Jan 23, 2003


It is time to celebrate.......LIFE!
I am not just talking about....smell the roses of life enjoyment.
What I propose is actually a ...Be Happy kind of Celebration!
Letting you heart soar, you mind electrify with exciting possibilities and allow yourself the freedom of feeling...actually feeling with a deep emotion and passion......the fullness of invigorating......LIFE.
It is a.....choice....a decision!
I have caught myself many times with the thought...’I don’t feel like such and such....”and I didn’t.
But ‘feelings’ are transitory....and can be overcome by firm decisions of the mind. I know.
Just last evening my husband, Charlie, asked me to go for a neighborhood walk with him, which we do frequently. I responded...”I don’t feel like it!”
And I didn’t.
He would not take “No” for an answer....so I went.
What a delightful time we had as we each discussed our day along the way.

Charlie and Chad, our son, had taken a short drive to Ocala to pick up a ‘dirt bike’ and trailer that Chad had purchased over the Internet. They stopped on the way back to a well-known dirt bike area and tried the ‘new’ bike out. Both of them had a ball to say the least.
I had my usual Wednesday Prayer Day with Nancy and Tiena...Abby was in Puerto Rico...and we had a wonderful, inspiring time celebrating our faith and the blessings of God in our life.
Going to a seafood lunch afterwards was a treat enjoyed by all.
As Charlie and I talked and shared our enjoyment of our day....with each other....I was so glad that I had changed my mind....and feelings....about taking a walk.

In order to Celebrate Life daily....I sometimes have to overcome my feelings and my circumstances which demands that I ‘be miserable’. Lord knows that I do have ’things’ to make me ’feel miserable’....But I have a choice.
I chose to Celebrate Life and.....Be Happy for all the many blessings that I have in my family and as an American in The Land of Plenty.
I choose....The Good Life!

Photo of Prayer Girls..Abby, Nancy, Tiena & Faith ...photos.yahoo.com/iwg2003

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