Nov 26, 2002

Okay, I admit it: I’m Thankful....

Thanksgiving in America is a wonderful tradition and usually is a time of reunion.

Food, Family and Fun.

In our family we take a special time to relate something profound that happened during the previous year of which we are especially gratefull. Last year as it turned out we found out that we were thankful for many.... Serendipity Miracles.
As we talked.....some were hilarious....a new mattress out of the blue....try explaining that......but with a bad back....a new mattress was something to be extremely thankful for as it was much needed.
Just ask my sister, Shyrl.
How it came to be was.....miraculous.

In our St. Pete Times newspaper we have a section that is run weekly called....Private Thoughts of The Teens.
One teens writings was especially significant and I would like to paraphrase it for you....
By: Cecilia Tucker:....”This year I want to let the people I love know how thankful I am for them. I often don’t act very grateful because being ungrateful seems to be the right thing to do for someone my age.
I am thankful for the way you have always loved me, even if it embarrasses me when you show it in public. In my heart, I know you love me when you get that look in your eyes, and you reach over and give me a pat on the leg. I even know you want to hug me and kiss me then: but you don’t always do that, because I push you away and pretend I don’t like hugs and kisses from you any more.
I never want you to stop reaching out to me, and I still am grateful when you try. (I really don’t mind the kisses...Remember it’s my job to act as if I don’t like it.)
I am thankful for the times you tell me “no” and set clear boundaries for me. I am grateful when you don’t always give in when I whine and complain about the rules. Or slam the door to my room.
I know you care or you wouldn’t bother setting those restrictions. My first reaction when you tell me no is to decide you really don’t love me or you’d do it my way. But I know that’s not what is going on. I know you make every effort to see things my way; but my way, in your opinion, isn’t always the best for me.
I am grateful you are my parent. This means I don’t want someone’s parent to take your place. It also means I am glad you don’t try to be my ’friend’. I do want to be friends with you someday, but for now I have friends my own age. I still need someone to make me follow the rules, and I am glad you know when to be the rule enforcer.
I am thankful too, for the role model you have been for me. Your behavior follows your values, for the most part (no one’s perfect, you know). I can count on your consistency and your integrity. I would like for my friends to think you are cool, but I really want them to respect you and value your opinions.
Lastly, I want to say thanks for all the ways you give to me.
Giving is the second word in..... Thanksgiving, you know.
I know there are times I act unappreciative, especially when I keep asking for more stuff. I know you could have traveled the world over at least three times if you hadn’t had me, but you chose me.
THANKS for being here for me and GIVING me all of yourself.
You are the best!”

“Okay I admit it: I’m......Thankful”!

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