Jun 21, 2005

The Naked Truth!

Have you ever heard this expression, "He is telling the 'naked truth'!"
I had forgotten that colloquialism of the south.....
My dictionary says that "colloquialism is.......
...... informal expression: an informal word or phrase that is more common in conversation than in formal speech or writing......"
Today there are other phrases that seem to say this very same thing, for instance....no spin zone....
The Naked Truth projects a word picture of......total exposure, nothing hidden, everything out in the open..........

I have to smile in amusement as I reflect on an incident of long ago....
We were celebrating my dear Mom's 80th birthday and at one point several of her 'golden girl" friends and I were playing a game called, "I remember"....
There certainly was a history lesson around that table....
......but when it came to Mom's turn she said nonchalantly,
"I remember when women wore clothes and men told the truth..."

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