Jan 28, 2004

Win or Lose

For someone to win.....someone else has to.....lose.
This is the nature of what we know of as....competition.
At times in life we have all won some....and lost some.
Winning feels....GOOD!
I recently read a quote...to be applied to winning....
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it....happened...!”
Losing is a real test of character.....losers have gone on to be winners....
Yet we can make family members, co-workers and friends and even strangers feel like.....winners or losers!
It is a great delight to find the good in another person....and communicate that to them in a very healthy, positive way.....To show others that they really are winners as a human being is a little like...giving medals to all the special people we know!
And there is a word for the giver....and receiver.....
......I define this word personally as .....
Over the years I have made up tales using this illustration in story, fantasy form in many different ways and saying at the end of every one......Which one was...the Champion?
Ask Matt, Pipo, Britt, Carla, Vinnie, Chad, Lynn and Chuck....
All of us are at some time....winners and losers....but we can ALL be....
....A Champion as a human being....

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