Apr 3, 2003

Oversize Load

Just returned from a run on traffic laden Hwy.19...St. Pete/Clearwater area.
Being in a hurry.....I would get behind a huge vehicle with a huge sign that said....OVERSIZE LOAD.
Hurry stopped. The vehicle ahead set the pace for me.
First off.....my temperature rose!
Frustration and aggravation struggled for pre-eminence!
Reason won......
As I slowly....simmered down.....the thought prevailed that there were several people among my family and friends who were carrying....
I could name them one by one...they are the ’givers’.....the ones who are always there when you need them, always going the second mile, always putting aside their own needs....and time......for others.
Yet they are....human!
Slowly but surely such a pace......takes a toll.
An Oversize Load.....can break any man or woman.
Non the less.....givers....will give....to their last breath!
At times it takes a definite.....stop the world attitude.....in order to put life back into the right perspective, even for health reasons..
I know.
God knew what he was doing when he created one day out of seven as a ...
day of rest!
The old saying....”Stop and smell the roses” makes sense...
I passed a beautiful yard of blooming azaleas yesterday and almost missed it....saw it out of the corner of my eye....and did a double take....
I was running so fast that I had passed beauty and not even acknowledged it......What a shock it was to my soul...
I turned around..... stopped and gave a feast to my eyes...
Drinking the nectar of life‘s beauty.....restores the soul.
Life becomes.....Good.....Wonderful.... Exhilarating....
NOW is the time....for living!

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