May 20, 2003

Let’s Celebrate

May is the month that I have many family and friends.....birthdays!
My husband‘s, Charlie.....Blake, Cindy, Nancy, Sam and Matthew are a few.
Anyone who knows me......kinds laughs at me at the ‘importance’ of which I place on......birthdays!
I enjoy making a very ‘big deal’ of that certain day set aside in time....on which those I love.....was born.
That is ....”Their Day” matter what!
Adults sometimes ‘cringe’ when it becomes their day around me.....but I ignore this their dismay!
Ask Annie P. Sometimes I make hers last a whole week!
Silly isn’t it?
Because people are so important to me.....I NEVER want to take the ones who choose to stay in my life......for granted....
Anyone who can ‘put up with’ me.....deserves a medal!
Family and friends whom I love dearly.....are my heroes....
Not the stars of Hollywood, or the news media....or the whim characters of the day.....BUT the everyday, common, ordinary/extra-ordinary....people who make up my daily existence.
Therefore I have celebrate the life of these “home-grown heroes” in a simple way that says....I love and appreciate YOU....
.....As life goes forward, people come and go as well.
Each given time of life has its own chapter of ’local characters’......
I will continue to celebrate the birth of those whom God has placed around me enhance the quality of my life.
Therefore, Let’s Celebrate together!
Now is the time......Happy Birthday to ....
....Charlie, Nancy R., Blake (aka, King B), Cindy,
......Sam the Man, & dear Mattie C.....
God Bless ALL of YOU!

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