides actually ache?
I have.

There are some people who are so ‘free’ that they can do anything or say anything ridiculous and absurd ....and get away with it...
My Aunt Hattie was one of those people. Her sister, Aunt Callie, is also.... one of those ....but Aunt Callie doesn’t ’clown’ as a rule .....her ’side splitters’ are in dead-pan serious humor. She is hilarious with some of her ’in earnest deliveries’ of insane humor.
What a delight to be with someone like that:)
Our pastor, Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne, is another side splitter clown.
He uses his absurd humor to make a point....
Just this past Sunday he was speaking about self-righteousness in the Church instead of “God-righteousness”.
His answer to this problem was true Scripture, which he says would produce a ’spiritual enema’ in order to clean out the system of ’useless crap’ that gets in the way of ’being free’. His face features left no doubt to the point he was making. We were all ’cracked up’ with laughing since we have had experience with such people and churches. Or better yet, needed this therapy for our good!

Laughter is a great ’enema’ for the soul.
Silliness can be such fun and produce a lighter heart and mind.
......I have found that a person must be very ’’healthy minded’ in order to be so ’free’. They know and do not care if they appear.... Ridiculous....for you see they are ’having fun’ while living the “Good Life”!

***You grow up the day you have your first real laugh - - -

Nov 18, 2002

Fine Dining In an Elegant Setting

A few years ago when my husband and I celebrated our 25th Anniversary, being the romantic that I am, I wanted to have a “Special“ event dining experience. This was to be in addition to our typical family style celebration of the event. Our children provided a ‘mock remarriage’ with each of them being in charge of certain parts of the ceremony.
It was very meaningful......and hilarious as well as I now reflect.

But for the special ‘dinner out’ we chose to dine at The Don CeSar Hotels King Charles Dining and Ballroom located on St. Petersburg Beach.
You have to understand the history of the Don CeSar in order to appreciate the setting.

The “Don” is referred to as ‘The Pink Castle on Florida’s Gulf Coast”
It opened in 1928 during the Great Gatsby era and was built to resemble the Royal Hawaiian in Waikki Beach for $1.2 was 300 percent over budget.
The resort reigned as ‘the’ hot spot for high society from F. Scott Fitzgerald, Clarence Darrow, Lou Gehring and Al Capone until the Depression, World War II and the founder, Thomas Rowe’s death.
When Thomas Row died without signing the will, which left his ‘pink lady’ to its loyal family of employees, his estranged wife of 30 years became the heir. In less than three years, “The Don” lost its glowing personality and charm, which gave it standing among prominent resorts.
In 1942, the U.S. Army bought the property for an “assessed value” of $450,000. and turned it into a convalescent center for battle-fatigued World War II airmen. After the war, the VA stripped it for use as a regional office and later moved out in 1967, unable to afford necessary repairs.
The abandoned “lady” soon became a graffiti canvas and doomed for the wrecking ball.

But lo and behold, a diligent preservation group rescued “The Don” and located a buyer who shared the original vision of grandeur of Thomas Rowe, the founder.
In 1973, “The Pink Lady” re-opened as a luxury resort with extensive renovations which transformed the ornate Spanish interiors with light woods etc. and created a pastel Continental look.
In 1994 an additional 4,000-sq.-ft. full-service Beach Club and Spa changed the lady to ...The Don CeSar Beach Club Resort and Spa.
It is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places and has had a Four Diamond rating for 22 years while serving delectable “Floribbean cuisine”.

In this elegant setting we had a wonderful, superb......dinner.
Our meal was accompanied by music from a huge floor standing harp played by a young lady with long blonde hair in a flowing white dress.
She sure looked like a Florida angel to me.
We, also, had a million-dollar view of the aquamarine Gulf seas from our table as well.
How romantic could you get?
I’m sure Thomas Rowe would have been well pleased that others were able to enjoy the elegance of the Love of His Life......his “Pink Lady”.
Dreams Realized.....
What a Blessing!

***Enjoy the little things for one day you will look back and realize they were....the big things:)

Nov 15, 2002


My Mother was very wise woman.
Her Southern genteel ways and good common sense wisdom made her a wonderful person to be around.
People loved her greatly.
One thing that she did was to offer good advice as needed.
Mom could really ’help with a problem’ and generally did with everyone around her.
Her balance and stability came from her steadfast faith....
She lived her faith in God, family, love, forgiveness and blessings.
After Mom died a few years ago, this left a huge emptiness in our family and the community as well, since she owned a ‘nursing home‘ in the same small town for years.
Upon reflection, I can see that in many cases, Mom’s ’students’ have now became the ’teachers’ in their own lives...and the community at large..
These ’Mom clones” now dispense help, advice, prayers, encouragement and good common sense to others as needed.
The Circle of Life has become.......Complete!

***If it is free, it’s advice.
.....If you pay for it, it’s counseling.

Nov 14, 2002

Help A Kid

Children fascinate me.....maybe you can tell!
They learn so easily, accept others freely, express love simply and are so very innocent.
Unless misguided adults teach them otherwise....

Investing in a child, time and money, is one of life’s BEST investments.
Let me give you one example from my own life.
This happened a few years ago.
I know a young girl who was 12 yrs. old at the time and she was convinced that she was....ugly.
I never, ever saw her smile.
She always looked and acted like her life was not important and ‘not interesting’ and others treated her this way.....
I was really drawn to this young lady and in a sense I emotionally adopted her. Every time I saw her at our big family gatherings I would seek her out in order to get to know her. She began to trust me with some of her intimate views of herself, her life, her family, school etc.
In the process, I discovered how very creative, talented and ‘quick witted’ she really was. I pointed these things out to her from time to time and because she trusted me.....she knew that this was not ‘flattery’ but that I was telling her the honest to God .....truth.
But I could not get her to smile spontaneously and certainly not laugh.
Knowing that she was earning money by babysitting I challenged her with a normal teen-age reward....I told her, “If the next time I see you, anywhere or anytime, and you are smiling....I will give you $25.00 cash immediately!”
Sure enough six months later I arrived at a family gathering and was hugged fiercely from behind by my young friend saying, “Where is my $25.00?”
Laughingly I paid her and was delighted to do so as I could see that it was not a ’paid for’ look on her sweet face. Her smile came from beyond, inside, and transformed her features to such a degree that she had become a truly beautiful young lady.
How thrilled I was.....and still am today!
She wrote me for awhile and then family members, over the years since, keep me informed of her marriage, children, etc. and she is still very Special to my heart.
Did this happen because of my $25.00 interest?
Absolutely not.....
She was transformed as she began to have faith in herself and as her life began to validate that truth....
I, also, was praying for her constantly, as were others as well.

Help a Kid discover their worth and you will be rich in the things that money can not buy.

***You can give without loving,
.......but you can’t love......without giving!

Nov 13, 2002

Down The Road

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to see....
...down the road of life’s journey.
To be able to see 5 years from now...10 years from now etc.
Would we really want to?
Perhaps we would like to see the ’good’ happenings
but not the bad.
Suppose 10 years back you could have seen where you are now, Today...... in life.
Would it have made you happy or sad?
Some parts of my life I am so glad that I didn’t see in advance.
It would have scared the life right out of me because I would have thought I could not live through it!
I, also, have experienced some profound and extraordinary times of life of which I would not have even dreamed in my wildest imagination.
There is one thing that I do know.
It is choices at any given time in our life’s journey....that makes our future whatever it will be....
rich or poor
full or empty
happy or sad
meaningful or wasted
Our daily choices.....make our future!
It is vital TODAY to use our time wisely and choose to live a rich, full, meaningful and happy life which will give us, more to come, of.....The Good Life!
....As Abraham Lincoln once said......”Most folks are as happy as they make up their mind to be....
My mind is made up.....I WILL BE......H A P P Y:)
I have a choice to.....Don’t Worry + Be Happy!!!

Nov 12, 2002

The Lighter Side of Life...

I love to......L A U G H :)
Our family’s baby, Joshua is 16 months old and he makes me laugh.
Joshua reminds me of an ’old man...set in his ways’.
His ritual when he comes to our home is much the same. He usually picks up the small glass and crystal items that are forbidden to him....and brings them to me.
Then he wants to go out back by the pool and retrieve the ’big riding car’ for a few minutes of fun and games. All the time he is ’exploring’, he is speaking in a language known only to him but is constantly laughing, smiling and being delighted with all he is doing. He is especially thrilled when his “Poppa Charlie” takes him to the garage and lets him stand in the seat of each car. He pretends to drive.
He is laughing constantly and moves so quickly that it take several adults to apprehend him speedily.
Happiness and joy emits from his pores and is very contagious. He and I play a ’silly laughing’ game together which makes everyone else around.....Laugh!
What fun it is to have such a carefree child teach us how to enjoy.....The Good Life.
Yes, the greatest aid to adult children!

Nov 11, 2002

Veterans and Your Families...
I Salute...You!

Today is Veteran’s Day. Nov. 11, 2002

What a debt we owe to the many unsung heroes of the armed forces. I would be redundant in almost anything that I say in tribute. So I will reflect on a significant moment in time which was very profound for me as an American.... overseas.

Being a military family and visiting many of the War Memorials all over the U.S. and Europe, I found one place that really spoke to my heart in a way that even today, I find......breathtaking.

My sister, Joyce, and her husband, Blake and two children, Jenny and Jason, were, also, a military family. In the 1980's, they lived in Belgium since Blake was stationed at SHAPE Hqs. and we were stationed in Germany about 5 driving hours away. Consequentially, we visited each other often.
We toured Belgium Rug Factorys, awesome stained glass churches, Lady Godiva Chocolate Factory, Waterloo Monument Site, etc.
When we were on our way back from the rug factory, we happened to stop at the Flanders Field American Cemetery and Memorial in the town of Waregem, Belgium which is 46 miles west of Brussels.
The cemetery occupies a six acre site. At peaceful rest there are 368 American military Dead. Most gave their lives in liberating Belgium in World War I.
The site was dedicated on Aug 8, 1937, and is the only American World War I cemetery in Belgium. The use of the land, even today, was granted by the Belgian Government free of charge or perpetuity, as an expression of its gratitude to the United States.
Blooming red poppies among the many white marble headstones of Stars of David and Latin Crosses....are a sight to behold.
I remember standing in that sacred and hollowed site and literally holding my breath to enhance the privilege of the moment. The spirit of ’happening’ was made very real to me and I searched my soul for the true gratitude that was due to these brave and forgotten ....heroes.
It was only in entering the Memorial Chapel that I found the words already written which expressed for me, so eloquently, my true feelings.

Above the Chapel’s bronze entrance door, which has the central portions, gilded with pure gold leaf, this is engraved;


On three of the other walls, this dedicatory inscription appears in French, Flemish, and English:


Beneath the three versions of the inscription, sculptured bas-relief figures symbolizing Grief, Remembrance, and History each appear.

Also, on the altar in black and white marble is a quote from the book of Hosea in the Bible.
It says...

On another side of the chapel are panels of rose St. George marble framed in bronze molding and carry the names of 43 American soldiers who lost their lives in Belgium and sleep in ’unknown’ graves. Above the names is the Great Seal of the United States and this inscription:


Their headstones scattered among the Crosses and Stars of David read...

Here Rests In Honored Glory A COMRADE IN ARMS Known But To God. “

The absolute beauty of this chapel can not really be described....The spirit inside the chapel can only be experienced in order to convey genuine meaning to its being.
I loved it....true and simple and as I now write the same intense emotions of the moment overwhelm me.

As a child I had to memorize a poem, which was about the dead speaking to the living, called Flanders Field written by John McCrae.
Visiting the site gave the meaning to the became alive to me then......and is still so today, Veteran’s Day 2002.
May it speak to you as well.


A reply to this poem was written by C.B. Galbreath and is given to every visitor to the site.


Is not this the same cry today in America on behalf of our Twin Towers fallen heroes?
I can only answer for myself.

Nov 9, 2002

The Spice of Life

I have a friend that is quite hilarious.
A stranger meeting her would probably think that she is a very sedate, serious, no-nonsense lady.
That is true.
But if you spend any time with her in a relaxed atmosphere you will find that she has a totally awesome sense of humor.
She can become, at a moments notice, a cute little girl with winsome ways. Silly and fun at the same time.
Challenged by other witty individuals, her ad lib remarks are spicy and clever.....sometimes salty.
Provoked she will ‘set you straight’ in a heart beat.
Yet, she has a heart of gold and a faith that’s admirable with a generous spirit that always wants to give.
My friend is very reluctant to receive and I am working on that since my motto is....the other half of giving is to....receive.
She is a ‘Woman of Excellence”.

Sally, dear....I appreciate, value and LOVE you.
You make me feel.......normal!

Nov 8, 2002

No Bones about It!

Overhearing a conversation recently, the speaker made this remark. “That’s the God’s truth and there’s ‘no bones about it’....
Of course, it was a ‘Southerner‘ speaking and being a southerner myself; I got the point of the conversation.
But would a ‘outsider’?
I’m not sure. The reason why is because many of our cultural colloquial remarks are founded in our long-ago southern history and may relate to events that we now know nothing about. We say them because we have heard them for years and years from our ‘elders’....some we know the origin and others we haven’t a clue.
I often hear our families beautiful 19 year old, ultra Barbie look, Brittney, exclaims, “If that don’t beat all!”
Her glamorous looks are out of character with her speech ....except in the ‘real’ antebellum South.
She has absorbed so many of her Mom, Grandma’s and “dear Granny’s” sayings that I’m not sure she is even aware how ‘unique’ her vocabulary has become.
Ask me about it and I will say, ‘I’m delighted!”
For you see many years ago in Nuremberg, Germany where my husband was stationed with the 1st Bn., 22nd Field Artillery, a very wise woman named, Ginger, gave me some personal advice about my ’accent’.
Ginger declared that if we changed everything about ourselves in our usage of cultural expression in order to ‘be like everyone else’.....then we would all sound the same and it is in this ‘differences’ that we are interesting and unique as individuals and as a society.
This is not to give a license to ‘poor grammar’ but allows the use of colloquial terms along with ‘proper’ speech.
That settled it for me once and for all.
Now I’m delighted to hear the revival of Southern phrases and expressions and even have started the documentation of some of these expressions for our family. Spelling them is another thing altogether!

So I say to you of any proud of your unique heritage and as far as expressing your culture in your one of my Southern friends, Patsy, always says.....”suit yourself.”

Yes, Southern life is to be continued!

Nov 7, 2002

The Best of the Worst.....

Yesterday was my regular time for prayer group.
Only three of 'my' girls were present.
Nancy, Tiena and I were, again, thankful and grateful for all of the wonderful blessings from God in our lives.
As we began to talk to God about several family members and friends we saw they were, of their own free will, choosing to live in ’rebellion’ to what they “know” is right.
In Proverbs 12:15 it says....
”The way of the fool is ’right’ in his own eyes.”

In prayer we asked God to be the....’judge’.
The “best thing” that could happen to them or others who deliberately choose wrong over right that someone cares enough to ’pray’ seriously for them.
Our loving God, who can see all things clearly, will answer such prayers of the heart.
Direction and clarity for others is our hearts cry.
That’s why we pray.

Yes, believe me...or better yet....try it for that.......Prayer Works!!!

Nov 6, 2002

Join The Classy Crowd

As I recuperate from my recent boat excursions and vacation to “The Florida Keys ”, I am enthralled by the various accommodations we experienced.

The boating marina’s we rated from adequate to luxurious. Generally they were resort grade with all kind of amenities. Cost was minimal for services received.
Where else but in America....LaLa Land....can one spend a few dollars and live like ‘royalty’?
There was one 120’ ‘mega-yacht’ for sale at the Fisherman’s Village Marina. The statistics were listed...
.....the fuel capacity was 8,200 gallons.
Marina fuel was costing approximately $2.00 per gallon. In order to fill the mega-yacht fuel tanks, it would have cost...$16,400.00.
Our small boat tank capacity was 20 gallons. Our big boat capacity is 160 gallons.
$40.00 in gas in the little boat, plus dockage, bought us the same view and marina services as the mega-yachts.

Yes, in America....‘class’ is still a bargain!

Nov 5, 2002

Voting Day in the U S A.....

Today we have a privilege. Many people around the world would like to have the opportunity to vote that we have in America.

I will vote today
This is the American way
Democracy is so fine
And it gives me peace of mind
My voice can be heard
Without speaking a single word
Put ‘them’ in...take ‘them’ out
Certainly that’s a lot of ‘clout’...
Invisible power across the land
Is given to every woman or man
Who takes the time to heed the call
Registering and voting costs not at all....
So come on your ‘thing’
Let us hear “Ole Liberty” ring
Celebrate by voting today
In the good ole.....U S A!

A Little Bit “Eccentric”

On our recent boat trip, as we were docking in the Marina, a strange thing happened.

A woman came out of her sailboat and started ranting about ‘being rude’, ‘ we don’t do things this way in Canada’, etc.
All of us were astonished because we were simply laughing as we docked, teasing each other and having good clean fun. Never had we been greeted in such a manner before.
Our response to her was....”God Bless You, Honey.”

Upon talking to her later, I found out she was a 71 yr. old woman who had lived on her sailboat in the marina for a year. The boat had been transported by truck from Canada to Florida. She said that she sailed on Lake Erie for 30 years but that she did not sail by herself any more.

I surmised that she was a very lonely individual and somehow we appeared “absurd” to her ’ dignity’ of life.
It was a sad encounter.
She was my idea of an ‘eccentric’ person.
Then I went to my dictionary and this is what I found;

...eccentric.....deviating from the norm, as in conduct, out of the ordinary; an odd or unconventional person.
....Yep, that’s what she was......
.....Do you suppose that is what she thought of us?

11/04/ Faith

Island Hoppers Yacht Club.... Enjoys The Good Life!!!

My greetings to you after a weeklong trip on the Florida waterways.
There were six boats of us...
.....and we covered approximately 300 water miles.
We traveled in.....not our ‘big’ boats but our ‘little’ cutty ’sleeping’
cabin boats.
There was the 19’5’’ Funliner named, ’Go Gator’ with Charlie and I.
Dockie and Ann in their 23’..... ’Nubbin’.
Patsy and Kenneth in their’little’ 23’ Sea Ray named the “Why Knot?’.
Bonnie and Buddy in their.... “Lucky Lady”.
Sally and Sam in their.....”Sea Hawk”.
Mary and Ronnie in their 26’......”Almost Heaven”.

The trip was perfection with only a few minor glitches.
We left Taylor Creek on the north end of Okeechobee on Sat. in the early morning of Oct. 26......
Traveling 30 miles across Lake Okeechobee and then turning west down the Caloosahatchee River and traveling another 70 miles or so, we reached the City of Ft. Myers Yacht Basin around 3:00 pm.
The next day, entering the Gulf, we traveled the Matlacha Pass and went to the north end of Pine Island to the Four Winds Marina at Bokeelia. The Pass was quite tricky with the low tide and the Sea Hawk had a mechanical mishap requiring repair. We left it for repair and traveled in the five boats to Captiva Island’s ‘Tween Waters Marina’ for a two day and night stay. It was wonderful resort living, swimming pools, Gulf Beach access, restaurants nearby and......Florida’s invisible pest called the ’no-see-ums’.
They were wicked, to say the least.
Yet I have found my favorite Marina so far.....‘Tween Waters Marina’ or Hotel Inn is ideal to visit. It is Tropical Paradise at its best...
After our two-day stay, four boats headed up Charlotte Harbor to the Burnt Store Marina and the Go Gator took Sea Hawks Capt. Sam to pick up his boat at the Four Winds Marina at Bokeelia, which was on our way.
All six boats arrived at the awesome 450 slip Burnt Store Marina at around 11:00 a.m. having come across a choppy Charlotte Harbor. Waters being choppy we had decided against going to the Fishermen’s Village Yacht Basin by boat and instead rented a van and took off by land to the Village in Punta Gorda. Had a grand old time, as usual for our group. Returning the van the next morning with twelve people in a 7-passenger van, we made some remarkable discoveries involving the hilarious sense of humor by those involved. For Sally, Bonnie and Mary Faith, everything came out all right in ‘the end’.
Thursday morning we retraced our previous route thru the Matlacha Pass. This time at a higher tide and with no mishap. We arrived back to the City of Ft. Myers Yacht Basin around noon and were ready for another rest. We met a very ’eccentric’ neighbor on our dock....will relate more later. Next morning around 8:00 am. we again headed up the Calooshatchee River to Clewiston to the Roland-Martin Marina for the night. The end of the trip was in sight and the entire group was complaining about so many ’dirty clothes‘. Food supplies were still plentiful though.
Saturday morning arrived with a very high wind factor and the consensus was to load out our boats in Clewiston rather than go across the Ole Unforgiving Lake Okeechobee. For my vote, it was a good move. Sally called her son, Gary, and he graciously drove over and picked up the 6 boat Captains and took them each to their vehicles and boat trailers in Okeechobee. Soon the men were back and we were all ready to load out and depart to our various homes around the state.
Seven days and nights, six boats, twelve people of diverse experiences....with one thing in have good clean fun on the waterways and thus share the comradre of the ’Good Life’ with like-minded people.

Mission Accomplished!

11/04/02...7:00:04AM by: Faith