Oct 21, 2004


Have you ever had a problem that looked like it was…..more problem than it was worth? Finally, throwing up your hands and saying, “forget it, I quit!’
becomes your solution….
Amazingly enough it seems that answers, solutions that were not even entertained in your imagination……suddenly came ’out of the blue’.
To people of ‘the faith’……this is known as ‘A Miracle’…..
Well, that is just what has happened today.
Charlie can confirm this since he was the one praying and trying to put a plan together to get our big boat, The Milagro, (Spanish word for Miracle) out of the water this week-end in order to reconnect the outdrive which was damaged during Hurricane Jeanne….
Suddenly ….a plan comes together……out of ’nowhere’.
Yet there are a network of people who are involved in the solution….
God put it together….using ‘earth angels’ (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha) with unlikely names like…..Kurt/Bozo with a heart of gold, Sam the ‘always there’ man, Dockie with a plan, Jim the big truck provider…..and Charlie who will help anyone, anytime he can…..
Resolution, sweet resolution that benefited everyone concerned came in answer to prayer…..
Like the “A” Team used to say….

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