Aug 24, 2005

Negative or Positive...... Happy:} or Sad:{

Two men went into the hospital at about the same time, having suffered similar heart attacks.

One of the men grew depressed and irritable. His attitude was sour and he cursed his fate.

The other man took it in stride. He kidded with everyone who came to visit him, and he laughed long and hard. He refused to be brought down by his plight. Instead, he occupied his time cheering up other patients and chatting with the staff.

The first man grew weak and frail. The other man left the hospital in good health, and resumed his old life quickly...

The way we face life has a lot to do with how good we will feel about it. If we are negative, then life will be a burden, but if we are positive, life will seem like the greatest gift we've ever known.

Happiness is .....CONTAGIOUS!

When we are happy it spreads....However, sadness is contagious, too, and when we are gloomy, we spread a gray cloud over all the people we meet. A positive spirit is like a powerful medicine. It has a great deal of power to heal. It is so much better to face life with joy than to let life get you down. The person who feels that life is bad will wither and fail...God gave us life to enjoy, and He blesses us when we embrace it with happiness and contentment....

Prayer: May God bless you and your family with Happiness, Contentment, Music in your soul and lots and lots of Love....

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