Mar 11, 2003

Count The Cost!

Certain phrases of life become normal in the ‘NOW’ world.
How much does it cost? That costs too much! How expensive is it?
What did you pay for that? Whatz it gonna cost yu?
I can not tell you how many times in my own life I’ve used these words in reference

But have you ever had anyone ask you about ’the cost’ of......
achieving a dream...
giving up a dream....
loving someone...
giving up someone you love....
having ‘things‘....
doing without....
Commitment to family....
No commitment to anyone....
going to war.....
not going to war....

This list could go on and point is that we are more often concerned about costs ie; financial.....than the actual cost, life wise, of the things that money can not buy.
We pay with our life.....for what we believe in.....
Years are spent.....just as money is spent!
What does a ‘good’ life cost?
What does one ‘pay’ for a ‘bad’ life?
We ‘pay’ for either one.....with our life’s to speak!

This thinking brings to my mind a beautiful poem by Helen Steiner Rice that tells the story of the ‘Cost’ of life in a very significant way.
The Story of Albrecht Durer....1471-1528....Durer is known in Europe as one of the supreme masters of woodcut and copper engravings as well as paintings. He was born in Nurenberg, Germany and when the military sent our family to Nurenberg many years ago the “Albrecht Durer House” was a main tourist visit for our guests.

In 1512, Durer became court painter to Emperor Maximillian. Durer, also, traveled extensively and brought many innovative ideas into his works of art. He produced a ‘now famous’ painting which we all have seen at some time or another called....The Praying Hands.
There is a ‘little known fact’ about the origin of this work.
This fact is told in Helen Steiner Rice’s Poem...Called simply....


As you read this poem...Perhaps you’d like to know
That this story really happened....Many centuries ago.
When two talented young artists....Were struggling hard to earn
Just enough to live on....So both of them might learn.
How to be great artists....And leave behind a name
That many centuries later....Would still retain its fame.
But in their dire necessity....For warmth of food and fire
One of the artists sacrificed...his dream and heart’s desire....
So he might earn a living...and provide enough to eat
‘Til both of them were back again....Securely on their feet.
But months and years of grueling toil.....Destroyed the craftsman’s touch,
And scarred and stiffened were the hands....That held promise of so much
He could no longer hold a brush....The way he used to do
And the dream he once had cherished....No longer could come true....
So, uncomplainingly, he lived....With his friend who had succeeded
Who now could purchase all the things....They once had so much needed.
But the famous ALBRECHT DURER...The friend we’re speaking of,
Was always conscious that he owed...A debt of thanks and love...
To one who sacrificed his skill...So that Durer might succeed,
But how can anyone repay....Such a sacrificial deed?
But when he saw these hands in prayer....He decided he would paint
A picture for the world to see....Of this “unheralded saint”.....
So down through countless ages...And in many, many lands...
All could see the beauty....In these toilworn PRAYING HANDS.
And seeing they would recognize...That behind FAME and SUCCESS
Someone sacrificed a dream.....For another’s....Happiness.

Go to Link #1...Click and see on my Photo Page a picture of this famous painting called....The Praying Hands.

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