Dec 23, 2002

Quiet Comfort......

Kenny G’s Christmas music called “Miracles.. The Holiday Sound “ is playing on my speakers and a warm fire is glowing in the fireplace before me.
As I read my devotional it is entitled “It’s A Wonderful Life”!
I am in complete agreement.....Yes, It Is A GOOD Life.
But......a report is received that our pastor’s 18 yr. old daughter, Kelly Howard-Browne, is in intensive care with the disease cystic fibrosis which she has had since childhood.
Many people are praying for this beautiful Christian young lady.
Her father and Mother, Rodney and Adonica and their family and our church staff are still handing out gifts to needy children, and feeding a multitude of people as we do every day of the year in our church.
They and we are... all praying for Kelly but walking in the Quiet Comfort of faith in God to be IN CONTROL....when it ‘appears’ that life is ’out of control’.
That’s faith....

On Saturday I caught a glimpse of ‘The Christmas Spirit’ when I went to good ole Wal-Mart Super Store to return an item. The young lady that was working on my exchange turned to her fellow worker and asked ‘for the list of things that ‘the child’ needed....she wanted to shop during her break for her part of the contribution to a needy child.”
Here I saw a young woman, probably earning minimum wage, using her free break time to help make someone else’s Christmas!

My heroes are....home grown....all around me.

Christmas just brings out that which is already stored in the character of each individual. The Spirit of the Season acts as a laser beam of illuminating light...the good is blessed and multiplied....the bad is more obvious than any other time of the year....and is repulsive in light of family togetherness, Love, goodness, charity, compassion, gratitude and Joy To The World...

I take Quiet Comfort that the Peace on Earth which the Angels declared...still reigns in the heart of those who recognize and value the worth of the Babe of which we celebrate HIS birth this season of Love.
Yes, Jesus IS the reason for the Season. Therein lies my Quiet Comfort!

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