Nov 19, 2004

No Doubt About It!

Having our pool cage cover rescreened, finally, after all the storms has certainly been a welcome change.
The two young men doing the work are really professional and good…using a scaffold over the pool, they laughed and joked with each other….
Listening to ‘country music’ on their radio, they made the work seem….fun!
As I was backing out of the garage, I noticed the license tag on the front of the vehicle attached to their trailer…..
It said simply…..”For Eternity”
A profound truth to say the least…..
I began to wonder if people really know how to….get life ’for eternity’, …..Life….forever more….happily ever after!
Some do know ….others do not….but think they do….
……in order to leave no doubt about the ‘eternity question”, I would like to go on record today by saying…..
“Yes, I DO know how to get life…..for eternity!
Being a member of a church or denomination does not get you ANY eternal life; sacraments do not get you ANY eternal life; baptism does not get you ANY eternal life; tithing and sabbath-keeping do not get you ANY eternal life; being anti-war (or pro-war) does not get you ANY eternal life; good deeds do not get you ANY eternal life.
Being a "good" Muslim does not get you ANY eternal life.
There is no "religion" that gets you ANY eternal life.
But there is good news!
Jesus Christ has told us the way, the ONLY way to get eternal life...
“I tell you the truth, he who believes and trusts in Me….has eternal life….“Amen, amen" [John 6:47]
….”I am The Way, The TRUTH, and the LIFE. Nobody comes to the Father but through ME!” (John 14:6)

Yep, there is no doubt about it.....
we must "Get Eternity" on planet earth in order to.... EVER After...."For Eternity"!

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