Jan 24, 2003

Change...Who Me?

It is quite funny.....the title of my today’s writing coincides exactly with my personal devotion that I read daily from The Daily Word. As a result of this double confirmation, I will quote a few points from my devotion.

....Welcome Change!...When I am trying to overcome a resistance to accepting a change in my life, it helps for me to review the times when a change brought wonderful blessings with it. I resolve to open my arms and heart to the blessings that this new change may bring........With this acceptance, I can discover that a whole new level of living has been awaiting my WILLINGNESS to release the old and welcome the new.....

Now I know why the old-timers used to say....’Everything happens for the best.”....This used to annoy me tremendously.
As a student of the Bible I find that what they have said is Biblical and often I still balk at its truth.
Romans 8:28 is quite plain....”And we know that ALL that happens to us is working for our good IF we love God and are fitting into His plans.”
I have learned over the years....the deeper essence of this truth.
I can not say passively....”It is God’s Will.” when I see evil, wrong, death, pain and destruction. These things are not God’s will for my life.....but sometimes these things do enter my life or the life of my family and friends.
What this scripture means to me is that EVEN IF bad things come into my life as a result of the ‘wrongs‘ committed by myself or others......God can and DOES work out of that ’badness’....something that is good.
Sounds crazy doesn’t it?
Look at the example of the 9/11 terrorist attack. This absolutely was NOT the will of God....but of man....evil, hate, death, destruction and harmful intent in the heart of depraved individuals.
Yet those that respect and hold sacred the things of life that are good and helpful to their fellow man......brought forth out of their hearts in America and the entire world...compassion and love to their fellow man. A reuniting of faith in God and helping each other was the essence of ‘good’ which came a result of ’bad’ or ‘evil’.
Therein was the victory of good over evil.

So change....being flexible....is part of my faith package.
I must TRUST in my faith in God to work out good in every single part of my life.
I can give example after example of times that seemed life threatening and traumatic at the time......but later....it was the best thing that could have happen for me.
I’m sure you could as well.
Then why.....after learning this again and again.....do I....resist change?

Personally for me......it is this.
I like ‘cozy nests’.
Reaching a stage in life where everything is sweet, cozy, easy going and wonderful in La La Land....The Land of Plenty....
Why would anyone in his or her right mind.....Want to change things?
Not I. ...Contentment is a place of wonder to me.
Ask the baby eagle about contentment and peace.....just before its mother forces it out of the nest.
Then ask the exhilarated, high soaring baby eagle.....if the CHANGE was good for him....or her!
.....God, Himself, knows that I have always had adventure stored in my being from day one. I have to be forced out of cozy nests from time to time in order to continue to grow and mature more, mentally, emotionally, spiritually etc......at any age.
And......I love it.....not the change part....but the rewards and blessings of the ‘forced change’.
So I challenge you....if change is staring you in the face....meet it head on.
Weight all the options, use wisdom and good sense in making your decisions, pray for guidance......then if change is still an option or opportunity facing you.....GO FOR IT!
You won’t regret it!
Remember.....Everything happens for the best! :)

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