Feb 17, 2003


One of my prayer partners, Abby, has a wonderful Llardo’ collection. One item is a cluster of elephants. A beautiful piece of art.

A woman from her golf group entered Abby and Al’s waterfront condo and immediately was attracted to the elephants.
She informed Abby that the elephants were gorgeous but that they were ‘facing in the wrong direction’ in order for her feng shui forces to be in harmonized balance.
Outspoken Abby’s initial response was....”What a bunch of...crap!”

According to this ’feng shui ‘expert’ theory....if your home is in alignment with the landscape, a healthy life force is created. Harmonizing and harnessing environmental forces and bringing them to the personal level will bring good chi into your house and bring you good health, good relationships and prosperity. This enables one to capture energy in order to empower oneself and ones home with positive energy.....

I am amazed at what lengths some people will go to in order to formulate their beliefs.....right or wrong.

......At the same time I must question my own self, my own thinking to see if perhaps I, too, have been missing the mark in some of my own ‘beliefs’.
Not my faith concepts which are rooted and grounded in Scriptural facts itself....but my human application of those truths. Maybe I need....correction in ‘wrong thinking’!

For instance.....when I know The Bible tells me to Love without ceasing....I have a tendency to Love as long as others do ... ..... or if they love me back....or agree with me.....are good and kind in return... It seems my personal interpretation is.....Love, my way, and things will be fine.....but cross over this certain line.....and I might NOT love you!
What a bunch of CRAP!
This is NOT what the Scripture says at all. (read 1 Corn. 13 for the truth)....It says Love period...Let Love be your greatest aim. Love never fails...three things remain: faith, hope and love.
Now I must ask myself.....Iz Zat So?.....in my life.
In truth, I am guilty of being in error just as the ‘feng shui’ advocate is in error with what to me... is her very radical theory.
In truth, I do know that the Bible’s kind of Love.....is a choice.
This makes love a decision or choice in my life.
I choose who and what to Love.
Sometimes I fall short of Real Love.....my very human attitudes try to make the decisions of whether I will love this one or that one.
Sometime I succeed.....sometimes I fail.
Yet I know the truth.....
I NEED God to love through me in order to fulfill this mandate to Love freely....good, bad or ugly.
That is why I pray and stay close to Him because He has what I have not.....
The Power to Love....unconditionally.
....1John 4:8b says.....God IS Love.
There is my answer....
I don’t have it...period.....unless I have Him.....

My friend, Abby, knows all of this....that is why she can turn her elephants in any direction she chooses.....and still be blessed with health, joy, prosperity, and Real Love....
Enjoying the Good Life of Real Love.....is still....our choice.
Zat is the truth....the whole truth....and nothing but the truth....so help us, God!

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