Jul 6, 2005

Grand Cypress Family Celebration ......

Wow, what a fun time our 'bacation' was at the traditional Grand Cypress Resort....
Having our new 'baby' with us added to the excitement...
PJ's 'Daddy' called from Iraq and we all got to talk to him....We also, viewed a recent video that he sent and was amazed at the hardships he is encountering plus the dangers that can be clearly seen in the video. Makes us much aware...anew....of the cost of.....freedom.
God Bless America and all her troops....worldwide...
As you can see from the pictures below.....we do enjoy the Good Life that America offers to her 'people'....
Thank you, Chuckie for being such a strong part of our freedom to enjoy such a life as reflected in our family 'bacation' pictures.....
We salute you, dear one ....and LOVE you so much!

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