Jun 8, 2007

What Happens...When Things Go Wrong?

When I say….”It’s A Good Life!”…some think I live in LaLa Land and have my head buried in the sand….
Would be nice - but it just isn’t true….
There are times….and this week is one of those ‘times’…..when it seems that everything is going wrong ……all at once….
I have more fires to put out than I can manage….but you see I am not alone….
I have a SWAT team that goes into action with me when the storms of life arise….These fantastic people live their lives day by day but one of the secret weapons they possess is……they stay ‘prayed up’….

they stay in tune with their/our NOW God…..

and at a moments notice we all requisition heavens resources
for planet earth’s battles of life….
These people are members of my family…..members of my prayer group and various friends throughout the world who are a viable part of this network…
We are your average every day family and citizens…
yet we live, daily, with the armor described in Ephesians 6:10-18.
Read it for yourself and then you will see what a SWAT Team member does…..when things go wrong….and when things go right….
This formula ….over and over…..is what makes it….A Good Life!
Celebrate Life in all its fullness…..

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