Jul 17, 2003

Automatic Update

Just opening up my computer this morning and having this pop-up window which says “automatic update”....install now? reminds me that I must do this also in my personal life....
Wish I would wake up every morning....and this would happen.....automatically.....in my thinking!
Yesterday I was made dramatically aware of this process after speaking....for the first time in five years....to my friend, Frances, in South Carolina.
Out of the blue this phone call took place.....and as the conversation flowed the years dropped away but many of our experiences during those five years had to be minimized to a brief sentence.
Life does need....automatic updates....at times my ’mentality’ is....15 years ago!!!...Does this mean I have not benefited from 15 years of experiences that should have taught me many new things?
Sadly, sometimes this is the case!
Then there are times like 9/11 when it is very necessary to survival that I have what my computer refers to as.....Critical Updates....
Society changes.....automatic updates are a must....
In America, security has been threatened in many areas of our everyday life and we have been forced to adapt to changes, which are inconvenient and uncomfortable. Yet it is necessary.....
So I will continue to look for the signs of...automatic updating in my thinking and my life.....
But one thing remains steadfast and totally unchangeable.....
Proverbs 4:11.....says, “I would have you learn this great fact: that a life of doing right is the wisest life there is. If you live that kind of life, you’ll not limp or stumble as you run.”
Simply summarized....”Doing Right” to others....makes It A....continuous... Good Life....

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