Dec 15, 2004

Being Proud of being…YOU!

…..His parents were such an embarrassment to him. They were old world Italians, and they just didn’t fit in with his ‘image’. He had worked all his life to beat the stereotypes, and he’d done his best to deny his heritage. He lived in fear that his parents would show up at the wrong time and spoil everything. He was rich and popular, and he was ashamed of being associated with garlic-eating parents…….
There is nothing more sad than a person who rejects who he is and where he comes from. When we get so proud that we deny our families, then we have very little character or compassion. We should be proud of where we come from. Whether we are Italians, American, Russian, Black, White, Christian, Jew, Southern or any of a thousand other categories….
We come from a single source ….the blessedness of God to the human race that….ALL men are created equal in the eyes of the Creator….
We should be proud of this heritage.
How could we be otherwise?

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