Jul 27, 2004

It IS A GOOD Life!!!

Settling down to a daily routine after an adventure week-end requires ….discipline….
The good time memories causes the adrenaline to flow and a return to ‘today’s reality’ becomes a sheer choice of mind over matter…..
Having listened to other friends and family members week-end, there was a wide spectrum of the positive to negative happenings in the lives of those who are dear to me….
I realize ANEW how very blessed I am….and I have God to thank for that!
And I do…..daily….all the time….
Reading today’s devotion speaks clearly my minds thoughts and I quote word for word from The Daily Word……
….”I let go of negative ideas and let God’s truth and peace flow into my mind…
Negative thoughts take up space and create heaviness, as if they were rocks in a bucket in which I am trying to carry water.
So I let go of them!
I let go of the idea that problems need a long time to work out;
that learning has to be painful and difficult;
that as I get older, my body deteriorates.
I let go of the idea that I have ingrained habits that can’t be changed………
Instead, I let God’s truth replace these and other false thoughts.
Because I make room in my mind for NEW IDEAS, God’s truth flows into my mind like water, and wonderful results start to become apparent in my life….As I let God work in and through me and my life, I am amazed and delighted by the ways of His Spirit and the blessings that come to me….”
Psalm 42:5-6.….”Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my HELP and MY GOD!”…
Yep, this is exactly what the Dr. ordered for today….Setting my mind straight, keeping my heart clean and free, and being constantly aware EVERY DAY of how very blessed I am…..
I am blessed with family, friends, people I have not ever met but know through correspondence, and…..BLESSED TO LIVE IN THE GOOD OLE U.S.A…..Rich indeed…..with that which money can not buy!
Now you know why I call this site…..IT IS A GOOD LIFE….

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