Feb 12, 2003

A Heritage of Freedom.......

In my Daily Guidepost devotional, today's words struck a responsive cord in my heart. It was written by Eric Fellman and reads as follows;

.....”Carved in the marble walls of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. are these eloquent words from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address:

....With malice toward none;
....With charity for all;
....and with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right,
....let us strive on to finish the work we are in;
....to bind up the nation’s wounds;
....to care for him who shall have borne the battle, for his widow, and his
....orphan - to do all, which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace
....among ourselves, and with all nations.

Our family explored what it means to seek peace when we invited a young Muslim student to dinner in our home a few months after
September 11, 2001. As the meal progressed, one of our sons asked our guest how she came to be in America.
“My father came here on a work visa” she replied. “When the trouble came, he told us to pack to return home, because he was afraid of how
Americans might treat us. Then, a few nights before we were to leave, he was watching the news on television. There was a group of people outside the White House, protesting American military action. A large, hostile crowd watched the protesters, and between the two groups were dozens and dozens of police. My father watched for a long time and then turned to the family and said, ”Go unpack your bags. We are staying. Nowhere else in the world would the police protect the protesters. This is the freest land on earth, and we will make it our home.’”


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