May 29, 2003


Received a package in the mail yesterday and was thrilled when I opened it.
It was from Betty and Ray Fortner, my cousin, with whom we made the Kissimmee River boat trip recently.
Both Ray and Betty are very creative. Ray is an author with many unique ‘words and phrases’ at his command. He is also very eloquent with his command of words....even while telling a joke....:)
Betty, I’m learning, is a lady who can ‘do’ almost anything!
A recent purchase of a computerized program for a very ‘cutting edge’ sewing machine opened a world of ideas in Betty.
The gift she made for me....and other nautical ones for Annie P. are awesome. (See link #1....)
Many people are talented, creative and have unique abilities galore.
Not everyone ‘gives it away’....
It has been my experience that ’the more we .....give our creativeness away....the more we ’get’....
Thanks, Betty.....for so generously sharing your talents and gifts with others.
May God, GENEROUSLY, repay you, my dear!

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