Jul 28, 2004

Moments In Time

Being still on vacation…kinda, sorta, kinda….since Charlie is still in Puerto Rico, I had an unexpected surprise yesterday when Matthew called and wanted to get together…..We discussed meeting for lunch at some of our favorite places then I suggested he come to my house and I would ‘throw something together’….That’s what I did…
Matt arrived with a DVD in hand he wanted to share with me ….

He said that he and Ashley had just seen 'The Notebook' the night before and enjoyed it.... 
I had a Mojo broiled chicken freshly made, stuffed crabmeat mushrooms fresh from Publix, Taboule, Southern Potato Salad and quickly fried some breaded okra….course Southern iced tea was our drink of choice.
Over lunch we caught up on the missed family news and Matt looked at the scalloping pictures on my computer….plus viewing the real thing in my freezer…talked about doing another trip with our family….
Then we settled ourselves down to watch “The Last Samurai”……
Tom Cruise plays Civil War vet Nathan Algren, who travels to Japan in the 1870s to help organize and teach the emperor's troops during a time of feudal conflict on the islands; the emperor's goal is to eradicate the remaining samurai. As he learns more about the warriors after he is captured by them, Algren comes to understand and appreciate the complicated system of honor under which they live and finally has to choose which side to fight on.
Matt and I have always had philosophical discussions since he was a child….it was interesting to hear his point of view….the movie was just another forum by which I reiterate again…..Matt’s brilliance….
Matt is an intellectual thinker…..he can take very complex thoughts and ideas and reduce them down to a simple formula which can be understood by even a child….such as I…..
These moments in time….are priceless….
See pictures below….other special moments in time….with Matt…

P.S. Thanks, Chad, for being busy and having to cancel our lunch...worked out great! 

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