What ‘More’ Could You Want???
I have been very busy for a week....good busy!
With Charlie away on the island of Puerto Rico...visiting family....I decided to vacation in my own home as if it were a luxury hotel....
First, I redid my back patio with new table and chairs.....fake bamboo with an island name called...Key Largo. I had to put it together with bolts and screws as the entire set was “boxed”...Then, thanks to Chad, a new umbrella with party lights inserted underneath with a timer that comes on at dusk.....for as long as I set it....New commercial outdoor carpet had been installed by my handyman husband only a few weeks before so I color coordinated my ’new island look’.....Now I was finally prepared to relax in my new atmosphere.
Having been given several great gift certificates for my birthday.....I had eating and shopping in mind.
It worked.....I felt like I was on a first-class vacation....for real!
The money I had planned to spend at Gaylord Palms Hotel......bought a simplified version of the same ‘atmosphere’....right to my back door....to use every day of the year!
Having a ‘filet mignon’, with fresh mushrooms, grilled to perfection by my son Chad on Saturday......was awesome!
Joshua was our evening....outrageous....entertainment.....
We laughed ourselves silly......then Brian left and returned with a wonderful surprise dessert....
Yes, I took my vacation..........with family members every day....
Chuck came to town one day and I met him at Countryside for lunch.
Pipato was in town for reserve duty and spent two nights with me..........
On Sunday after church, I visited my sister, Shyrl, in the hospital in St. Cloud. I had the pleasant surprise of finding my sister, Joyce, there visiting Shyrl as well, she too having driven over from Tampa.....Shyrl is recovering, slowly, from a 5 hour surgery to remove part of her stomach from a severe ulcer problem.
We all continue to pray for her swift and full health recovery...
All in all, my vacation was packed with good times, fun and memories galore.....Who could ask for more?