Oct 12, 2004

A Dose of…..Reality

Vacations are FUN….returning home to ’life as usual’ can be a rude awakening!
Take today for instance…..I’m going to the dentist for a crown….a screen repair company called at 8:00 a.m. with estimate for storm repair which must be communicated to insurance adjuster….a friend says she needs some help today….have to meet Charlie at Home Depot to match up paint for our new ’kitchen’ remake‘…plus any other ’unknowns’ along the way….
What happened to…..sheer luxury?
….I have to admit that I have always been a failure at changing gears from fun to work! My dear ‘Southern Mamma’ taught me a wonderful, healthy, way to do this successfully…..
…..Make work….FUN!
Singing along the way, listening to music in traffic, especially my new Caribbean Steel Drum instrumental of ‘Don’t Worry + Be Happy!’, acting silly whenever the occasion arises….or in other words….
Enjoying the moment…this places a demand on the psyche, the will, the discipline or choice…..and
I WILL Be Happy….I WILL enjoy The Good Life…so help me God!
That’s my hearts prayer….for myself….and YOU!!!

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