Apr 17, 2003

Are You Sure?

When I think of......miracles.....Joy leaps in my heart!
They are a delight to behold, to experience, to pray into others lives and to receive.....out of the blue!
Miracles happen every day.

The brilliant genius Albert Einstein has this view on miracles:
“There are only two ways to live your life:
One is as though nothing is a miracle;
the other is as though EVERYTHING is a miracle.”

The dictionary defines a miracle as....
“an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.”

Do you know that you can make miracles happen in your life and the life of others?
The most familiar way to make a miracle happen is to.....requisition or harness the tremendous, often underestimated....power of prayer.... particularly if you are one who is blessed with.....faith.
Prayers are answered.
You do not need to feel you are being pushy or presumptuous when you pray for something.
After all, it was Jesus Himself who urged his followers over and over....to lobby God for their needs.
“Ask and you shall receive,” Jesus said. “Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Jesus always practiced what He preached and did not hesitate to perform His wonderful miracles on those who ASKED Him for a miracle.

The medical field is paying more attention to the fact that at times seemingly incurable diseases disappear without standard medical treatment or other human means. It is often described on medical charts as.. ”spontaneous remission”....Yet, they still can’t explain....how it happens, or why it happens to one patient and not another.
There is medical truth that our attitudes and emotions are linked in critical ways to our bodies, specifically our brain, and nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Numerous brain chemicals - - -released in response to everything from sadness to euphoria - have been proven to affect the immune system. Exactly why the emotions affect the body is not fully understood. But there is evidence that certain psychological and spiritual states CAN change the course of disease.....
An on-site doctor and president of the Lourdes Medical Bureau, Dr. Roger Pilon has this to say about miraculous healings at the famous Lourdes Shrine in the French Pyrenees....”In every disease there is a psychological part. Any doctor will tell you that someone who wants to be cured is a better patient and has a better chance of recovery than one who give up.”

Why do some people have miracles ....and others don’t?
Only God knows the answer on an individual basis but based on my experience with Him.....
....Faith is the answer.....
Faith’s definition based on Hebrews 11:l says.....
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see...”
or....”substance of things hoped for.....yet evidence of things not seen...”
That’s faith....
Faith produces miracles for ourselves and others.....when we petition God...believing in our hearts ....we are Blessed by.....Miracles.

Yes, my rings on a Dive Platform after flying across a portion of open water....is definitely.....a......Miracle.
Thank God!

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