Oct 22, 2003

Having Faith?

In God we trust......
One Nation, Under God.....
“I swear to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth....so help me God!”
God Bless America.....
Americans are bombarded with.........Words!
Used excessively.....they become meaningless.
Yet I suspect that many American learned the meaning of ‘faith in God’ upon their Mother’s knee!
Surely our forefathers did!
Today’s ....debate....to continue to invoke....or involve.....God in the affairs of man......Americans....is still our choice as a ’free’ people!
I simply can not believe that a person faced with......terminal cancer, tragedy of a beloved child, or any kind of deep human suffering......would not choose to WANT TO INVOLVE GOD.....in the affairs of man!
Only a fool would think that they hold within their very own humanness.....all the powers they need for their life and that they can....’cheat death’.
My morning’s devotion today was from a ‘Southern phrase’ Bible and I quote from the 49th Psalm entitled......
Trusting Money Is Foolish.....
......“They (foolish people) trust in their money and brag about their riches.
No one can buy back the life of another.
No one can pay God for his own life, BECAUSE THE PRICE OF A LIFE IS HIGH......NO PAYMENT IS EVER ENOUGH.
Fools and stupid people also die and leave their wealth to others.
Even rich people do not live forever; people die.
Don’t be afraid of rich people because their homes are more beautiful.
They don’t take anything to the grave; their wealth won’t go
down with them. Even though they were praised when they were alive......and people may praise you when you succeed........they will go to where their ancestors are.”
Trusting Money IS Foolish!!!

Faith Is Trusting the Word of God that I learned on my Mother’s knee.
Our forefathers founded this wonderful nation by invoking and involving God.....of their own free will......into the affairs of finite man.
Using the power words of our ‘faith believing‘ forefathers......
......“We are endowed by our Creator
with certain inalienable rights....
that being.....life, liberty and
......Faith is a gift from God’s heart.....to our hearts.
......Faith Is A Very Real Force
......Faith Is.....L I F E!

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