May 5, 2003

It’s About Time!

There are some people in life that you just can’t help.....liking!
They are just so....cute....lively....personable and.....FUN.
It is just delightful to be around them.
I know several of these individuals and I have one in mind that fits this description.....His good humor and MISCHIEVOUS Smile are so infectious that you CANNOT help liking him.....and wanting to be liked by him!
Do you know someone like that?
Bet you do!
.......Enjoy them....they have a job in life called....being the “Good Cheer” person! Every home and family and office needs one or two or three.
Tell them you appreciate their place in your life.
They are good at what they do....which is....making other people...HAPPY!
Sometimes it is work....when they run into a....determined sourpuss!
Yet their ‘attitude’ is infectious!
I salute you......Cheerleaders of life!
You help make...It A Good Life!!!
Bless you always.

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