Sep 22, 2004


Resistance to change can be….painful!
This I know from experience…..sometimes changes come to us in a negative way but these can be used as a learning experience. At other times positives experiences produce changes…..
In both cases, I find that I am reluctant to ’accept change’ but have a tendency to ’hang on to the familiar’ whether it is good or bad.
If I didn’t have prayer and my Bible as a Fax Machine to Heaven….I would go nuts….or be nuttier!
Example: yesterday as all the phone reports were coming to me from ‘on the scene’ at Britt’s accident, all I could think about was ‘my joy child’ and her safety and what something like this would ‘cost’ her as a single Mom.
Actually I was agitated to death in my heart……Prayer changed that!Once I had ‘peace’ of mind and heart…EVEN IN THE STORM…..I was able to move forward and do my part to help….
The accident was bad….negative….the responses from others around Brittney were all positive. Everyone around her on the scene, at the hospital, in our family, and later yesterday as she went by her office at work….resulted in an outpouring of compassion and love.
People wanted to hug and kiss her but were afraid to hurt her battered body.
Brittney is literally our ‘ good cheer’ girl….all that she has poured out into others…..came rushing back to her thru this accident….
We felt so helpless….to help her…..but love came rushing through from our hearts and she FELT that…..
Why in the world do we allow this wonderful, positive, passion of life to lay dormant in our heart….every day….and then just bring it out in crisis and emergency situations?
Lord only knows because it is the very breathe of life….beautiful, positive and RIGHT….
I have made a decision to change my mind….and my heart….and let others know on a daily basis….how very much they enhance my life.
I can change…..ME!

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