Apr 25, 2003

Thatz Funny!!!

Anyone that knows me....knows that I can be...plain, down-right silly at times....I am known for ‘making a fool’ of myself with children and also those that are young at heart.
One day I asked a missionary friend what she thought the five most important ingredients were to being a quality human being.
After a long, thoughtful pause, she said,
“Humor, love, responsibility, courage, and humor.”
I tried to tell her that she had already said humor...
but she quickly informed me that she meant exactly what she had said.
Her explanations were this....’Humor has the wonderful ability to break life up into little pieces and make it livable. Laughter gives richness, texture, and color to an otherwise ordinary day. It is a gift, a choice, a discipline, and also.....an art.”
Smiling from ear to ear she exclaimed...”I enjoy laughing. I believe that laughter is a sacred sound to our God. I also believe that it has an incredible capacity to heal our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.”

What a wonderful relief to know that she had so aptly described my own personal philosophy of life. I, too, feel the same.
She made me feel......normal!
Then I read the Biblical application of this and said....“Hallelujah!”

Job 8:21....’He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your
lips with shouts of JOY.’

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