Oct 25, 2004

It’s Not Too Late….

Listening to a friend of mine speak about some ‘unrealized dreams’ made me remember that I, too….have a few that have been put on the shelf.
Actually, I’m a little bit lazy these days so bringing up an issue that will require something vital from me…..makes me want to procrastinate……
I hate it!
Which is more burdensome? ….knowing you must face something until it is resolved…or denying it and have it haunt you from time to time….
One is actually as bad as the other….
There is an ole saying from my Mom….’Go ahead and bite the bullet’ that I hear ringing in my ears…..
It is much better to go ahead and ‘resolve’ nagging issues…..then leave them unresolved….
Therefore, this week I will be working on one of my dreams….
…..To be continued!

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