Dec 31, 2004

2004.…Going, Going….Gone?

Today is New Year’s Eve.
Where did 2004 go?
All I have to do is look at my digital pictures….and the history of 2004 is written among the scenes.
Florida hurricane scenes and the devastation….is still evident in places.
As our family prepares today to go to Grand Cypress for our 3 day holiday celebration….the emotional level of the heart is full to overflowing….
Saying our good-byes to our Marine…twice…(it was changed by a couple of days after he got up at 5:30 a.m. for his departure time)…..we were able to celebrate again…..time with Pipo/Chuckie….and Melissa Jo. (See Pictures Below)
Finally in our hearts…..we have ‘let him go’ so to speak….
Seeing things on TV….loses in Iraq….devastation from the earthquake and tsunami…..causes us to realize, ANEW, the preciousness and sacredness of these special times with our loved ones.
……Take nothing for granted….if you love someone….TELL THEM FOR CHRIST SAKE…..for you see…we can NEVER come back to these moments…..except in our memories…..
I say to all of you my family and friends…..I have one prayer on my heart for each one who reads my pages and puts up with my ‘foolish’ meanderings of the heart….
……May the year of our Lord….2005.…be the year that ALL your Dreams Come True….those dreams that you have put on the shelf, so to speak, and forgotten about…those dreams that you have not even dared to birth in words…..and dreams that will come to you ‘out of the blue’….so to speak…
This is my prayer for Y O U….
I claim it with Scripture….from the Living Bible which says….
Proverbs 13:12.…’Hope deferred makes the heart sick BUT…..When Dreams Come True At Last…..There is Life and Joy….’
Happy and Blessed….New Year.

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