Jul 23, 2003

Pleasant Surprise

My husband, Charlie, called me last night from Puerto Rico.
He was ecstatic!
Making his plans to go to P.R. led him on a ‘wild goose chase’ for the right airline based on when he wanted to go.
Getting a ‘nice priced’ U.S. Airways flight took him through Charlotte, N.C. with a couple of hours layover before leaving for San Juan.
Seems he was strolling down the hallway....killing time....when lo and behold he sees a man that he was very familiar with....or thought it was him.....Going up to him and saying politely, “Sir, can I shake your hand?“
Shaking hands and talking to one of his football ‘greats’ gave him the ultimate thrill of the day....
Mr. Great says...”I see you are a Tampa Bucs fan from your hat....”
Charlie replies, “No, I’m really a Miami Dolphin and U of F fan diehard. It is my wife who is the Buc’s fan....she bought me the hat.”
Laughing and talking about the Dolphins....and their future...soon drew a crowd of other ‘fans’.
Time ran out.....Charlie reluctantly says good-bye to Mr. Don Schula and moves on to his flight.
The after-glow was still apparent while he was relaying the ’fun’ encounter on the phone to me....
Charlie’s ‘inconvenient ’ flight gave him a wonderful.... Pleasant surprise!

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