***by personal experience!
1....To keep my mouth 'borderline crazy' remarks.
2....Fly by the 'seat of my pants' more!...(Thanks Dockie:)
3....Children are GREAT.....teachers!
4....My 'feelings' do count!
5....People all over the world laugh in the same language!
7....Some people will NEVER change!
9....I have the right to be right.....and wrong! (check numbers)
10..I need every person that is in my life in order to enhance the quality of my life and
11..Cantankerousness, orneriness, and argumentative people are a 'known given' in life.
12...I don’t have to cry and ‘lament endlessly’ about others ‘wrong choices of life’. a wonderful word.....and experience!
14....Time heals.
15....People WILL let you down.....God NEVER Will!
16...Why Worry?.....When I can.....PRAY?
17....It is be....s i l l y!!!
19....Walking the beach HEAVEN!!!
20....Friends that are crazy, zany, delightful, thoughtful and helpful are God’s answer
to prayer for me and my family....
21....It IS A Good Life!!!
Dec 31, 2002
Personal Commitment for......2003
Upon reading my morning devotional, one of them, which really caught my attention, was in regard to personal commitment in today’s generation.
It reminded us that on the eve of a New Year, that a lot of promises and New Year's resolutions are being made. These are a worthy way for evaluation and redefining our New Year and the priorities we choose for change.
The only problem is that for most of us the promises of today will soon be forgotten. We have good intentions, but we lack the commitment that will cause us to form new habits. I.e. lose weight, quit smoking, be calm, save money, etc.
My Southern Mom used to say....”The jail house if filled with people with ’good intentions’!
The generation we live in now is by and large a short-term commitment generation. We often begin our projects etc. with a definite idea of how we can excuse ourselves if things get too difficult.
Even newlyweds begin their marriages with the understanding that there is a legal backdoor that will allow escape when the relationship gets rocky!
.......Good solid relationships are based on love and often made stronger by.....trials. Each person gives and receives support in relation to the other.
I am going to be very careful this year about my commitments.....
to myself and to others....when I wish YOU a....Happy New Year....and I say that ...may “Your Dreams Come True”....I have promised a commitment to the place in our relationship by which I can do all that is within my means in order to ......pray for you, your dreams, your happiness etc. ....and when we have a personal make the atmosphere and attitude of that relationship be one of and I both......are.....HAPPY!!!
It is to this that I am committed.....God, Family, Friends and...... America!
.......HAPPY NEW YEAR.....2003
Posted by
8:46 AM
Dec 30, 2002
The Hardest Thing To Handle....
Is the Attention You Will Get!!!
As we wind down the year of 2002, there is a time for reflection....both good and bad. The memories of the year rush about in my head and heart!
I am filled with awe at how much ’living’ can be packed into a year....and how quickly that year can come and go....
In a sense, I’m still on hold for the computer glitches of the year 2000!!!
It never happened......but it seemed like yesterday.
Now we are approaching the beginning of a completely New Year! for me!!!
I truly believe.....that the year.....2003 will be a year by which....
.......Dreams Come True.....for a lot of people!
Over the last year, I have repeatedly heard from the lives of many of my family and friends....certain ’Dreams’ that have been reached for.....prayed for....worked for.....or forgotten or put on the shelf ’dreams’.....
In these dreams I hear a reoccurring theme.....”I wish or I‘ve always dreamed of....owning my own company, having a ‘perfect‘ mate, having a child, taking a trip to....seeing my children walk in healthy relationships, owning such and such a car, a new home, finishing my college education, bringing “Jesus” to the world, being debt free, being rich, retiring etc.”
But I warn you......having your “Dreams Come True”....can
and will......CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
I’ve seen it happen....both good and bad.....
There are many examples of people around me who.....had not the character to handle their.....Dream Come True.
For you see their realized dream were pre-mature to the developing of strength, character and wisdom in order to value and rightfully use the blessing of....Dreams Come True!
Look at the ’stars’ of Hollywood, Sports, Media etc.
Some use their position of influence to help others,..i.e. Warrick Dunn with the Tampa Bucs.....others use it entirely to help themselves.
The attention that many drew as a result of their “Dream Come True”.... intensifies the character within......and magnifies it for all the world to see. I have seen in my own family and friends....people change so much as a result of their ’dream’ that they no longer wanted the individuals in their lives that were instrumental in helping then achieve that dream!
It happens every day!
Now I have to tell you that I, also, have seen dreams realized that changed the lives FOR GOOD of the individual and all those around them!
THIS is a Joy to behold. THIS is.....contagious....
Such sharing......ignites a fire of hope and joy and encouragement to such a degree that the “Blessed”......becomes a Blessing....
It is for this that I pray for all of you!
I am praying a Scripture from The Bible to support my New Years wish and prayer for all of you my family, my friends, my readers.
Proverbs 13:12 from the Living Bible....
........Hope deferred makes the heart sick....BUT WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE AT LAST.....THERE IS LIFE AND JOY!!!
THIS is my prayer for YOU and all those you hold dear.
*******HAPPY NEW YEAR....2003!
Posted by
9:40 AM
Dec 27, 2002
Innovate in my dictionary introduce new methods, devices, etc.
...change in the way of doing things...something newly introduced....
Having just been through one of the most beautiful and ’awesome’ Family Christmas’s, I am asking....”Who could ask for anything more?”
I can!
Continued enjoyment of this quality of life, every day of the year, requires new and innovative ways of living fully in this land of plenty....called America.
Our family had more than it’s share of ’things’ for new digital camera which seems like a toy to galore, Charlie, Lynn and I made 100 pastelillos before Christmas but most of all we had the true meaning of Love.....given by the “Babe” at Christmas.
In addition, we were given the “Gift of Joy” in our hearts this Christmas....It seemed like the funniest things happened everywhere we turned...we were always laughing at ourselves or each other.
The day began with the lighting of the Christ candle, prayers and ‘Joy To The World’ singing. After the wonderful meal, sharing of gifts etc. we had a gift game called....”Dirty Santa Clause”...
Everyone had brought small under $5. gifts for this game and we each choose a number to pick a gift.
#1 opened gift of choice....#2 could take #1 gift and give #1 a wrapped gift....or open one so all could see. The true winner was the last number who could see all open gifts but the last one....then this case Lynn, could choose from everything.....
Yet in our family....things are not always as they seem....several gifts had been whom I’m not telling.....
A least desired gift...warm rainbow colored flannel socks....had a $25.00 gift certificate unwanted book that had not been opened contained a $1.00 bill in each page. The name of the book....”The Lord’s Prayer in 40 different cultures and languages...”
The game was a riot....the trading of unwanted gifts became another game.
Talking LeNails...versus a ’barrel of monkeys’.
After all was done.....the treasures came forth!
We had such fun with that silly nonsense and yes, .....we truly had a “Birthday” party celebration. Eighteen months old Joshua thought we were all crazy. He was clapping his hands in glee at the party atmosphere.
Of course, there were “Happy Birthday Jesus” decoration everywhere in addition to the sights and sounds of Christmas red and green.
We, also, read the President’s message, which gave us a time of rejoicing in the fact that we live in freedom as Americans and Christians.
We were and are blessed.
You may say....”She’s bonkers. All the ’needy’ around and they play ’games’.”
365 days of the year.....All our family is blessed.....and we use those blessings to help others.....and each other as needed.
I could tell you tales in our family that would curl your hair.....but the bottom line is that we do enjoy life to the fullest....the good, the bad, and the ugly is a normal part of the reality of our lives as well as others.....
YET our true life is internal!
It is for this that we celebrate, have fun, enjoy those we love and give, give,
give. We are a generous hearted people....
We believe that we are blessed in order to be a blessing!
It is a responsibility that we take seriously all year.
Christmas is a time of recognizing this fact that we are all in HIS plan called “Life” together and we have earned the right to enjoy it to our hearts content. This is what makes It A Good Life for myself and my family and friends.
In the year 2003 I hope to discover innovative ways of living life fully and sharing the blessings of God with others on a daily basis.
This is my “New Year’s Resolution.”
Enjoy Life.....Today!
Posted by
10:45 AM
Dec 23, 2002
Quiet Comfort......
Kenny G’s Christmas music called “Miracles.. The Holiday Sound “ is playing on my speakers and a warm fire is glowing in the fireplace before me.
As I read my devotional it is entitled “It’s A Wonderful Life”!
I am in complete agreement.....Yes, It Is A GOOD Life.
But......a report is received that our pastor’s 18 yr. old daughter, Kelly Howard-Browne, is in intensive care with the disease cystic fibrosis which she has had since childhood.
Many people are praying for this beautiful Christian young lady.
Her father and Mother, Rodney and Adonica and their family and our church staff are still handing out gifts to needy children, and feeding a multitude of people as we do every day of the year in our church.
They and we are... all praying for Kelly but walking in the Quiet Comfort of faith in God to be IN CONTROL....when it ‘appears’ that life is ’out of control’.
That’s faith....
On Saturday I caught a glimpse of ‘The Christmas Spirit’ when I went to good ole Wal-Mart Super Store to return an item. The young lady that was working on my exchange turned to her fellow worker and asked ‘for the list of things that ‘the child’ needed....she wanted to shop during her break for her part of the contribution to a needy child.”
Here I saw a young woman, probably earning minimum wage, using her free break time to help make someone else’s Christmas!
My heroes are....home grown....all around me.
Christmas just brings out that which is already stored in the character of each individual. The Spirit of the Season acts as a laser beam of illuminating light...the good is blessed and multiplied....the bad is more obvious than any other time of the year....and is repulsive in light of family togetherness, Love, goodness, charity, compassion, gratitude and Joy To The World...
I take Quiet Comfort that the Peace on Earth which the Angels declared...still reigns in the heart of those who recognize and value the worth of the Babe of which we celebrate HIS birth this season of Love.
Yes, Jesus IS the reason for the Season. Therein lies my Quiet Comfort!
Posted by
8:40 AM
Dec 21, 2002
In receiving feed back from my blog readers, I recently received one from a reader who is in the United Arab Emirates.
If you have read my blog of Dec. 10 called, "Bring The World To....YOU!"
you will see that is exactly what is happening in computer real life today.
I am astonished that the world has actually become so small.....and communication so swift to the utmost parts of the globe.
Then I remember some verses in the Bible from the end of the book of Daniel (12:4) when the angel is giving Daniel prophecy for the future that says .......
,,,"But Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal it up so that it will not be understood until the end times,
The book of Daniel....remember the lions den?....was written approximately 535 B.C.
What an exciting time we live in as a human race..... as we approach the year 2003 A.D.
So I say to you.....wherever you are....Enjoy Life.....It Is Precious.....
Celebrate the Holidays with those you love and hold dear.
Remember.......Life is short.....Eternity is.....FOREVER!
Where will YOU spend it?
Reservations are being made NOW.
The choice is individually decided....on this earth.
As for me....I choose.....The GOOD LIFE!!!
Have a Happy and Prosperous......New Year!
Posted by
8:31 AM
Dec 20, 2002
A Performance You Won’t Want To Miss!!!
Just had an interesting conversation with my cousin, Yvonne, who lives in north Florida....
Yvonne is a nut.....but that is not really an adequate description because you will find over and over that description fits most of my family and friends....
Like mind......attracts like mind.....
And then there is family! More like minded than I care to admit!
Anyway, Yvonne and I don’t see each other very often since we both have very busy family lives.
Yvonne’s husband, James, is a heavy-duty big crane operator and spends months in various parts of the country. They recently returned from 3 or 4 months in North Dakota.
In January he goes to Maryland for a month or two.
It is said in the profession that James is so good that with a 300-ft. boom crane he can pick up a dime off of the sidewalk....
That’s a delicate performance for sure.
It is no wonder that at the age of 57, James has high blood pressure, hypertension etc. or it could be simply living with Yvonne is a greater challenge....
You see Yvonne is absolutely an astonishing person and......hilarious!
She called this morning at 5:55 a.m. full of life and fun.
As she related some of her recent antics, I found myself laughing my head off. Imitating family members and their nonsense leaves me fascinated by her exacting point of view and her general attitude of life.
She is ‘right on’ in life!
Yvonne......has no arms.
She was born that way.
Yvonne can do anything you or I can do....AND DO IT BETTER!
She is a worker.....a perfectionist, a motivator and has one of the best sense of humor of anyone I know.
She can cook a Southern meal for 25 people or so.....from food and vegetables that she has put into her freezer over the past year.
Her house is always incredibly clean as is their 35’ fifth wheel travel trailer.
Until recently, she had been mowing, with their riding lawn mower, their 5 acres of grass around their home. This she thinks is.....normal.
Getting a new home is why she quit ’that job’.
She also dresses with a flair and beauty that puts most women to shame.
A reflection of her general ’attitude’ was made very clear a few years ago when she and I went to get her some contact lens.
The young ’eye Doctor’ was kinda ’beating around the bush’ talking while trying to find out if she could adequately handle this new project.
He asked....“can you do this, can you do that.”?...
In her ‘be nice’ Southern lady voice she told him she drives a car, raised two sons, helps her family and friends etc.
He kept persisting that contact lens were awkward for everyone!
Finally she cut him off by saying, “Sonny, I haven’t seen anything that I can’t do yet!”
He burst out laughing with delight!
Upon receiving her new contacts, she along with 5 other new ’users’ were given a brief demonstration and then told to put them in for themselves.
They could not leave the office until it was proven they could do this.
Guess who was the first to get hers in?
Yep, it was Yvonne!
Yvonne is a class act for sure.
She could give one ulcers....or gray hair....or a different attitude of life!
Yvonne is what I call an “Electric Woman”.......
She has no equal!
Posted by
8:11 AM
Dec 19, 2002
A World of Difference
Yesterday the ‘prayer girls’ and I had our Christmas lunch at the luxurious Don CeSar Hotel’s Sea Porch Cafe on St. Petersburg Beach.
There were the four of us, Abby, Nancy, Taina and myself.
Before the meal was over....we had involved several of our fellow diners in our moments of hilarity.
Abby, being the clown that she is...informed us that she had gotten a ‘tattoo’. We believed her!
Upon revealing her ‘non existent’ tattoo, her punch line was overheard by another diner who was laughing along with us.
Nancy was not surprised by Abby’s antics.....they have much the same sense of humor. But Taina, the ever elegant lady and ‘proper’ Doctor’s wife image was a little dismayed when she understood what was happening ....was a joke.
Taina’s seriousness takes a shock at times with her ‘flamboyant’ friends yet she contributes in ‘first-class’ FUN to our enjoyment and has for seven years!
Then we decided to have our pictures made and our server plus another diner decided to ‘help’ us. Arranging our ‘best side’ look took much movement from one place to another but surprisingly enough even strangers ’got in the act’!
Part of our celebration was the sharing of gifts to and from each other.
We ‘ohed and awed’ as only females can do.
Had there been any males present yesterday.....they would have died of humiliation at the ’spectacle’ four grown women created.
But we had FUN and for us that was the idea.
For you see all four of us work very hard in our given roles of life and family. We take very seriously our commitment to that which is sacred.
When our meal arrived....we did the normal.
Bowed our heads together in a bond of love to God and each other.....and thanked the Almighty God for all of the many blessings He has brought into our lives and that of our families.
We also are thankful that He created us with a lively sense of humor!
We are made in HIS image......He knows how to laugh too!
Thank God!
Posted by
6:17 AM
Dec 17, 2002
Celebrate The Man!
Living in Florida, we are well aware of "The Mouse".
Walt Disney World is evident in most of Florida....just go to any gift shop in the state.
A survey of visitors at Walt Disney World in Orlando, revealed that many of the park's guests under the age of 15 didn't know that Walt Disney was a real person.
They thought that "Disney" was just a company name.
When corporate officials planned the celebrations commemorating the 100th anniversary of Walt Disney's birth, they made a special effort to highlight the life and impact of the real man.
With Christmas just a week and half away, we should consider how we can celebrate Jesus's birth in a way that helps others know that Jesus lived on this earth as a real man. The baby born in Bethlehem was the one and only Son of God.....A gift to mankind....
More than the gifts we give, it is how we live that will point to the realness of Christ this Christmas.
Yes, Jesus IS the Reason for the Season.....of Love!
Posted by
8:24 PM
Dec 16, 2002
Happy Birthday Holidays....It IS A Good Life!!!
Yesterday was a....bitter/!
It was our family Brittney’s 19th birthday.
Britt and Ashley arrived at our house along with.....18 mo. old Joshua smiling from ear to ear with a soft fuzzy athletic sweatshirt on.
Ashley has just celebrated her 21st birthday and is in her 3rd year of college.
Both young ladies are dazzling in their looks and apparel.
Brittney, being a natural blonde with creamy ivory skin and dark haired Ashley whose perfect beauty makes you hold your breath when you look at her...both are EXTRAordinary. The Miracle of their looks is that the inside of each is more beautiful than the outside of their appearance.
These young ladies know.....L O V E.
They love their families.......and GOD!
Since we have the custom of lighting The Advent of Christ candles in our home, we also did this yesterday with the girls and 3rd yr. college student Matthew and Lynn..
Let me briefly explain the meaning of this ritual if you are not familiar
with it...
ADVENT means COMING...the Coming of Christ.
This was foretold.... the Old Testament and in the New Testament you will find reference to His coming....again.
It is an old custom and is started....four Sundays before Christmas....
A Family table is set with a wreath of greens or round candleholder that holds 4 candles with an additional larger white candle placed in the center of the wreath.
One candle is lighted the first Sunday (the Prophecy Candle) by the youngest child and left burning during the meal. That candle is relit the next Sunday plus an additional candle (the Bethlehem Candle) lighted by the oldest child. This is done each Sunday in Advent for the Shepherds and Angles Candle. Appropriate devotional is read and a simple family prayer is given. Then on Christmas Day....before anything is done.....the Center white Candle is lighted, others extinguished, to represent the coming of Christ, the Light of the World.
Each member gives a family prayer and then we sing....Joy To The World together.....
It is after this that our Christmas day begins.....For Jesus IS the Reason for the Season....and yes, we do bake him a Birthday Cake too....
Back to yesterday.....Brittney relit the Prophecy Candle and expressed her love and prayers. She had us all crying with her obvious caring and communicating that love to all of us....and God. Next Ashley relit the Bethlehem Candle and briefly stated her love and blessings for the New Year. Then Matthew lit the Shepherds Candle....and said nothing.
With all these crying females...what could he say?
His tender hugs said it all....
We broke out in song....Joy To The World....and Joshua was clapping his hands as he does at all “Birthday Parties”.
Later as we were talking, Ashley and Brittney were ‘lamenting’ the 'loves of their lives' that they thought ...did not value.....their love
There is a Scripture that speaks of this when St. Paul was speaking to the Church of Corinth and said,
2 Corn. 6:12&13 LB........”Any coldness between us is not because any lack of Love on my part......BUT BECAUSE YOUR LOVE IS TOO SMALL TO TAKE MY L OVE IN....Open your hearts! Return our Love!”
Bitter/sweet Love.....we all experience it to some degree at any given time in our lives.
This is the Season of Love.....and Forgiveness.
Feel do both.....freely.
In HIS Love.
Posted by
8:27 AM
Dear Readers;
If you are new to my Web Site.......Welcome!
In order to send comments and your point of view....go to......
May you have a Wonderful Holiday Season with all those you hold dear....
Enjoy Life!
Posted by
8:26 AM
Dec 15, 2002
Merry Christmas and.......Welcome to my Web Site called...a blog.
For you first time viewers, I have written my personal blog since Sept. 9, 2002.
Clicking on the archives and starting at the beginning of these posts will probably make more sense.....or less in some cases:)
What are blogs?
Blogs are simply web this case a kind of personal journal that is made public.
Since many of you have read my little books of inspiration in the past, you will find yourself mentioned from time to time as we experience life together.
I will include daily happenings of interest to my family, our nautical friends, my prayer partners, and
any and all who are like minded souls.
You will see that our Southern/Spanish flavored family is quite 'crazy' and the abnormal becomes normal.
Adventure, Fun, Faith required Challenges, local home grown 'heroes' will become the norm as I present to you some of the most fascinating people on this family and friends....
Look carefully....for you will surely find....YOURSELF!!!
Posted by
6:49 AM
Dec 13, 2002
You Can Do Everything - Or Nothing At All!!!
Yesterday Charlie and I were at the Celebration Hospital near Orlando with Ann for my brother Dockie’s knee surgery. What a happening!
First of all, the hospital was NOT ordinary.
It is what I call a “Disney Resort Hospital” since it has the ambiance of a
5-star hotel. One of the nurses was telling us that most of the Disney land is leased to approved individuals but this 61 acres was sold directly to Florida Hospital specifically for the hospital care nearest Disney World.
Needless to say, the designing architect was chosen with care in order to extend the Celebration Community environment which personifies the Norman Rockwell era plus first-class resort living.
Inside....and would never know you are in a hospital.
It was in this ‘unreal’ atmosphere that Dockie’s knee surgery took place.
His orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Doer, had performed over 1,000 of this type of surgery so he came well recommended with success.
Regardless, Dockie and Ann did their homework and ‘interviewed’ him beforehand since he was their ’second opinion’ Doctor.
Dockie also went on-line for his credentials.
Dr. Doer excelled yesterday. He said that Dockie's surgery was a success and he would be fine.
As we talked with him after surgery, it was amusing because he was flabbergasted at the size of Dockie’s bones. He said that the stainless steel connectors that he uses are calibrated in size from 1-7. He has never used over the 5 for all of his previous knee surgeries. He had to use a 6 for Dockie because of the size of his bones. Made the drilling tougher......for the nurse said.
Leave it to Dockie to ’set a record’ he really will be able to “leap tall building in a single bound” as says the message on daughter Cindy’s flowers to his room.
Anyone that knows Dockie.....knows he can do.....everything!
Dockie is an inventor, an author, a experienced boater, a retired Lockheed/Martin analyst,a house builder, a motivator......and is also famous for’ instigator’!
He also is a........Florida Gator!
The only real thing that he can not or will not do is.......
.......Nothing At All!!!
Now.....the next few days and weeks we will see if he can get some experience in this area of his life.
Ever heard the song.....’I’ve got a tiger by the tail it’s plain see!”..
Yep, that’s my ‘big’ brother.
Posted by
9:02 AM
Dec 11, 2002
Why Wait?
Do you have someone in your life that is......always there?
Someone that you perhaps are.....too familiar with?
One that you know the good, bad and ugly of life...on a daily or weekly basis? One that can really....’get in your stuff’?
This not only applies to a husband and wife relationship but can be
significant other,parents, children, adult or small, in-laws, relatives,
co-workers...anyone in our network of....close relationships!
We all have such:)
NOW is the TIME to identify their value to.......Y O U!
Search your heart.....if this person disappeared from your life forever,
what would be your ’parting’ words to them?
Or perhaps on another line of thinking.....YOU WON THE LOTTERY!
What would be their significance to you then?
Would you ’need’ or ‘want’ them in your life or would you like to.... as a friend of ours teasingly said.....’get a new set of friends’?
YOU would still be.......Y O U!
There is no escaping that.....people around you ‘serve’ a need in your life one way or other.
I can hear some of my friend’s say....”You’re crazy, girl. I don’t ‘need’ these rebellious teen-agers.”
Believe it or do.
I can prove it to you.
Even the best of human love is insufficient to give us the security and significance we need!
A basic human need in all of to be needed!
Rebellious persons of any age....teen-agers are just more ‘evident’ in their need because they speak in behavior not necessarily words....and they are very needy.
Rebels say indirectly.....”I need to be validated by YOU and OTHERS.
YOU happen to be there.”
Your strength is needed, your wisdom is needed, your patience is needed, you steadfastness is needed, your observations are needed, daily, and most of all......YOUR LOVE IS NEEDED ENDLESSLY!
YOU ARE NEEDED in a way that no one else can replace.
Fill a need in others.....and you WILL BE FULFILLED!
Now I caution you....some of you, my friends and family know to whom I am addressing....DO NOT DENY YOUR OWN NEEDS AT THE EXPENSE OF THOSE YOU LOVE!
There can be great danger in being a completely ’self-less’ person.
You can loose... the process!
Others will....use YOU up.......IF you let them!
They can become so dependent on your ‘meeting their needs’ that you become a stumbling block to their own growth and maturity.
YOU become fragmented in this process....and there is not much left of YOU for.......YOU!
There is a balance formula here.....called + The Golden Rule+
Expect others to meet your you meet theirs!
Define your needs to yourself......and others in your life!
Be specific. Remember....people are NOT mind readers!
Tell others, not only that ‘I Love You’.....
.........but also, ‘I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE!”
Some of them may drop dead from shock.....
but I guarantee it will BLESS THEIR HEART!
Now during this Christmas Season of Love I challenge you... and communicate to those dear to you one simple statement....
....”I NEED Y O U in my life BECAUSE...
Why Wait?
Posted by
7:18 AM
Dec 10, 2002
Bring The World To..... Y O U!
If you have explored the Home page of my web page called Blogger Home you will find some interesting sites to visit. Some make sense and some don’t. Some are ridiculous!
You will also find that the blog home is international. I clicked on one blog, which was a young man in the Antarctic, and he had posted pictures of seals and such as was common to his environment. Then again I checked another out and it was written in Russian.
This is just a small way we can bring the world into our little piece of space that we inhabit on this earth. Within a moments click.... we have reached the other side of the globe....
Who would have dreamed such many years ago?
As a child I loved to read. I was enchanted by the books that told tales about the Great Wall of China, Sphinx at Giza near Cairo, Egypt, The Great Pyramids, Russia and the Revolution, Hawaiian Islands etc.
In books the world was brought to my doorstep so to speak.
Later in life as an adult and a military wife, I was able to see many of these worlds that I had only read about.
My husband, Charlie and our son, Chad,and I each rode a camel from the Pyramid of Knufu near Giza to the Sphinx, which was about a 20-minute camel ride. Talking about dreams come true and realizing that the world indeed is small.....this proved it.
Also, I went to Communist Russia in 1982 and prayed silently in Red Square near Lenin’s tomb. This was a prayer of intercession of good over evil that God had placed in my heart earlier. About six months later Billy Graham went to Russia (he was criticized severely by the press) and I knew that good would come, spiritually, of this faithful Man of God’s visit. Later I found out that there were many others like myself who had been actively interceding for this land.
Upon going to Israel.....again only reading about this land in “The Book”, Charlie, Chad and I were baptized in the Jordan River. Chad as a child, had always said that he wanted to be baptized where Jesus was.... and he had that dream fulfilled.
What a blessing!
Now I can sit at my computer and click to
and have a personal prayer taken to the Great Western Wall in Jerusalem by a young Jewish college student.
How is that for ....Bringing The World To Y O U!
Posted by
9:24 AM
Dec 9, 2002
Dear Friends;
I would like to recommend my friend Nancy's blog....Web you...
She inspires me!
Her address is:
She accepted my challenge of Dec. 6 to start her own web page.
See how easy it is....
Now...I D A R E Y O U!
Posted by
9:29 AM
Experience The Difference!
In several of my previous writings, I have written about our “big” boat, The Milagro and our “little” boat The Go Gator.
There is a vast difference between the two boats - ask anyone in a 10-foot sea dilemma! A boater fully realizes, usually by experience, the difference between a 19’5” water vessel and a 33 “ vessel.
First of all, the mechanical requirements for movement of such crafts, the ‘horsepower’ the main criteria if you wish to travel anywhere by water.
The little boat has a 140-hp engine.
The big boat originally came with two 254-hp engines but now, years later, has been adapted for our personal need...slow luxury at minimal costs.
My brother, Dockie & Ann’s boat, ‘The Eagles Nest’, is the same size as our big boat. They have two 270-hp Crusader street lingo this is two 350 hp Chevy blocks converted to Marine use and called Crusaders....
With both engines running at about 10 mph - he generates 1 mile per gallon of gas.
This past summers trip to the Bahamas, Abacos, etc. The Eagle’s Nest new GPS recorded 650 water miles, round trip.
Part of these water miles was on the 100 mile crossing back to Stuart, Florida with 10-ft. seas!
Needless to say, both 270-Crusaders were “horsepower” required to meet the challenge.
Our friend, Kurt & Melissa, in the “Double Eagle”, same size boat....had mechanical problems and used only one engine on the return trip with 10 ft. seas.
There is a VAST difference in a 33-ft. boat and a 19”5’ boat in 10-foot waves.....A LIFE SAVING DIFFERENCE!
Experience knows what is required for certain types of water travel.
In real life sometimes we need a ‘big’ boat.... sometimes a ‘little’ boat!
Peaceful, calm water is delightful and preferable.....stormy seas WILL happen!
Faith is my anchor, which is the difference between sinking, and swimming in.....The Good Life!
Posted by
9:07 AM
Dec 6, 2002
Relish The Choices...I Challenge Y O U!
Several of you have asked me about the origin of my web site.
In our St. Pete Times the Monday edition has an insert called
Tech Times and is all kinds of computer info.
In September there was an article called...Blog Bonanza and part of the info is as follows:
Web logs, or blogs, are the personal pages that some say will change the way we communicate. But the digital diaries can range from insightful to insipid.
A blog is a personal Web Page. There are as many different types of blogs as they are different books on Amazon.con.
Blogs can be personal journals or they can be someone’s opinions on the news of the day. They can be used for business including sharing notes from meetings written as they happen. Groups with a common interest, such as computer geeks or journalists or fans of particular sports or TV shows, can share information through blogs. Most have links to other blogs. While blogs have been around for a few years, Sept. 11 spawned new interest, as people wanted to share information through blogs. One of the trademarks of the blog is that they are made up mostly of short items, easy to write and supposedly easy to read.
In short, blogs can be anything bloggers want them to be.
“Everyone truly needs a place on the Internet that they can call their home page, a place where they reside,” said John Robb, president and chief operating officer of Userland, which makes blog software called Radio. “It’s space controlled by the individual. No one has the ability to publish counterarguments. You won it. You own the space.”
“If people are interested in reading what I’m thinking, it’s passive,” Robb said. “They can come or not. They can read at their convenience.”
Blogs also are a lot easier to set up than a personal Web page used to be, when users had to learn coding and other tricks to
set up their page.
Most blogs can be set up for free.
The power of the blog comes from the fact that anyone can do it and use it for just about any purpose.
RaeAnneThompson, ( Spring Hill blogger says...“It is fascinating to read other blogs....”It’s definitely a way of seeing what’s out there” For me it is a writing release. Then, maybe someone will read this and know they are not alone. That I, too, have a husband who is a workaholic, that I, too, have teenage problems, that I, too, am a nut case.” She laughs easily about her blog and the friends who read it. “No matter where you live, we’re all just human beings,” she said. “We have the same fears, the same problems. We just help each other. And by sharing, that helps.”
Building Blogs: site where you can set up a blog for free. portal for online diaries basic software for blogging of Radio software for blogs blog directory with paid hosting tools.
To my family and friends:
NOW I CHALLENGE Y O U.....If I can do it....anyone can.
My web page is completely free of cost and I use as my server. Their format is so simple and easy like your word processing program. Just follow their easy steps to set up your page. They have template samples with all colors and shapes in their pages for you to choose from. After you get set up you can experiment more. I’m still learning...Also, you can just click on the above link in this page....where it says...Start your own blog spot....and it will take you exactly where you need to start! It is that easy!
One suggestion, their posting page does not have a spell check program....since it is I write my blog on my Microsoft Word program in order to use spell check....and then copy it and paste it to my blogger page for editing....they do have a format that is better for a small fee and it has a spell check program. It also allows for pictures, clip art, etc. but I have not fully investigated this program yet. Plan to in the New Year.
Start your own family information web page. Send me your address.....It is fun.
Relish the choices we have in America.....Unlimited....plain and simple.
Now I just have to go to these many choices in the stores...and choose my Christmas gifts......with JOY!!!
Give your family a free web page of Love....from Y O them....DAILY.....or WEEKLY.
I D A R E Y O U!!!
Happy Blogging:)
Posted by
9:34 AM
Now, There’s One Thing Less to “Worry” About.
Yesterday while I was doing some Christmas shopping.....somewhere along the way my mood changed from ’heartfelt fun’ to.......
.......pure ....stupid....WORRY!
I found myself suddenly feeling frazzled, frustrated, and anxious because I could not find that one thing which I desired.
The fun had been taken out of my day.
I did this to myself....
Yes, my pleasure had turned into a...chore. So I quit shopping and went home.
Yet my ‘mood’ remained.
I had allowed anxiety and worry.....two giant steal my joy.
Somehow I became convinced...erroneously...that in all of St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo, Tampa, Mac Dill AFB etc. my 15 miles radius that I would not be able to find what I was searching for.
Can you imagine getting worried over such a trivial.... challenge?
How stupid could I be.....and still breathe as the ‘kids’ say!
Along comes Joshua.....our families 17 mo. old delight.
Joshua has not a worry in the world.....Joshua is ‘care free’....Joshua knows how to ‘enjoy life’, laugh, play and take others into his world.....because his attitude is.....contagious.
Joshua saw his Uncle Chuck’s big truck used on the Golf Courses and he went crazy. He was thrilled when Pops put him to the wheel and Uncle Chuck pulled the horn on the big diesel.
He laughed with pleasure.
My ’mood’ was transformed in a heartbeat.
Upon reflection I realized that I had violated one of my very favorite Bible verses. Philippians 4:4&6-8....says....
“Always be full of JOY in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice!.......Don’t worry about anything: instead, pray about EVERYTHING: tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in the Lord.”
Just the prescription that I needed in my shopping world.
You can bet that today and tomorrows shopping adventure will be covered in prayer before I even leave the house.
I might even take Joshua with me in order to remind me to....HAVE FUN!
Then I will have not even ’one’ thing to worry about!
Posted by
7:39 AM
Dec 5, 2002
Open Your Eyes?
Several of my friends and I had a discussion and it was a common consensus among us that.... certain projects and changes needed to be made in several areas of our lives and community. We each lamented about that particular thing that was of concern to us.....but being so heavily committed ourselves we felt.....’someone else should do IT”.
We just did not have the time, talent, energy or ‘wherewithal’ for the responsible ‘chore’.
So we.....gripped to each other.
Didn’t change a thing.......
.......Along came a verse from Ecclesiastes about this time that said...(11:4)...
“If you wait for perfect conditions,
you will never get anything done.”
Yep, we had a Divine Providence Fax.....
Made us feel......stupid.
Off we went to tackle our own project.... Humbled for sure!
.... Ecclesiastes 8:5b LB..... The wise person will find a time and a way to do
.......WHAT HE SAYS.
Posted by
7:04 AM
Dec 4, 2002
Doesn’t The Love Of Your Life Deserve The Best?
Who or what is the love of your life?
Is it your spouse? Is it your children? Is it your boat? Is it your car? Is it your bank account? Is it your career? or is it simply......yourself?
Whatever or whoever the love of your life actually give the best of yourself to this object or person. Great energy, thought, time, money, and resources of life are expanded in behalf of what we love.
For example, go through your checkbook. Make a one month summary of your checks written. What percentage goes to family and the expenses associated with family, shelter, clothing, transportation?
This is true if we have a mate or if we are a ‘single parent’.
In today’s world merely providing for daily a gift of Love.
One of my prayer partners is a beautiful 32 yr. old single mother of two.
Nancy Ramos is a success story that you would not believe!
Against incredible odds......Nancy excels daily....
She recently sold an older home in need of recycling (the buyer is turning these homes into a Georgetown/Hyde Park look) and with the years of equity purchased a beautiful home with swimming pool, tiled floors, large lot etc. a typical Florida Family dream home.
In addition, she upgraded her transportation to ‘like new ’ condition SUV.
Nancy did her homework in ‘best buy for value’ and sought advice from others that she trusted.
In all of these transactions.....she prayed continuously.
For you see......Nancy earns her money the hard way.
She went to school....nights etc. for a long period of time to get her license in the field of Nails and Body Care....a “Spa Experience” service.
In addition, to this she has spent the last few years helping family members walk through difficult times. Her Mother lived with her for a period of time during poor health days.....and now with Nancy’s help and encouragement has just closed this week on a small condo for herself.
Nancy’s sister also went through difficult times in the last couple of years during her divorce.....and she, along with her two sons, lived with Nancy, also.
Now her sister has purchased a small home and will be married in the New Year.
I can honestly say that the Love of Nancy’s life is.........her faith and obedience to God and His Ways......and Family.
Her entire life is directed to the walking out daily of this Love.
Nancy would prefer to have a spouse with a like minded priority.....
And we agree in prayer with her for this......dream.
But she does not ‘stop’ living until this prayer is answered.
Nancy lives.......for the Love of her life......God and Family!
She does not wait until Christmas to give....
Nancy Ramos gives 'Christmas like' all year round.....for she believes that ....
....The Loves of her life.....deserves the BEST that she can give.... help her God!
What a blessing!
Yes, my heroes of life are home-grown everyday EXTRAordinary people.....who are often NOT even aware of the impact of their lives......
...........until seen through the eyes of .....L O V E......
1 John 4:8b says.....FOR GOD is LOVE....
***Time is what we want most, but what we use worst....
Posted by
8:47 AM
Dec 3, 2002
This Was Made For....YOU!
Imagine if you can the mistake I made in assuming that I had....heard it all.
Just when you think you know find out how little you actually know.
As my Mom used to say, “A person who thinks they know it all....has a lot to learn.”
This is certainly the case in my life as I listen closely to family and friends and even strangers.
I heard someone exclaim recently ...”I don’t need or want anything for Christmas.”.....”Don’t get me one single thing!”....
I knew I was hearing either a Scrooge or a.....Could it be.... a contented man?
In either case.....
I would like to make a suggestion of a few things to give to the one who has.......everything.....who wants for .....nothing.
If you have someone like this .....
Write your feelings, thoughts, remembrances good and bad and put it on decorative paper and place it in a box and wrap it beautifully for the tree. Give them....Words....from your heart and life.
Find a small item, anything from a seashell to an antique key....and write a little story about how this item reminds you of the other person. You would be surprised how long they will keep this item.
(For example: a 10 yr. old boy gave a clock to his represent that....”You always have time for me”.)
Find a picture of you and this person.... especially significant.....any age.....have it reproduced and framed to remind the receiver that your view of recorded happily in your matching copy which you keep for yourself.
Open your eyes to the ‘loves’ of their life....Make something by hand that takes thought and time....a labor of love is a priceless gift....
A simple note that says.....This was made....with me....for Y O U!!!
Give what money can not buy....a part of Y O U.....
Posted by
8:53 AM
Dec 2, 2002
Keep Your Cool!
Celebrating Thanksgiving with my brother Dockie’s family was a.......hoot.
Having several small children around made the day ..... interesting.
Marina, their seven year old granddaughter, was the ‘in charge’ person of the ‘thanks giving’ aspect of our day.
She passed out little slips of paper and we wrote one specific thing, which we were thankful for. She collected these in her little decorated bucket and then as she read them we each guessed who had written them.
Watching the children was fun.....scene’s like little Kurt being bear hugged by Cousin Bryce until they both fall all over the floor....
Then later, macho three year old shirt, no shoes....just jeans running around outside in the Florida sunshine.....until Mom, Nancy, with new camera decides she wants a picture of Marina, Kurt and Bryce.
Suddenly Bryce takes it upon himself to drop his pants for the picture.....much to Mom and Dad’s dismay.
Who would ever guess what goes through the mind of a three-year-old....having fun!
Neither Mom nor Dad could explain such..... for surely they in their dignified adult world.....both being in the ‘law enforcement field’.....had ever imagined ’their child’ could exhibit such outlandish behavior.....and to do so in the name of......’fun’.
But they knew.......Bryce.
His little personality is......daring.
Around the age of two.... in a public place... he pulled the ‘in case of emergency’ lever ....after having removed the plastic the horror of his Mother.
Bryce is the family ’tester’ of .....Keeping Cool under all circumstances, come what may....
But then again, little Kurt who is almost three does the same thing but in a different way with his Mom and Dad, Nancy and Chris.
Kurt was born.....knowing things.
He analyzes, evaluates, observes......before he makes a move.
Riding the airboat with his Dad....until he falls normal for him.
But when he asks a question? Watch out!
The adults in his life better have the right answers for it is recorded for all eternity in that ’little sponge’.
Kurt is brilliant as he questions his Mom about the difference between girls and boys.....
His Mom, Nancy, had to be ....equally her answer.
And she was.
Keeping Cool is an art that is being learned by these young parents....daily.
Yes, the Good Life is continued.
***For adult education, nothing beats children.
Posted by
10:04 AM