Jan 25, 2005

I must apologize for posting a ‘silly’ movie review but the ‘opinion’ of this blogwriter below..... makes sense to me…in other words….in the final analysis….despite the sacrifices, mistakes etc….It IS a Good Life!

ramblings of an alleged sane person
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Blogspot http://fullyloaded.blogspot.com/

13 Going on 30

I just finished watching 13 going on 30 and after watching the movie, I can’t help but smile. It’s a nice no frills-no-thrills kind of movie that takes a look at what people think are important in life.

Jennifer Gardner playing the 30 year old Jenna Rink is both child-like and breath-taking at the same time. It’s a story about this 13 year old girl that wanted to grow up so badly that she got what she wished for the next morning she woke up.

Fast forward 17 years and she’s this savvy and not to mention sexy ad agency executive who has it all -- or so she thinks... She works for a very popular magazine, goes out with the cutest hockey player, owns the most expensive clothes and the lifestyle that most people dream about... however, as the movie progresses, we see that her fantasy life is yet to be envied...

Although she has everything, she has no true friends, she is disliked by many and she is feared by her colleagues. She soon realizes that her dream life is turning into a nightmare. She finds solace with a childhood friend Matt, who has turned into this handsome next-door-guy type who is soon to be married to someone else.

What made me write and include this movie in my Flick Pick is that the movie made me think about the mistakes that I did when Iwas er, younger.?

I may not be 30 yet, but there are some things in my life that I would want to go back to. Things that I did and persons that I hurt that are forever lost to time. We all want our second chances, but we are not as lucky as Jenna Rink to be able to go back and re-write our own history.

I often find myself wishing that I was back to some points in my life that I wished I had done something different. But as I said, we can only be so lucky... So where does this leave us? Well... Someone once said, there’s no use crying over spilt milk, and I agree... What we can do is get a mop and clean the mess up...

Life is about making the wrong and right choices and living with the consequences of these choices. Someone sent me a text message which I think is appropriate for this log and it goes something like this:

“When we were little kids, we couldn’t wait to grow up and fall in love, now that were grown-up, we realize that wounded knees are easier to heal than broken hearts...”

It is true that when we were a little younger, we wished so fervently to grow up, to be who we think we wanted to be... It’s funny that it is only when we grow up that we realize that things were much simpler when we were kids. Growing up entails a lot of work and relationships as we grow tend to become complicated.

This is why I liked the movie. Although it is far from reality, the movie more or less captures the impatience of youth and the dilemma that adults face.
It made me realize that instead of wishing for a better today, I should cherish what I have now and hope that when the time comes that I encounter another fork on the road, the better choice, if not the best would be easy to follow….

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