Jan 8, 2004

Redneck Riviera Adventure

Yesterday’s events were....FUN !
I met, sister Joyce and Brother Blake, at a BBQ place in the early afternoon.
This was a real treat....they live less than 15 miles away yet we very seldom see each other except at family events. What a shame!
We used to ’visit’ more when they lived in Belgium and we lived in Germany as a military family....or they lived in Texas and we lived in Oklahoma....The fast pace of our ‘now life’ and our own family demands do not leave much time for ’ole fashioned visiting’ as in the ‘olden day’.
That’s something that ’needs fixing’!
We had a nice meal, talking all the time.....went to another restaurant for dessert....and they decided to go with me to a bookstore that had an author signing that I was interested in hearing and seeing.
A man named Dennis Covington who has written several books, had just released one called Redneck Riviera.
Dennis writes about the American Dream of his father....who purchased sight unseen in the 50’s....land in Florida. Dennis inherited this land and in the late 1990’s set out to view and pursue....This parcel in question is found to be small and worthless but occupied by outlaws....who were the law...squatters....and anyone with a high powered rifle who called themselves ’hunting club members’. This place is notorious even today....River Ranch in Polk County is its name and it is known and has always been so.....as having quite a history and ‘reputation’.
If you remember from some of my previous writings, we had our big boat, the Milagro, at their marina from 1999 to 2001. We had to leave because the Ranch/Resort ended up in bankruptcy....AGAIN! That is another story!
Last nights book signing was a fun time....except for a ‘redneck squelcher’ who wanted to ‘out-talk’ the author.
Joyce, Blake and I reminisced, joked, ate and enjoyed ....the Good Life together....We also enjoyed our ‘book signing‘!
Happy Birthday, Dockie!
See pictures on Link #1....2004 Begins Album.