Kraziest Instruction God Ever Gave Me....
You may wonder why I have so much ‘spiritual...religious...God...God...God...” words in my public web pages....
.......Being ‘raised’ in the south, it stands to reason that the Bible, Church, and God was respected as a normal American way of life for my family.
So was work ethics, good manners, clean morals, and respect for elders and helping our fellow man. This was my childhood....’raising’.
I saw many ’church people’ say one thing.....and do another....
I also, saw other church people.....who did not talk.....but DID and lived what the Bible said.
Being a times I was very confused....but also being a child.....I could ‘feel’ who was good and who was ‘bad’..
This life provided a criteria for my adult life.....
Good and Bad..... became my personal measuring stick.
It has remained so my entire life.....
Meeting my husband, Charlie, at the University of Florida and linking my life with a Spanish heritage and career military future provided a challenge and adventure that I had only dreamed of as a child.
For you see, I was a reader....consuming books that reached beyond my southern culture world...
The Pyramids of Egypt, The Great Wall of China, The Red Sea, The Iron Curtain, The Jordan River....
I was and still am....fascinated with the activity of life through all kinds of people and culture.
At one point in my life.....when we were living at Ft. Bragg, I started taking some supplemental courses in Psychology. I was trying to ’figure out’ what makes people do what they do....good or bad....and how changes can be made for positive results.....At the same time I had taken on the task of trying to understand the Bible....from a NOW point of view.
Lo and behold.....the two began to emerge into one....there was no way on God’s green earth that I could comprehend the human psyche without taking into consideration....the One whom I believed ....created this ’being’ in the first place....
Now...I really had a problem....I could simply draw from my 36 years of life’s teachings, the church’s teachings, my family’s faith etc....Or I was my nature......PROVE beyond a shadow of doubt......that this God as Creator of the human I had been taught, read in the Bible and believed.....I could prove to myself, once and for all ......
IF HE WAS........R E A L.
So I issued this “God” a challenge......
I threw caution to the winds in my psychological thinking.
I issued God an ultimatum.
Only now do I realize how haughty I was!
I’m sure that God only chuckled to Himself at my ‘ audacity’!
In essence this is what I said....
“God, if you are the same God today....that you were of the Moses in the Bible, of King David in the Bible....that you were in the person of Jesus on earth.....then speak to me as you did to them.....Let me know for myself...are You real? I don’t want anyone else’s opinion or idea.....I WANT TO KNOW FOR A FACT FOR MYSELF ...Are You Real?”
Slowly but surely.....I began to ‘think’ thoughts.
I knew that I was not the ‘originator’ of some of these profound things that seemed to be coming to me.....out of the blue!
An area of comprehension of which I had never experienced in my 36 years of life became normal to me. Now you must understand that I have always been a dreamer, a thinker, an imaginative creative, thought provoking individual. In order for me to understand....that this ‘new comprehension’ was NOT OF had to be far beyond anything I would ever ’dream up’ on my own.
I was filled with an excitement of life to such a degree that ’cup runneth over’’....I began to write my heart out.....and the ‘thought’ came to me that I could write and record my life’s ‘happening’ and experiment with God so that others could see clearly for themselves.....that God IS REAL.
And thus it has been so.
Yes, I have been ‘made fun of’ for my zeal, my declaration that God IS Real
and that He and I communicate, laugh, and explore life together in a normal and natural way.
No, I do not stand on a street corner and declare....God talks to me!
Nor do I say....‘God said to tell you thus and so.’
I am no prophet that speaks the ‘oracles’ of God.....
I am simply a person, a woman who challenged the God of the Universe....and lived to tell it!
Oh, the Kraziest Instruction I’ve received from God......In 1983...many years ago when we lived in Darmstadt, Germany .....I felt a ‘burning desire’ to go to then....Communist Russia.....and pray a prayer for God’s intervention of Good over behalf of the people of that country.
Being a military wife, I had to get the State Departments o.k. to take an American Express Tour from Germany to Moscow.
Their recommendation was that I ‘not go’ but they did not disapprove my visa to I did.
I went to Red Square...where Lenin’s tomb was then....and got on my public view.....and prayed my heart out.....
Then I got up any American ‘tourist’ woman would do.....
I went shopping!
Went to a place that was set up for only ‘tourist’ buyers.....and bought several items labeled....made in the USSR.
........Only later I found out that many others had preceded me, secretly doing the very same thing I did.....praying such prayers on Russian soil.
Six months later.....Billy Graham was allowed behind the “Iron Curtain” to speak about his....God encounter for all men.
You know the rest of the story.....down came the walls of communism.
Oh, by the of my Darmstadt prayer partners that was praying for me as I went to Moscow.....she and her husband retired from the military and moved to Russia ten years ago and started Christian schools. They live as the Russians live.....because they were told....”Don’t tell us about this ’great God’ and leave.....stay here and prove to us that it works for you in this environment in every day life. Then we can believe.”
They are still there today.....but now they are working with the Russian military’s permission in an outreach to the soldiers in Bible Study, helping in any way that is needed....daily.
If I had been able to see down the road of ’time’ when I went to Communist Russia in 1983.....I would have had a heart attack!
Being privileged to be a part of.....WHAT GOD ALREADY HAD awesome.
Let me tell you the God’s truth.....I am just an ordinary....simple person living in the year of 2003.
Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail in being the best that I can be in this ‘now complex’ state of life.
But there is one thing that I know beyond a shadow of doubt.....that I stake my entire life is this.....
God knows me.....and I know the best of my knowledge to know.
The Fact IS....God IS Real! Ask Him yourself....if you don’t believe me....
He will answer you according to your own personality, character and ways of understanding. Then you will know.....what I know...
God.......IS.....Real....That’s why....It Is A Good and Forever!
Mar 14, 2003
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